The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1188: Xiao Ajiu wants to give a comment on the evil

The singer was shocked and the fingers could not control and shook.

Dear brother?

In other words, the little child is the little princess that the Jue Wei Group has never seen before? !

The bright eyes are wide!

how could this be?

It should not be like this!

Yan Xin suddenly remembered that on the phone, a friend reminded her.

The other party said that this time the man wanted her to disappear in the entertainment circle.

Yan Xin shuddered, then fell heavily on the ground.

Finished, this time she is really finished.

A recording is enough to make people look good.

Many advertising companies have withdrawn their cooperation with her.

Even the reality show she participated in also called and let her stop.

Yan Xin knows that once the exposure rate is stopped, she will be abolished.

"There are Yan family, Yan family will definitely find a way for me." Xin Xin is like a heartless mad, persistently looking back.

The news that Yan Zhengguo was interrogated was exploded at this time. Once the recording of Yan Xin was published, there will definitely be people involved in the investigation. If Yan Xin knows how to converge, Yan Zhengguo may just be taken to ask questions. A trouble, using their own identity to incite public opinion, has caused the Yan family to completely lose.

Yan family fell.

Yan Xin was also excluded from the entertainment circle.

Nothing makes you feel more tormented than these.

Yan Qin didn't dare to go out because many people on the Internet were jealous of her.

Just like the first time, she was jealous of her.

At that time, she still looked at Weibo and smiled for a long time. She couldn’t wait for those people to put out the meat of the nine people, so that she would not be so inconvenient and always stick to Bai Zhun.

Now she is afraid of such a counterattack.

When Xin Xin went to the door, Yan Qin yelled and yelled, even impulsively: "You are not very capable in the entertainment industry, then let them shut up! To the last point No, I also involved my dad! If he went to prison, who will take care of me! Those people on the Internet have said that you are only relying on selling yourself. Today, why are people like you will be my mother? !"

Yan Xin only felt that her head was a little squeaky.

She does so many things, except for herself, for her daughter.

She had thought that no matter what she lost, her daughter would be with her.

I did not expect that Yan Qin cares who is better able to bring her a rich life.

At that moment, Xin Xin seemed to have seen himself, and another pirated version of himself had not grown up.

But this is one of her, so that Yan Xin’s eyes are completely gone.

She was deported by her own biological daughter, because her daughter worried that she would divide Yan's family property.

This reason may sound ridiculous in front of others.

But all this happened.

It was raining outside at night, and within a short day, Xin Xin tasted what it means to be a life-like death.

In the heavy rain, she wolfed her own suitcase, like a mourning dog, and did not dare to speak, because once she made a sound, it quickly caught the attention of the media.

She knows their journey very well. Once a person is unlucky, those interviews will be overwhelming.

It’s just that these things are not the most heart-warming, but her daughter.

"Why, why is this?"

The fingers of Chen Xin clenched, and when she walked forward, a slender figure appeared in front of her.

Men have a very beautiful face. Many media, whether domestic or foreign, want to get a positive photo of him, and every time these reporters will lose hope.

He stood in front of her, a pure black suit, and the hair was silver-gray, just like the mercury in the moonlight, every detail was filled with the uniqueness of men.

The rain seemed to be unable to touch him, and he looked at her like that, his eyes were indifferent.

"Jun, Jue total." Yan Xin stepped back and his eyes swayed.

"Why do you ask? It's very simple. The devil was originally nourished from the hearts of the people. You don't do this often. You can use the microblog to incite the public opinion to awaken the darkness of some people's minds." The man smiled. It’s like some playfulness: “You humans have a saying that is right. What kind of person do you use to look at others from other angles, that is, if your nature is bad, a good thing will come out and you will get bad. The direction to understand, then anger and curse, so it is no surprise that your daughter will become like this."

"You, what did you do to Xiaoqin?" Yan Xin's entire face was red, and his voice was screaming!

This problem made Bai Lijiajue turn his head and his tone was very weak: "She is your daughter, what do I need to do? You have taught her to be good enough to enjoy the current self-satisfaction."

Yan Xin stood up and wanted to grab the man's sleeves, only to find that she could catch only one piece of black feathers falling down.

The Baili Jiajue walked into the car, and looked at the hundred miles of him next to him with a long leg. "You should not tell your mother about this matter."

"Know." Baili Shangxiao laughed, and the demonic face was sinister and ridiculous.

Human beings are really too easy to be shaken.

So he didn't like to send Weibo.

Because some humans are really even more than demons.

At the very least, their demons are still quite the same.

It is said that the crime in the heart is the most terrible. There are many in the world where there are countless dark thoughts that can only be vented on the Internet.

Baili Shangxue is very worried that his sister will not feel good when he sees those comments. After all, whoever is allowed to be surrounded by a lot of inexplicable people will feel wronged.

What's more, she still doesn't know those people.

As it turns out, the sister control of Baili Shangxue still thinks a lot.

Because since Xiao Ajiu watched TV and knew that there was Weibo, her attention was not placed on those who had married her.

Instead, holding his own little face, licking the small tail on his pajamas, staring at the computer, watching the microblogging on the evil.

Then the little paws hit the keyboard and wanted to comment, but found that I had to register an account.

She doesn't have a QQ mailbox, she doesn't have a phone number, she can only hold a notebook, and she ran to Bai Zhuan: "Little brother, help me register."

Bai Zhu’s left hand holding the book slowly tightened, and the voice was a little cold: “A Jiu, you have watched Weibo for three hours, can’t read it anymore, it’s not good for your eyes.”

"I don't look at it, I comment." The little guy sat in the arms of Baizhun, very seriously and seriously said: "This said that you can comment."

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