The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1229: My brother is late.

No matter how close, it is also an outsider.

It turned out that this is the feeling of being under the fence.

For so many years.

Even in the letter, Ah Jiu has never said to them.

So they always thought that Ah Ji was really carefree.

He grew up with his mother.

My brother grew up with his father.

The father, the man, does not take the child seriously.

But at least there will be a relative.

Only Ajiu, she was sent to the temple from birth.

He Lianqing still remembers how much the whole family is expecting the birth of a younger sister.

My mother also said that the only one of the three children she felt sorry for was the little girl.

The talented Buddha is destined to be with the father and the king.

The world is warm and cold, perhaps only the children themselves will know.

There are songs in the distant campus radio station. The lyrics are sung like this: "When you are depressed, you will always feel the weight of loneliness. People who are eager to understand will give some warmth to borrow a shoulder..."

He Lian dusted down the scorpion and looked at the little girl with a pair of eyes in his arms. He reached out and hugged the man: "Sorry, little girl, the second brother is late..."

The breeze passed and the snow fell.

On the empty playground, you can see two hugs from afar.

The juvenile's side face is always so beautiful, and Helian's dust is always more delicate than the evil spirits of the hundred miles. The favor of Ah Jiu can be seen from every move.

Time passed a bit slow.

Especially in the classroom, Bai Jun sat in his position, and the location of the dusty side of Helian was empty.

Li Xiaoba Wang Yue thought that the more he felt wrong, but when he looked at Bai Zhun, he did not dare to say more. He could only comfort himself: "Aji is definitely too small. I don’t understand what happened. When she pondered over, she must have felt that she was doing something wrong. Maybe after the two nights, I will reconcile the two. Ajiu has always been sensible, and the reaction is a bit slow. Don’t worry, how big is it. That's right, right?"

"The sea floor is right, this matter is fundamentally a misunderstanding." Xiao Lin also felt that Ajiu was not sincere. He said those words, perhaps only because of the attitude of the girls at that time.

Li Xiaoba’s eyes lit up and continued: “You see even Lin Zi said this, who is the enemy who is me, Ah Ji is still not reacting, let the children digest and digest, she can definitely understand, we did that at the time. It’s for what, and some words, it’s also the unintentionality of everyone, girls, it’s not like that.”

Bai Zhuan hangs his throat and does not speak.

Xiao Lin patted his shoulder: "Don't think too much, Ah Ji always wants to go home. When you pick her up in the afternoon, let's just say things."

But can you really talk about it?

When we are young, we always ignore the most critical problems.

A person, you can't always think that she will not be hurt because she is straightforward.

Ah Ji is really slow, but that doesn't mean she doesn't understand anything.

The more ignorant, the easier it is to be upset.

This is probably the gap between the ages of 12 and 17.

The latter has learned how to maintain the interpersonal relationships around the former, but the former has only pure love and dislike.

The class bell is still ten minutes away and will ring.

At this time, Ah Ji, who was planning to return to the classroom, received a call.

The person who called was Gurou, and her voice was still very good: "Hey, is it a little nine?"

A Jiuhu had a small face and frowned. "No, it hangs."

Gu Roo: ...

Telling the truth, Gu Roo was hung up for a moment after the death of the phone.

Because she never thought about it, Ah Jiu will hang up her phone.

A lot of words prepared by Gu Rou, all of them are in the middle of the throat, and can't control the second call!

A nine did not pick up.

Helian cleaned his brows next to him.

Gurouzi, who was on the phone, gradually sank.

Originally, she thought that the other party was just a junior high school student who didn't understand anything. She did not expect that in some respects, she actually underestimated the other party.

The phone has been ringing.

Ah Jiu did not pick up, but He Lian and dusty smiled for her.

Gu Rugang wants to speak.

Helian cleaned the dust to the left and hung up.

Gu Roo: ...

what is happening! ! ! !

Ah Ji also looked at the side, and the white cat was still on the head. I don't understand why the second brother came here.

Helian’s dusty mouth has an arc: “Little sister, you remember, driving a person crazy, not because she doesn’t pick up her phone, but after picking up, she doesn’t give the other person a chance. Of course, play After three times, what she wants to say, we can still listen."

A Jiu’s very nodding nod is really good for her second brother’s words.

So when Gurou called the phone for the third time.

She quickly opened the door and only listened to the other person saying "I", then she hanged the phone again.

Gurou:! ! ! ! !

"Oh." Gu Ru really is a bit of a break. I want to know that she is a real business child. Compared to the girls who appeared before Bai Zhu, she is not only a means, but more born. training.

She likes Bai Zhun. Apart from being desperate in pursuit, there is still a very large part of it because she thinks that a little girl like A Jiu is not worthy of the game.

However, Gu Jun really did not expect that the other party would hang up his phone.

Once or twice, she can be regarded as the wrong button, which is three times in total, and it is deliberate.

Gu Ru tightened the white iPhone in his hand, and the expression on his face became awkward.

"Gurou, what's wrong with you?" She stood next to her sister who followed her to her.

Gu Ru listened to a friend's words before he came back and adjusted his facial expression, followed by a smile: "Nothing, that is, Bai Zhun's sister does not want to pick up my phone."

"The junior high school student who is not sensible, what do you do with her." One of the sisters was very angry.

Gurou smiled and said: "You don't want to do this. Then she said that she is the sister of Gu Zhun. Li Xiaoba and Xiao Lin also have to take care of her. I will give her an explanation."

This is the high-mindedness of Gu Rou. She never knows how bad Ah Jiu is. Every time she expresses her meaning, she is always a little bit ignorant.

Over time, this idea will subtly influence everyone's thinking.

This is a common method used by business people, and Gu Rou has been with Gu Laozi all the year round. This technique has become her most common life.

In this way, it really seems that Ah Ji is not sensible.

Gurou was already the best, and he was hanged up for the phone.

But this time, the other party actually picked up!

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