The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1236: First thousand one hundred and forty

However, she still thought wrong.

Bai Zhun turned around and didn't even look at her. The tone was very cold: "Zhang adjutant, go drive the car, send Miss Gu to go, I take the Li family's car to go to school, and, after breakfast, what to eat, Don't let others make their own claims for me."

After that, Bai Zhun did not say any extra words. When he picked up his bag, he walked out of the white house.

Zhang’s deputy was blinded and reacted: “Yes.”

Gurou's face is a bit ugly.

The white brow's brow wrinkled, when his grandson did not understand the rules, this is an embarrassment to the family.

Gu’s father didn’t care what he was eating. He just thought that the white kid was a little angry. In order to ease the atmosphere, he teased his granddaughter: “Look at you, chasing too tight is disappointing.”

Gu Rou took care of the bamboo chopsticks in his hand and smiled: "What are you talking about? Grandpa, I just want to smash the white car. Now I have a car. I go to school myself."

Said on the mouth, Gu Jiao is particularly dissatisfied, she did not expect that for the child, Bai Zhuan even the surface of the relationship is ignored.

This is not like what he should do.

However, it doesn't matter, she is not in a hurry.

In the cold ice, she has the confidence to warm him up...

On the other side, one middle and high school, three years A class.

In the hallway of the stairs, the students who are going back and forth are the high school students who are going to take the exam.

Holding a high-numbered book in one hand and a good breakfast in one hand, walking very fast.

Usually, two or three people walk together.

Especially when it is almost time to take the exam, basically everything will be done with good friends.

The girls were wearing school uniforms, holding school bags, and when they walked to the door of the class, they suddenly stopped.

Nothing else, because the railing is leaning against a person who should not be here.

That person is not someone else, it is a small A-nine holding a lot of breakfast.

She was still dressed in the morning, and she was standing there. When she came over, she would raise her eyes and look at it. Even the white cat on her head would follow her.

Some people have seen this scene, it is really unwanted, and immediately began to take out the mobile phone to take pictures and send friends.

"The one thing in our school, is there any school in your school?"

This one……

Other schools are really not!

The seniors here have some school sisters who really like the little Aji.

In their minds, Ah Jiu is much more handsome than many boys, such as the last time he was carrying a suitcase.

So, A Jiu went there for a stop, and the school sisters all surrounded it.

"A Jiu, are you coming to the White University Grass? Your sisters will help you now!" Look at the skin more white and wood! I want to pinch it! It’s so cute to wear cat claw gloves!

A Jiu holding the pile of breakfast shook his head: "No, I am waiting for the dust brother, I just looked through the classroom, there is no him."

"Clean brother?"

"who is it?"

Some people have not responded yet.

Another sister yelled out: "Is that handsome guy transferring students!?"

At this time, people reacted to the handsome guy who did not call the student, but called Helian.

"Wait for him?" The sisters looked at it, this... they didn't get it wrong.

Ah Ji had a little head at that point and continued to stand in the same place, like a small mushroom.

"The handsome guy turns the student, isn't it right, I mean, Helian cleans the dust, he seems to come especially late." The school sisters told Ajiu: "Would you like to go in the classroom with us?"

"Right right, enter the classroom!" Some of the school's sisters have no resistance to Ah Jiu, giving the proposer a big praise!

In this way, Ajiu was promoted to Class A classroom by a bunch of fans and sisters.

Someone still said to Ajiu: "Ajiu, that is the seat of the white university grass, we just lined the table, you have to sit in the past."

Ajiu remembered the dialogue in Baijia today, and paused and asked: "Where is the seat of Qingchen brother?"

"Ah?" The man squatted first, then pointed to the right side of the window.

Ah Ji looked at it and took it to the past. He turned his head and bent his body and looked inside. There was nothing in the desk, not even a book.

How can the second brother not even bring a class?

It seems that I will not listen carefully to the teacher’s lecture.

Ah Jiu squatted and was about to put all the breakfast on the desk.

Bai Zhuan and Li Hailou walked in.

The moment I saw Ah Jiu.

All three people paused.

A Jiu also finished the breakfast, and an unguarded look up, it greeted the dawn of the white quasi-deep.

Li Hailou frowned. "This is... the desk of Helian's dust?"

What Ah Ji is doing is already obvious.

Each of them has eyes.

Bai Zhun looked at the already sharp breakfast, holding the finger of the bag, and the roots were tightly attached to it. Even the smooth bones were partially whitened.

When he went out, he was still worried that she would not be hungry if she didn't eat.

Unexpectedly, she actually didn't need him to worry at all.

She not only eats herself, but also learns to send breakfast to people other than him.

Bai Zhun once again realized how special this person was in the eyes of Ah Jiu.

The shock in Li Hailou’s eyes was so obvious that even Xiao Lin frowned and looked at Ah Jiu.

Ah Jiu did not react, and lifted up his schoolbag.

"Ajiu, you are really..." Li Xiaoba is not angry: "Do you like him so much?"

Xiao Lin reached out and took Li Xiaoba back: "The sea floor!"

"No! This child has to teach! She doesn't know anything at all, she always comes in her own way, and no matter whether others will be embarrassed because of her, the previous things are small things, we can all follow her. This time, I can't do it. "Li Hailou is really sad. He doesn't understand why Ah Jiu is for an outsider, and they are doing the same thing with them:" She is not good to anyone, but it is the guy who is cleaned by Helian..."

Ah Jiu interrupted his words, and his voice was serious: "Yes, I just like to clean the dust brother, even if it is difficult for you, this fact can not be changed, so you think that I am not sensible."

After that, Ah Jiu will walk out of the classroom with the little white cat on his head.

Bai Zhun turned back and pulled people, and his voice was a bit low: "Why don't you wait for me to eat breakfast first?"

Ah Ji didn't want to talk about meat and vegetarian food. It seemed that it would become someone else to move her. She would only make others feel embarrassed, but she didn't want to lie, and she shook her head.

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