The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1196: A nine out of the note

The old man saw her wearing a small monk clothes, and thought that she had encountered a small liar, but even if she was a liar, the child was too embarrassed.

The old man’s heart was good. When he thought about it, he took out ten dollars from his pocket and handed it to Xiao Ajiu: “Children, I don’t know the place you said. You hold this money, and when you are thirsty, you can buy something to drink.”

Xiao Ajiu looked at his little palm, his face was a little awkward, his head was small, and his eyes were full of question marks.

Why did she ask for directions, grandfather wants to give her money?

"Do not pay for money, Ah Jiu." The little man said that he had returned the money, and then folded his hands together and read: "Amitabha."

Since the grandfather here does not know, then she will go to other places to ask.

Just change the intersection, or there will always be a donor who will give her money.

Xiao Ajiu reached out and shot his own little brain: "Little white, grandfather, they must treat me as asking for money."

"Oh." The little white cat was very docile in her arms, as if it was in the annex.

Xiao Ajiu just held his pet and sat on the side of the road.

"I need to eat another **** and be quiet."

Little white cat: ... This is just an excuse to eat steamed bread.

Yes, it’s strange for Xiao Ai, even if she sat down to eat steamed bread, someone would throw the coin in front of her.

Xiao Ajiu scratched his head and did not realize that he had been onlookers.

“I found a little nun at work in the morning, it’s really cute!”

The masses are friends in this way, and they are accompanied by a picture of a small aunt who bows his head and the small claws stretch out there, which can really sprout the heart.

Xiao Ajiu felt that it was not a way to stay here. He took a picture of his own small station and stood up. He watched a bus go from the east, and then the people flowed into the car.

The child is really bringing money, and there are a lot of turtle shell bags.

She looked at someone who swiped the card, someone coined it, and took out two coins. She had to cast a little toe on it, and the child once again felt that her height had become her own injury.

There are not many people on this bus.

Xiao Ajiu found a seat, swaying the lotus root calf, big eyes looking out the window.

How to do? She wants to eat **** again.

The little man bowed his head and touched his little belly, and finally decided to endure it.

Do not blame the children will not take the car, usually go out to the driver to send, now what is the first time, Xiao Ajiu always feel that the route is still right at first, then it is a bit wrong.

So, Xiao Ajiu stood up very smartly. When he was at the last stop, he asked the conductor: "Auntie, I am going to the mountain, how should I go?"

The conductor also thought that the child was going to Xiangshan and immediately said: "Child, you are in the wrong car, from the next stop, you have to change..."

Xiao Ajiu seriously listened to the line that the conductor said. When he got to the place, he got off the bus.

However, the ticket seller did not know at all that the uphill mountain mentioned in the small A-nine mouth was not the Xiangshan in the capital.

Just a little embarrassed in my heart, how can people at home reassure their children and go out?

Along the way, I was in a small position, so that Xiao Ajiu paid attention to safety.

At this time, it has attracted the most congested time period. At 8 o'clock in the morning, which one is basically going.

Many office workers are busy crowding the subway to squeeze the bus, and the old Beijing city has opened its prosperity in a different atmosphere.

The fritters and the tofu brain are mixed in the air, and everything looks so lifelike...

The Li family, who is decorated with the atmosphere, is in the bedroom of Li Xiaobawang. Baizhan wakes up according to his own head. He can even smell his own full of alcohol, very rich.

Bai Zhuan licked his head, first removed the leg that was placed on him, and then stood up and walked into the bathroom.

The white T-shirt on his body was smashed, revealing a straight back, and the movement was very handsome.

The water drenched from above and he was awake.

Xiao Lin was awakened to listen to the sound in the bathroom. When I watched the watch, it was almost eight o'clock. I quickly woke up the lying Li Xiaoba: "Come on, go to school late."

Li Xiaobawang grabbed his own chicken-like head, and the light on the white standard that came out of the bathroom: "The trough, Baiye, you finally got awake, what did you do yesterday, do you know it yourself? You Betrayed me!"

"Is this the case?" Bai Jun rubbed his hair and asked Xiao Lin next to him.

Xiao Lin smiled slightly: "No."

"You two snakes and a litter of bastards!" Li Xiaobawang began to wear clothes while squatting: "Baiye, even if you don't remember what you betrayed me, you always remember that you crazy brush microblogging, say you want to go down Waiting for the little Ajiu?"

White's hand rubbed his hair, obviously he didn't remember anything. He didn't answer the words of Li Xiaobawang, but took the school uniform and looked at it.

How many Xiaolin can see that Bai Zhu is somewhat absent-minded.

In fact, Bai Zhunzhi is absent-minded, his chest is very uncomfortable, and such discomfort is like something is pressing him.

Just think of the attitude of Xiao Ai Jiu to treat the evil spirits.

Bai Zhun felt that the basin of cold water was drenched on his body, pouring from the head to the foot, so that he could not sleep even when he slept.

If it weren't for the bottle of red wine yesterday, time would definitely be particularly difficult.

When it rained yesterday, he looked at the window for a long time. After he had cut through the English test papers he had written, he resisted the urge to pick up people.

After the result of the Li family, the heart is even more unhappy.

Xiao Lin still knows Bai Jun's. He looks at him like that. He also knows that he is uncomfortable. He took a white shoulder. "Well, there are things to say later, we are all too late to go and eat something." Leave immediately."

Li Xiaoba also began to pack his bags in a hurry.

The three teenagers went downstairs and just sat down to prepare a steamed buns to finish the porridge.

Wang Hao’s long-distance ran from the outside, and it seemed to be very anxious, even sweating on his forehead: “Li Shaoye, is there a lady here?”

"Small A-nine?" Li Xiaoba’s mouth biting the buns, not forgetting to drink a soy milk: "I didn't see her coming."

When Wang Yi heard this answer, half of the body was soft, and the voice suddenly brought out a cry: "What can I do? I also found the canteen, nowhere, no lady, no room, she has breakfast today. Didn't eat down, this child, where is this child going?"

Hearing the words, Bai Zhun suddenly stood up!

The face that has always been beautiful and smiling, now loses all smiles, just like the blood on the body is suddenly frozen by something, an unprecedented disorder...

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