The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1205: The first two hundred and twenty, adolescence is coming

After dinner, it is the point of walking.

The outside temperature is somewhat cold.

Ajiu does not like to wear gloves. He always wears gloves like two kittens.

Bai Zhun also allowed her, but every time she went out, she would put A Jiu’s right hand in her coat pocket, and she was afraid that the child would be cold.

Li Hailou is actually not very fond of walking. Habitually use elbows to touch Xiaolin: "Look, you see, Bai Ye’s way of hurting children, then Gu Huahua wants to discuss with him how to sister. As far as Baiye raises his children, several people can do it. But how do I think that I feel that something is wrong, Xiao, you and I have a good analysis and analysis, this is almost the year, and it’s almost a year. It’s really twelve years old. According to Bai’s progress, how can I find a boyfriend when I am adolescent? You think about it, when we were twelve years old, did we start to have illusions about the girls, Xiao Ajiu also The same, Baiye sent the class to pick up the class every day. If the little boy is interested in which boy, he must not be scared away by the big Buddha.

"Sea House." Xiao Lin looked at him and looked at him: "I originally thought that after you talked about love, your mind would open up. It seems that even falling in love can't save your low-zero emotional intelligence."

"Can you talk well! Oh, attack me!"

Xiao Lin was too lazy to go see him, but Hailou had a sentence that was probably right. Bai Zhun wanted to feed Ah Jiu’s life.

To talk about the hard work, Bai Jun of this age must be very hard.

Xiao Lin still remembers that the last time they were sitting on the sofa watching a movie, Bai Zhusheng was the master of the flowers.

But that piece of film is clearly Li Xiaoba’s bad heart is given to Bai Zhun.

Bai Zhun did not even look at it. He only sat in a chair, lazily smoking a cigarette, and did not know what he was thinking.

At the time, there was no defense.

A nine pushes the door and walked in.

Before she could see the things on the screen, Bai Zhun took a quick step and took the door with a rare panic.

"Little brother, what are you looking at?"

"Nothing, the ghost film that just came out this year."

"Ghost film! I like watching ghost films most."

"This is not good-looking, it is very boring. When you take a trip to the cinema on weekends, let's go down and eat something. The yogurt in the refrigerator is hidden in the refrigerator."


Since that time, Bai Zhun has never allowed them to watch the film, and said that if they want to see it later, they will go out to open the house to see it, and don't bring it to the compound.

Even smoking, Bai Zhun does not seem to want Ah Jiu to see...

Speaking of the last time the young master who wanted to cooperate with Bai Zhun, he took them to the entertainment venue.

In fact, it is not surprising that they go to those places at this age. It’s just that Bai Zhun doesn’t seem to like it, and the whole body is full of people’s breath.

At that time, he knew that he could not compare with Bai Zhun.

He also likes Ajiu.

I really like it.

But he did not cultivate to the point of Bai Zhun.

He is still full of curiosity about the world.

He can't guarantee that he will not be sorry for Ah Jiu before Ah Jiu has grown up. After all, one's endurance is limited, especially the patience of this age.

Speaking of it, he is very admired by Bai Zhuan. In the end, how to do it in front of the girl he likes has always been so indifferent.

Xiao Lin smiled and bent, maybe not indifferent, but... it’s hard to bear.

It was night, at 9:30 in the evening, and it was the point where Ah Ji sleeps.

The pajamas on her body did not change with her age, and it was still a kitten's dress, just a few more than before.

And Ajiu's legs are very long, and he always wears his ankles when he wears his pants, but these also do not affect the beauty.

Wearing this soft pajamas in winter, the most comfortable sleep.

However, there has been a recent incident that made Ajiu feel a bit distressed.

I don't know why, in the middle of the night, my little brother will always get up and take a shower. It is still cold water. After washing, he will go to the next room to sleep with a quilt.

Is the little brother's recent sleep quality bad?

A nine looked up and looked at Bai Zhun from the bathroom.

After the white hair was washed, it became very dark, and the face that was lined was softened.

Juvenile Yan Ruyu, probably said this one.

Bai Jun rubbed his broken hair and sat on the edge of the bed.

Ah Ji originally wanted to take the towel on his hand and wipe it for him.

I didn't think she was just getting close, and the little brother's entire back was stiff.

"I suddenly remembered, I still have an English test paper did not do." Bai Zhuan side face, smiling at her, but the hand holding the towel is a little tight: "I went to the study."

A Jiu looked at the empty position, and he was very puzzled.

Doesn't it mean that the homework is done?

And when did the little brother become so loved to learn?

It is clear that you don’t have to write a test paper, you can also test the full score.

A nine people do not understand, lying in bed confused thinking, is her illusion, always feel that the little brother recently held her very few.

If the little brother is still in this state tomorrow, then she will hold him to sleep.

Well, she is the same with her...

Ah Jiu, who gradually fell into a dream, didn't know that in the study room across the wall, Bai Zhun did not write a test paper at all, but frowned and ordered a cigarette. He sat on a cold wooden chair, like Waiting for the unusual heat of the whole body, he reached out and pulled his collar, but it was such a normal movement, and he made a fatal sexy.

Most of the boys of this age can't control themselves, and the other side is pure.

Bai Zhuan spit a cigarette ring, and the face of that handsome beauty has been sharp and angular.

Xiao Lin said that there is nothing wrong with him. Such a person should have been the master of a thousand flowers, but because one person suppressed the innate nature.

Only when this nature will be exposed, no one will know.

As the night gradually cooled down, Bai Zhun did not know how long he had been sitting, and the maddening sweetness faded from his nose.

It seems that... I can’t see the other person as a child.

Bai Zheng held his hand with one hand, and the black broken hair fell, blocking his deep shackles.

He is very clear that he should sleep in a bed at a certain age, which is not good for him and Ah Jiu.

In particular, Ah Jiu has already begun to develop. He knows her body changes better than anyone else, but he simply does not sleep at the bed.

He is really a bit self-satisfied...

To the reader: August 8th, the first.

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