The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1227: The first one hundred and twenty-three, it was smashed

Two equally outstanding teenagers, temperament, four eyes, the sparks burning inside, almost everyone can feel it.

Bai Zhun also followed Xiao Lin and Li Xiao Bawang.

Almost for a moment, everyone in the cafeteria looked in this direction, and the surroundings were quiet.

Gu Roo also paused, and the smile was stiff on the corner of his mouth: "What happened?"

"I don't know." The two sisters sitting next to each other were a bit puzzled.

Li Xiaobawang went straight and went to Helian’s cleansing road: “That’s Bai’s sister, no matter how close you are to her, she will be far away from her. What are you going to find us to solve? After the playground, let's go... one to one!"

He Lian dusted his head and looked at the few people standing behind them. He smiled and said: "Is this one-on-one?"

Bai Zhun did not speak, loosened his hand with a faint expression, then turned back to Xiao Lin: "You go to eat first."

At this time, Gu Ru also came over.

"what's up?"

"Is this man rude?"

"Hey, isn't that the transfer student who is riding a bicycle? Is there money to eat on the second floor? I said that classmates, you go downstairs, that is where you should stay, want to find presence in front of Bai Zhun. I don’t think so."

Several sisters were there to say that the meaning in the words was already obvious.

Ah Jiu came to obey, and the second brother told her not to talk, she was staying.

But she looked at these people all around, one sentence at a time, every sentence is to say her second brother.

The child really couldn’t bear it. He slammed the chair next to him, and with a small face, he threw it at the person who spoke!

Of course, the child is measured and will not hurt.

But rubbing the side of the past thrilling, or on the spot let the few girls, even with Gurou are white.

"A Jiu, what's the matter with you? Throw a chair and come over, what do we do?"

Ah Jiu holds a white cat in his hand and grabs the hand of He Lian’s dust in one hand. It’s like ice: “It’s you.”

He Lian's dusty smile held his forehead, and he didn't talk, so he was squatted by his sister, and his eyes were still with his pets.

"We don't welcome us upstairs. Let's go downstairs to eat." Ah Jiu finished, and even the lunch box was gone. He was going to pick up the dust and go downstairs.

Li Xiaobawang is really a face-sinking expression: "Ajiu, you didn't pull the wrong person? This person is his little brother's opposite, he is so ill, you..."

"Let's get out!" A Jiuzi's scorpion lifted, and the suffocation of the bottom of his eyes really shocked Li Xiaobawang.

Gurou quickly advised on the side: "Ajiu, don't make a child's temper at this time, and the sea floor, don't be angry, Ah Ji does not mean to turn his elbows away, everyone is calm."

Hearing here, He Lian smiled, and the hand that had been left by his sister, received it back: "You don't have to go below to eat, our position is here, how can we go?"

A Jiu looked up and looked at his second brother. If the second brother said no, she would not leave.

Sitting back with his legs, holding a cat in his hand, eyes watching her second brother.

He Lianqing, a person who is basically a person who doesn’t put his eyes on his family, just sat down with a smile and explored his hand to touch Aji’s lunch box: “It’s cool, think What to eat, I will buy it." He said, he took a look at Bai Jun: "After all, you are the solution for me."

A Jiu did not understand why the second brother had to dress up with her as a pair of people who just knew each other.

However, the master also said that before she was under the age of twelve, it is best not to tell anyone who her family is.

Is the second brother also because of this?

A nine does not understand.

But the joy of seeing the dust of Helian has gone far beyond everything.

Ah Jiu never had a meal with the real family. Now I heard that Helian’s dust is going to buy her. Of course, I am very happy. I immediately stood up with the little white cat: “I will buy it with you. "

"Alright." He Lian Qing Xiao smiled and looked in the direction of Bai Zhuan.

Bai Zhuan’s hand squatted tightly, and the box of hot milk in his hand was also distorted by his force, and he looked at the scene with gloom. Countless emotions twitched in his eyes, like black. night.

Gu Rou looked at it and deliberately took a step forward: "A Jiu, hey, come back soon, this is something between adults. Don't let your little brother do it."

Ah Ji seems to have never seen Bai Zhun from the beginning. Now, after listening to Gu Rou’s words, he raised his cockroaches and looked at Bai Zhundao with big eyes: “Little brother, you are more together, I hug With white, sitting in the past has no place, it will only make you feel squeezed."

"Ajiu, how can you not understand it? Now it is not a matter of squeezing." Gu Rou long sighed: "You are really young, some things you still don't understand, come, first come to your sister. Is it good?"

Gu Rou said this, the girl standing next to her is really annoyed: "How can this child not even be divided between the enemy and me? Is there a question in the head..."

The two words of the question, she has not finished.

I saw a figure flashing from her eyes.

It was Helian’s dust, just like her neck, even the scorpion was cold!

"What are you doing!" Gu Rou is the first person to scream!

The students in the cafeteria also stood up!

Li Xiaobawang wants to copy the plate and hit people now!

A bang!

The plate was broken on the arm of Ajiu.

This time, it was blocked by Aji.

Li Xiaoba suddenly gave it to his face, and his face was white: "Ah, Ah Jiu, you..."

"Nothing." Ah Jiu is really okay, this impact is nothing to her, and she has a small face and smashes her hand.

Bai Zhun is distressed, and waits for no one to react. He will come over with Ah Jiu, and his face will be sideways. The scorpion is like a huge storm: "Xiao Lin, call, let Li Shushu come over immediately. !"

"Little brother, I am fine." Ah Jiu broke out and looked at Bai Zhuan: "I don't know what this brother did, so you don't like him so much. But let me look at your girlfriend, they are against this brother. I can't do it. This brother has come to the present, just wants to sit next to me and accompany me to eat, and has not done anything too much. The cafeteria is a public place, and everyone has the right to sit here. Eating, not everyone who has money can laugh at other people, the little brother is really, just like this, you eat yours, we eat ours, don't let me start to slap your people."

It was said that Bai Zhun suddenly slammed into a shock, and even the throat was like some pain from the words of A Jiu.

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