The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1264: The first one thousand one hundred and sixty-eight, no longer confession, Ah Jiu left

Helen Weiwei looked at a pair of fathers and sons on his own side, and quite helplessly supported his own amount with his fingers.

Only at this time will these two people have a tacit understanding.

Usually, they are clearly incompatible with each other. When they arrive, they should start to make up the group.

Just... what did the child say?

Helen Weiwei's eyes were placed on Bai Zhun's body. She suddenly remembered the email she sent to her before her daughter.

Although there is a word in the above, there is indeed a little bit of love between the words.

She also let the Buddha explain to her.

My family is still too simple. Do you not know that Buddha never cares about this kind of thing?

It seems that their family is not unrequited.

But it’s too early to settle down when I’m twelve years old.

Although she was at the age of almost the same, she gave the title of a certain priest, but ... a nine is not the same.

Her prostitute should be looking at her value without her.

Her niece used to be very popular in the past, and said that she would like to be a temple host, and she wanted to be very serious.

Helian Weiwei always thought that her family prostitute was a career type.

Why is it being publicly confessed in this way?

She didn't think there was anything. Her daughter was liked to show that her daughter is excellent!

After all, she is always assured of the character of the white family.

It’s the father and son who know that someone likes their own prostitute, and their reaction is definitely not too friendly...

Helen Weiwei thought about it for a moment, and still felt that when it was appropriate, help the white boy.

I can't let your Highness let them flatten people.

After all, the punch of a highness of the temple, not everyone can afford it.

It is really possible to make a hole in the ground.

The most important thing is that Helen Weiwei responded at that moment, and felt that there were not many people who were courageous like Bai Zhun in the future.

Who can't chase Aji, who is the father and son?

What if I get the pursuers away?

This is really a problem.

So after Helen Weiwei’s thought struggled for a while, the sideways blocked the way the Bailijiajue could pass.

After seeing someone's movements, Baili Jiajue slid a faint smile in the deep light, then reached out and slammed the man, and the voice was low: "You can rest assured, I don't do it."

“Talking about the truth?” Helen Weiwei confirmed the eyebrows in order to avoid a short period of time.

Bai Lijiaju nodded: "Truth."

Just when Helen Weiwei just felt that he could breathe a sigh of relief.

Just listen to one of the temples and say: "The original thing to do is to go to the evil."

Helian Weiwei: ...

As the defendant's white party, A Jiu, the pair of original almond eyes are now bigger and brighter, so staying in the same place, like a little can't believe what you heard, on the head The two hairs are still vertical, a small face is exquisite and beautiful, and the eyes are stunned and stunned.

So... the person that my little brother likes is not Gurou, but her?

Li Hailou also had a big dawn because of this sudden news. It was full of sluggishness. It was really nothing online: "White Lord, Bai Ye, he said he likes it, like Ah Jiu?"

"I really admire your emotional intelligence, but I can still hear it." Xiao Lin said a faint sentence.

Li Hailou is very proud: "That is, I am very smart and good?"

Xiao Lin: "... smart? Hehe!"

However, Bai Zhun this guy finally couldn't help it.

Also, the family members have come to find it, and then they will not say that Ah Jiu will go?

Gu Laozi was also shocked. His eyes looked in the direction of Ajiu. His eyes swept over her white wrists, and the back suddenly followed a shock. Then he looked up suddenly and his pupil swayed and looked at Bai Zhun. You promised me the conditions I came up with because of her?"

"Yes." Bai Zhun did not look after the father again.

All his attention now is on Ajiu.

He is watching her expression.

Perhaps it is too early for a girl who is less than twelve years old. ‘

But he really can't hold back anymore.

However, when this moment came, Bai Zhuan still felt that he had stepped into the abyss with one foot.

It’s just a deep abyss.

If Ah Ji is disgusted with him, treat him as a metamorphosis. ‘

What should he do?

Bai Zhuan bent his own white fingers, and the **** crescent in his palm had begun to overflow the blood.

His face did not see the slightest emotional change, but it was so dark and deep, and he looked at Ah Jiu intently. Everyone in the light could detect the gentleness.

Gu Cheng looked at him and his fingers licked.

But nowadays, he finds that he can only watch it like this.

After Gu Jia did so much to Xiao Douding.

What if he perceives the strangeness in his heart?

The two people, although far apart, but Xiaodouding always thought about her little brother.

And Bai Zhun... He finally knows why the cousin has such a big hostility to Ah Jiu.

Bai Zhun’s eyes on Ajiu have never been concealed.

The kind of gentle to the corner of the mouth will have a smile.

Everyone knows what it is.

He used to think that it was his brother who hurts his sister too much.

just now…

Gu Cheng whispered and his fingers fell down.

Gu Laozi also began to be afraid, and once again looked at the white father, but did not think that this time his words have not been said.

The white man interrupted him. His voice was the medal on his shoulder: "Old Gu, our sentiment is our sentiment. What you said just now, I can’t believe you are from you. The mouth said, the younger people made a mistake, let them recognize it, but you are obviously in a partiality, old Gu, not your granddaughter is a granddaughter, no matter who is the child of Ah Ji, she is me The white family is my granddaughter. You always say that I am reading the old feelings and taking care of your granddaughter’s face. Our family does not like to eat meat. These days, the family’s food has changed because of you. Amaranth, the child did not say a word, she has always been sensible, after coming to the White House is like a pistachio of the white family. Bai Zhun lost his parents and no one close to him from childhood, with her, Baijia this home It gradually became like a home. My grandson has changed. You asked me to say something for you. Who is going to shout for my granddaughter?"

When Gu’s father heard this, his face was completely white. If he didn’t even help him, then Bai Zhu’s action was really unscrupulous, and the business materials of his family would be dug out by him.

In other words, in addition to the Ju Wei Group, even the White House is openly opposed to them.

That family... Is there a way to live?

To the reader's words: Second, what about the beauty, and what.

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