The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1198: A Jiu Jiu

When Bai Zhu looked at the words on the paper, the fingers became more and more tight, and the tight knuckles were white.

From the first day he met Xiao Ajiu, it seems that the child has been wronged all the time.

Even if he didn't grow up, he was also a junior high school student. He had already told himself that he had to take care of Xiao Ajiu.

In fact, he has done something in these two days.

He did not care about the children, and he did not even pick her up.

Bai Zhuan can even imagine how frustrating the child will be.

It is him who says that he is always a family member, but he is not doing it.

Bai Zhuan bit his lip and didn't even notice the broken lips.

The white man was finally reluctant to see his grandson so tortured himself: "Go, we will go to the mountain to pick up the little Ah Ji."

"No." Bai Zhun suddenly raised his head: "Small Aji never took a car. She didn't know the way back. Grandpa, she hasn't returned to the mountain yet. We must find her! Use white. The network of the family, look for it from the monitor!"

For the first time, Bai Zhun offered to use the power of the White House to do things.

The family training of the Bai family has always been strict. Bai Zhun is also a special among these children. He seems to rely on himself for everything since he was a child. He has never let his family care.

And now it is an unprecedented exception.

At that time, Xiao Lin only felt that no matter how principled one person would break these principles because of the emergence of another person.

Even that person will make you not like yourself.

Is it the moment that the love that is often raised in the mouth of the adults?

The teenagers are still small, and some things must be taken care of at home.

To call the monitoring, you need to take a lot of departments to get the streets out.

Generally speaking, the above meaning is that no matter whether it is a child or a woman, it can only be filed for more than twenty-four hours.

But in fact, everyone knows that 24 hours is too long. If during this period, Xiao Ajiu really encountered any danger, Bai Zhun will definitely regret it for a lifetime!

He can't wait at all, and he doesn't want to wait.

The current situation is already very obvious. Although Xiao Ajiu was not taken away, what happened to her after she came out of the compound, no one can predict that there will be traffickers in the city, and there will be traffickers. Xiao Ajiu is only six years old. The long one is smaller than the usual child, and it will inevitably become the target of the trafficker.

Even if these do not exist, Xiao Ajiu does not know the road here.

Bai Zhuan now only wants to go back to the night before, and put more cash in the child's small pocket, so even if it is lost, it will not be hungry.

Seeing that it is almost ten o'clock now, Bai Zhun’s heart will be uncomfortable as long as he thinks that the child has nothing to eat at noon.

He had seen the dirty children under the overpass, and they were asking the adults to ask for money.

He couldn't imagine how much he would feel if Xiao Ai Ji became like that.

He only hopes that his little Ajiu meets good people, even if she can give her something to eat...

On this day, the people in the urban area did not know what was going on. They saw a military vehicle walking in front of them. The car number was known to be from the army.

"Is it something to open again?"

"Impossible. Didn't it just finish the meeting some time ago? If it is a real meeting, there must be someone on the subway. The subway is not strict today."

"What happened to these military vehicles? A little bit more."

"I don't know, but it's really weird..."

Time passes by little by little.

Xiao Ajiu originally had to listen to the ticket sales aunt to change, but she did not know what was going on, why is it the same mountain, this mountain is not the same as the mountain she lived in before?

The little Ajiu Yue looks at the mountain, the more depressed the heart.

Knowing that this was not the place she was looking for, she sat back in the city with the bus.

Sitting and sitting, the child is sleepy, holding a little white cat in his hand, the little head is a little bit at that point, like a little tumbler, very cute.

Plus, what she wore was originally awkward, it was even more lovely.

I sat almost for half an hour. When I heard the newspaper station, Xiao Ajiu licked his big eyes with his claws and followed the crowd.

"White, have you smelled it? It's so sweet!"

Xiao Ajiu moved his little nose, holding a small white cat carrying a small turtle's schoolbag, and scented toward the front and walked over.

It turned out that Xiao Ai was confused and came to Wudaokou.

In this place, there are not only many schools, but also a lot of people, and there are so many things to eat.

Occasionally I can hear people passing by in the conversation in Korean.

Xiao Ajiu listened to the small head and listened to it. He ran to the side of the road and looked at the uncle who pushed the car with a pair of eyes.

The uncle was still looking for money. When he bowed his head, he looked up at Xiao Ajiu. He looked at her wearing a shackle and smiled after a moment: "Children, are you hungry?"

Xiao A nodded nine times.

The uncle's neat hand, painted his face on the pot: "Look at your uncle to make a pancake for you, let you taste it."

The thorn is ringing.

Xiao Ajiu asked about the taste of the eggs inside, and the little claws followed.

The white cat jumped on her head and swayed her tail back and forth.

After the pancakes were done, they were very hot. Uncle was very intimate enough to stack two layers of paper for Xiao Ai Jiu: "Try it, how about the uncle's pancakes?"

Xiao Ajiu is not afraid of hot, smelling the fragrant pancake flavor, taking it is a big mouth, the little face of eating is bulging, seeing it is very fragrant.

Originally did not intend to buy pancakes, watching the little A-nine so cute eating, they lined up there.

Xiao Ajiu eats one and is not full. After eating the pancake that the uncle handed her, she patted her little hand and followed the people.

To say that when you buy something, there is a little man wearing a shackle in the middle, and no one can stand it.

Xiao Ajiu did not pay attention to this. As a snack food, she only mentioned her small schoolbag, thinking about buying a few more pancakes for a while, and then seeing her little brother later, she gave it to her little brother to eat. My brother loves to eat pasta, and he will definitely like pancakes, um!

When the child goes out, he does not change his habit of nodding when he agrees with his point of view.

When others watched it, they only felt that a heart had to be germinated. Especially after the little one took the pancakes, they put the money in the money box and mourned the Amitabha. It was like a little monk.

"Hey." Xiao Ajiu had eaten, and people followed the spirit. Just wanted to study the next line again, and there was a sudden scream in the distance!

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