The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1245: The first one hundred and forty-nine birthday party begins

Time passes by.

Bai Jun was sitting in the car. Because of the illness, the hat was buckled on the head. The mask was even more sturdy: "How long does it take to get to the city?"

The driver looked at the front of the car has a loose traffic: "More than two hours should be able to get, the young master assured, can catch the banquet opening."

Bai Zhun didn't care if he could catch up with the banquet. Compared to these, he wanted to do it with Ajiu to push the birthday cake in front of him.

Thinking of that picture, Bai Zhuan’s face finally had a smile on his face. He took out the purple jade Buddha head and held it in his palm: “Go to the school first, then pick up the Aji and then return to the compound.”

"Young master, that's the case..." Zhang adjutant twisted his head: "There may be no time to start." Shouxing is not on the scene, and the time is too much, not to mention that this birthday is not the same as any previous one. Adult feast.

Bai Zhu looked out of the window and didn't speak. Obviously, I knew that there would be something wrong with it, but it didn't seem to be important for him.

Zhang’s adjutant has always known that the young master is looking at the weight of the young lady. He definitely wants to be with the lady.

And the young master also said to the head, he only exposed the face for two hours at the banquet, and then went to the birthday with the lady alone.

No wonder today, the young master has been asking time. If there is no such thing as a young lady, it is estimated that it will block the car. He will only look at some technology stocks without hesitation.

Sometimes Zhang’s adjutant really feels that the young master is not like a 17-year-old boy. He thinks that he is far more than his peers.

The young master who planned this way from a young age, perhaps the appearance of the young lady is his only unplanned.

Zhang’s adjutant still remembers that before the lady arrived at the White House, the young master did not welcome the sudden increase of one person at home.

When Miss was wearing a step-by-step walk, it was brought in by the young master himself.

You must know that the young master has never been like this to other children.

At the time, they all thought that Miss was a male baby and was still a young monk.

Who can think of being a girl.

From that day on, the younger generation has become more and more lovable.

Let him say that all the patience of the young master in this life should be placed on the lady.

In the past, even if the young master went to practice in the temple, he never believed in such things as the Buddha, until the lady came to the white house.

The young master almost bought the jade Buddha that he could buy. This is not so easy for the young master who does not need half a penny at home.

However, because of this, the young master has not yet joined the military.

There was a lot of time to drink and drink at the beginning. If it was the former young master, he could not imagine.

There is a white house, and in fact, it is no longer necessary for the young master to go so hard.

However, the young master did not think it was enough.

This may be the white family, the roots are red seedlings, the blood flowing in the blood is always the soldiers.

Home and country are always inseparable in their eyes...

Probably because of the trail, after entering the national highway, the car began to have a significant speed increase.

The performance of the white quasi-sitting car is good, and the speed is much faster than the ordinary car.

Two hours later, he reached the door of a lieutenant colonel on time.

Three forty five.

Bai Zhuan glanced at the time on the phone, pushed the door open, and walked toward the office building.

What he thought was to give Ah Ji a leave in the last class of the afternoon, and then go to the classroom of Ajiu.

“Ajiu?” The third class teacher lifted up and looked at Bai Zhuan: “She didn’t come to class in the afternoon, she left at noon. Isn’t it your birthday today? She should go home early, she was a few days ago. I have come here to ask for a holiday and say that I want to buy you a birthday present."

The teacher’s words made the smile in Bai Zhu’s eyes more obvious.

Zhang’s adjutant watched his young master go to the teaching building and come back. It’s like a change. It’s inevitably a bit strange. What is the situation?

"Go home." The white dresser put on the mask and raised his mouth.

Zhang’s deputy snorted: “Don’t pick up the lady?”

"She should be at home."

When he heard Bai Zhun, the driver did not hesitate any more, and he stepped on the accelerator and drove into the traffic.

The military parks are basically in the same class of cars.

In addition to some military complexes, there are some giants in the army.

When Hummer drove into the compound, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon and the banquet was about to begin.

There are a lot of guards and bodyguards arranged outside the compound. Everyone needs a guest invitation to enter.

Any invitation without an invitation is rejected, and the review is very strict.

The two girls who are next to Gu Roo are still saying: "Fortunately, there is Gu Rou around us. Otherwise, we can't come in at all."

"Yeah, yeah, when you just entered the compound, there are still people who will let you show your invitation. When you come to the White House, you can't even use the invitation."

Gu Rou laughed and put them in their ears: "Look at these two doors is the bodyguard of our family. I can brush my face."

"Sure enough, the water tower first got the moon." The girl teased Gurou.

Gu Ru said this to the truth: "White grandfather and my grandfather were long ago comrades-in-arms. The two people have deep feelings, but my grandfather went overseas and went to business. White grandfather was originally a military family. In the compound, this white birthday, it is not surprising that we have our family."

However, when she heard that Bai Zhun went out early in the morning, she made a slight change in the layout.

Ah Ji is not so giving her not to come to Taiwan, do not want to come back with her?

Similarly, she did not want to see the existence of this person at the birthday party.

Then wait until the same time, she let people let her in.

Gurou smiled lightly and licked his long hair. It looked very pure and brilliant: "We are going to go ahead, and there will be less than ten minutes for the banquet to begin."

"Ah, I am really excited what to do?"

"What are you excited about, it is not your birthday, but it is said that this banquet has to start, how is the white university grass still not coming?"

At this time, in the atmosphere of the luxurious Baijiafu, the long table has been put on delicate dishes, and a bottle of good red wine, even the outside of the yard began to point to the heap of fruit, the whole sheep, the knife and fork are Unlimited supply, outside the yard is a soldier wearing a military uniform, inside is an external professional chef and waiter, all are busy, more than the banquet in the hotel to have more texture, let people look at the heart I don’t want to expect...

To the reader's words: I am really going to pick up Ajiu and go home. I will give you all the pictures I want to see. Since the author has been relishing the fever for two days, I can only write barely, so I hope the beauty can be more patient and don't remind me. , love you, what?

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