The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1257: The first one hundred and sixty-one face continued, Bai Zhun

Gu Rou has always relied on his own guess that Ah Jiu is the origin of the poor family.

Only Ah Ji’s child was lucky, and she met her kindly sorghum and took her back to the temple.

So by this opportunity, I got to the white house.

If it is not the sorghum is also the master of Bai Zhun.

Who is this person, I am afraid that no one knows yet? At most, it is just a village girl!

How could it become the sister of Bai Zhun.

It is because of this relationship that Gu Rou is unscrupulous and wants to isolate her.

An orphan woman is only the luck of the white family, and even becomes the only person who allows Bai Zhun to allow access.

But now, someone told her that the child is not a village girl, but a little princess of the Jue Group!

Gurou only felt the burning pain on her face, and she could not replace her current emotions.

Because of the laughter on the corner of Helen Weiwei, it is obvious to tell her what is called self-inflicted.

She looked at the scene and groaned in her heart. There was only one thought, she was finished.

The two girls who had been smug with her behind were even whitened.

They know that Ajiu is not the biological granddaughter of Baijia, but the news that he did not know from which mountain to raise a woman is still heard from Gurou.

So I didn't take the child seriously.

Now, as soon as they think about what they have said, the hearts of the two girls have started to tremble.

The little princess of Jue Wei Group.

They are too late to get rid of it!

Such a message is indeed like a blockbuster.

Not only did those who ridiculed Ajiu a heavy blow, even the white light of the short-sighted swaying with the violent shaking, the teenager's clean and beautiful face was full of shock.

He looked at the child he had raised for nearly eight years.

I never thought that the other person would have a loved one besides him.

Since the time in the mountains, the child has held his fingertips with a soft little hand, wearing a shackle, holding a bare head, seriously calling him a little brother, saying that he will be good to him in the future. .

Bai Zhun told himself that he must take this child as his own.

Give him all the things that can give her.

Only she wants, as long as he has.

Ah Ji has no relationship with his father and mother.

Anyway, Ah Ji has him.

He will make her the happiest person.

I remember when I was young, she always turned her head in his arms. She also said that her mother sent her away for a reason, but the specific reasons did not say.

At that time, Bai Zhun only felt distressed, because he could clearly see the thoughts hidden in the eyes of the child in the eyes of the child.

He thought that she had lost her parents as herself, so she used this to comfort herself.

but now……

Bai Zhu looked at the still cute little tiger face. For a moment, the heart turned into a bottle of colorful paint.

I don't know how to describe that mood.

His girl finally has a family too...

"No wonder Ajiu liked the evils from a young age! What is his movie, she is very keen!" Li Hailou’s IQ is like being suddenly lit up directly. He suddenly took his hand at himself. On the forehead: "My God, it turned out to be like this! For that guy, she didn't look at me with fierce eyes."

Xiao Lin also remembered the first time when he was shopping with Aji, and Ah Ji saw the scene of the evil in the big screen of the mall.

At that time, he felt that Ajiu was not like a child who would chase the stars. However, he was particularly irrational in dealing with the problem of evil in the hundred miles. It was like a little girl who pursued the love of beans. Not so much on the TV, every time she went out on a hundred miles, her rounded almond eyes were bright.

At that time, Bai Zhuan also ate a big bowl of dried vinegar because of this incident, and once went out to live outside...

Now think of it, my sister's own brother is definitely wireless support and like.

Also, when they met Helian’s dust in the school cafeteria and provoked the other side, it’s no wonder that Ah Jiu’s reaction was like that, and they watched them with vigilance, without a trace of concession.

They didn't understand why Ajiu would be like that for an outsider and them.

Everything is now plain.

When they were on the dust with Helian, there were two girls next to them who had been slashing the dust.

According to A Jiu's temper, at that time, she did not directly rush over, and she flew off her feet. It was her maximum tolerance.

It is estimated that Ah Ji was taking care of their faces at that time, and they did not smack them.

Even so, how did Bai Zhun come over that day, he and the sea floor are very clear.

Ah Ji is in front of him and chooses to protect others.

That afternoon's class, Bai Zhun did not go up, but did not mind to manage other things.

Otherwise, Gu Ro will not stay for so long.

Xiao Lin thought of this, and passed the blind man, and could not help but glance at the direction of Bai Zhun.

Now Bai Zhu is most concerned about the identity of that person.

Since Helian Qingchen is the brother of Ajiu, the two people should have nothing to do.

However, Xiao Lin knows that Bai Zhun’s for Ah Jiu is really something that he did not do before, and he did it all.

For example, doing business in the sea.

It is up to him to open the network, and Bai Jun is responsible for all operations and command.

They make a lot of money and they will make investments. After all, resources are there.

Bai Zhun has always been like this. He is always practical compared to his peers.

All this is because he wants to be stronger.

The boy once told himself that even if there is no white house, he has to give Ah Ji the best life.

But now Ah Ji not only has a family, but the background is so incredible.

With the character of Bai Zhun, in addition to being happy, there should be other deeper things...

Helian Weiwei didn't go to see other people's reactions. Her eyes had always looked at her family, and then she reached out and touched Ah Jiu's head. The voice was not flat, but Gu Gu's face changed his face.

"My misunderstanding is this misunderstanding." He Lianweiwei chuckled: "My daughter, not as Miss Gu thinks, is very poor. I didn't want to be so big, just a 17-year-old girl, no. Enjoy the youth, you have to hide so many opportunities to deal with a person who is smaller than her, Gu Gu, do you really think that there is no one behind my daughter?"

When Gu Gu heard this, he looked around and looked at them. He quickly explained: "This is a misunderstanding. Xiaorou has absolutely no intention of dealing with Ajiu!"

To the reader: September 11th, 11:00, the first.

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