The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1182: Frightened

The three of them grew up together, and when they opened the trousers, they would not be able to play because of a toy.

But if the children in other courtyards dare to bully him, Bai Zhu and Hai Lou will not do the first thing.

Xiao Lin still remembers that the sea floor fell into the water that year.

At that time, his hands and feet were numb, and the children around him ran out. Bai Zhun refused to go there, saying that he had to save the sea building, and finally burned for two days.

The first thing that Bai Zhuan opened his eyes was to determine if he and the sea building had anything to do.

At that moment, Xiao Lin was identified. These two men are their own brothers, brothers of a lifetime.

And... the feeling of being memorized is always good.

Xiao Lin whispered a bamboo pen on his hand and couldn’t cover his happiness.

The three old men looked outside, full of comfort.

What makes them happy more than their children and grandchildren.

In the future, the children have to go a long way, so that they help each other, they are relieved.

Among them, only Li’s father is the most fragile. Compared with the two, his family doesn’t say anything, but he’s still forced to throw his grandson into the army.

Father Li took a tooth flower and turned his head and asked: "Old white, when are you going to send your family to leave?"

"When he graduates from high school, let's talk." "White Master lowered his voice and motioned them downstairs:" Xiao Ajiu is still young, and Bai Zhun is going to take care of her. Although the 18-year-old enlisted is late, but Bai Zhun should also be able to keep up."

Father Li nodded. "This is also the case. The main reason is that these old bones are still in place, and Bai Zhun has been arranged."

"You two are assured, Xiaozhun this child, can't you see it? Have the ability to lead." Xiao Laozi touched the beard and said: "These three children are sensible. Although the sea floor is naughty, but the heart is clear. Xiaolin is also a stuffy gourd. Sometimes I don't know what my grandson is thinking. Let's take a look and see what they want to do and do their homework."

Zhang’s adjutant stood by and listened to the dialogues of the three big men. This speech would be very shocking if others listened.

Because it is obvious that this is nothing more than specifying the heir.

The white family was originally a young master.

But the Xiao family is different from the Li family. There are three sons, not to mention the future grandchildren.

But the two of them set the heirs early, which means that the three children upstairs will not be able to...

Zhang adjutant looked up and glanced upstairs, trying to calm himself down.

However, the mother-in-law is still waiting for the white dress to soften.

Yan Xin first went to the street with Yan Qin and took her to the recording site. How come she was happy.

She is confident that when she returns home, she will receive a letter of apology from the White House.

Yan Xinguo’s husband, Yan Zhengguo, was still busy with the unit. He did not expect to see people from the white house.

He just wanted to go to the cold, the other hand raised his hand to stop his movements, a military uniform: "Yan, our father wants you to listen to this."

Said, the man clicked on the phone to record.

The more Yan Zhengguo listened to the white face, the more powerful it was. At the end of the day, there was no blood on the lips. He was in a hurry: "Adjutant, is there any misunderstanding?"

"The telephone is personally received by the head of the white. The recording is also very clear. There is no tutor in the population of the husband. It is the lady of the white family. The boy your daughter wants is the young master of the white race. The bureau has seen it before. This recording was sent by the young Master Bai Jun. There is still a backup in the young master. I will not know who will send it to me. This is a good place to keep listening..."

Yan Zhengguo's hand shake couldn't hold the phone at all, and there was an anger in the chest, and there was still no fear of it.

If such a recording is handed in, even if there is no white house, he will definitely be double-regulated.

He is not good at this wife, how can he get into the white house!

Yan Zhengguo’s anger is raging, and he still has to eat with other leaders at night. He has a very bad tone and has opened a phone call: “Where are you? Tell me right away!”

A glimpse of Yu Xin’s beggar: "Where did you take the peony, how is it so big?"

"I want you to tell me where you are!"

Yan Xin listened to the phone call of Yan Zhengguo, and played drums in his heart. After speaking the position, he immediately let the assistant speed home.

Yan Qin hasn't played enough yet: "Mom, don't you say that we are eating outside today?"

"Your dad is getting angry, don't know why, go home first."

Yan Xin was in a hurry. For many years, she took Yan Zhenguo’s temper and put it in place. Yan Zhengguo never fired with her like she did today.

What exactly happened here?

After all, Yan Xin is a mixed-race artist. The sense of smell is always more sensitive than the average person. Her intuition is an accident.

I don't know which part of the link is wrong. I can only wait in my home.

When Yan Zhengguo saw her, she slammed her mobile phone into her face: "You listen, you listen to what you said!"

Yan Xin’s face still smiles. Yan Qin is sitting next to her mother. It is already a junior high school student. Of course, she also has her own thinking: “Dad, what are you doing to my mom?”

"You shut up!" Yan Zhengguo turned around: "I haven't said you yet, who taught you to see the boys down?! Also threaten people to say what as long as the other person is your boyfriend, you will forgive others My sister? I usually teach you this way! All the faces of our Yan family have been lost by you and your mother!"

"I just like Bai Zhun, is it wrong?!" Yan Qin screamed: "How do I just post it? I am like a bright and upright!"

Yan Zhengguo's daughter's argument is a dizziness: "The two people who love each other are liked, and others have refused to be so obvious. You are still going up. This is not called a post. This is no problem, you still have Going to the troubles of someone else, do you know who you are getting!"

"Isn't it a white house? I know that the other party is very rich, and the piano has said one or two sentences." Yan Xin opened her daughter and softened the tone: "Even if there is money, we are not without it." Not to mention we still have people."

Yan Zhengguo’s teeth are hurting: “You and Bai’s people are more connected than you? You have a problem with your brain! It’s not ordinary rich people, it’s the white house of Honggen Zhengmiao! How many soldiers are there in the hands of the white master? Do you know? It’s still here Bibi!”

"Honggen Zhengmiao?" "Xin Xinzheng shocked, and the hard-wonness took a step back. She did not work hard to enter this circle. It is natural to know the hardest people in this circle or those with red background. These people are fundamentally It’s not that they can provoke Yanjia!

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