The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1276: what's the situation

Zhao’s head and adjutant on the side saw this situation and could not help but stunned.

"What is the situation with this kid?" Chief Zhao asked his own men.

The adjutant shook his head, mainly because he himself was too aggressive!

Bai Ye has never been like this.

I always feel that there is something in it...

The head of Zhao sank for a while and said: "A big does not belong to our scope. Besides, our troops have never been to the school to give military training. I will call the army branch. You are with them, I don’t know if you have gone. Is training college students, or training those army, their heads have to meet you to salute, you stupid boy is really alive and go back, do not do well, have to give military training, your identity... forget it, Anyway, you have no tasks recently. I can warn you to walk with the few nephews under your hand. If you leave one, I will not finish with you!"

"Yes." Bai Zhu was perfunctory and respected a military ceremony, and his face was careless.

Zhao’s head wants to jump again!

Bai Zhuan did not even return to the first one, and his mouth went to his dormitory with a smile.

Even on the white, there are a total of six people living in the dormitory.

Unlike the dormitory of college students, the mess is very poor.

In the military camp, every dormitory is clean and spotless.

Especially the quilt, the real quadrilateral, the tofu block, the military green of a water.

Because it is a march, the texture is very hard, so no matter what time it seems to give a man-like toughness.

The cups and cylinders are placed very neatly, and everyone's black military boots are standing upright under the light, just like the poplars standing on the north.

It’s night, the big guys are there, what kind of sitting posture is there, there is a pair of legs, and there are guns, and there are two long legs sitting on the bed.

The bed is also divided into bunks, but these people go to the upper bunk, usually a pull-up, plus a long leg sweep, sitting up with the wind, the action is very handsome.

"Hey, Baiye, where have you gone? Say good poker, what about people?" The person who said it was a northwestern rough man. After going to bed, he reached out and straightened his shirt, his body was good, his face was cool. .

"Where can I go." A person just took a shower and looked up. In the mirror, he revealed the face that only Li Hailou would have: "Surely go to the head of the game."

Now he is not the same as before. Compared with the time of going to school, the five senses have become more angular and clear, and the eyes have also brought out the spirit.

Only one thing has not changed, it is the natural flaw in his body.

"Hailou, tell you how many times, the head of the army asked me to drink tea, not that I teased him."

White quasi-thin lips came in and said: "I am still very afraid of Lao Zhao. After all, he is my superior."

Everyone: ... As far as the name of your old Zhao is concerned, I really don't see how much you are afraid of him.

"Well, playing poker beforehand, I have a good news to tell you." Bai Zhunru Mu Chun's smile, the temperament of Tiancheng: "There is a vacation."

It’s said that everyone’s eyes are bright!

"White Lord, do you mean that we can go out this time on vacation?" Someone jumped directly from the upper bunk.

White's lips are more intensely smiling: "You can say that."

"It’s hard to get red rain in the trough. In such a good weather with autumn winds, my father didn’t give me a scorpion and kept the army shut me down. This is not normal!"

"It is not normal. Even if your father doesn't care, I don't worry that I will go out and endanger the masses. Mainly, he is afraid that I will go to the nightclubs when I go home. I still suspect that I am bent. You said that I am not a biological person. So doubtful, I like the girl is okay, but it is a curiosity, and went to a man's place. I wonder, he is not afraid of being in the army, more men?"

"You two slags are rolling far."

"Who is the slag, you forgot the last time your mother came to the military camp to see you, she said that if you go home and drive, you will not be able to leave the military camp for a lifetime!"

Through the above dialogue, it is enough to see how many people in this group are bored.

No wonder Zhao’s head mentioned this when he mentioned these people.

When Bai Zhun did not come, these few people were only their own heads who could not influence their surname Zhao. Anyway, they would help their superiors to be optimistic about this group of sons.

And this group of rabbits, at most, just want to climb a wall.

Since the arrival of Bai Zhuan, it has really been twisted into a rope, but I don’t want to climb the wall. Like a real soldier, all aspects are of great quality.

This small army has also become the most resolutely popular presence in the entire military region, completing many impossible tasks, and almost everyone has war wounds.

Sometimes, I am quite proud of the head of Zhao. But there is one point. The fact that they are harming others is a irritating tooth itch.

Mainly, they even scolded him!

"Wait a minute, do you want to go out together collectively." Some people think that things will not be so good, after all, their Laozi always hopes that someone can manage them.

Bai Zhun did not deny it.

Several people said again: "The group is also good to go out, but you can go to the beach to roast the barbecue."

Bai Jun is very slow: "The place to go is not the beach."

"I don't choose the seaside." One of them said: "I like the literary atmosphere a bit, let's go to Jiangnan."

Bai Zhuan walked over and sat down: "That is not the South."

"The North is also OK, just what, going to a modern city is not bad, I feel like I have become a jungle cave."

This time it seems to be right, Bai Zhuo hooked his lips: "It is indeed a big city."

The metropolis of the north...the emperor!

This is the first reaction of five people.

"The trough, this is the rhythm that will make me go home."

In addition to Bai Zhun, there are four people in the six emperors. The rest are from Wangjing and one from Junyang. They are the most developed places in the military.

"It’s good to go home, I’m afraid that I will make me angry again.” Some people said that they are very serious, and it is obvious that this kind of thing has been done.

Li Hailou also agrees with this sentence: "I am squatting and chasing me to run."

Bai Jun smiled and shook his fingers, which means deep meaning: "Reassure, you will not have time to go home."

"What do you mean?" Li Hailou, who is familiar with Bai Zhuan, gradually became aware of what was wrong.

The cap on the white handle is like a smile. "Because we are going to a school, not a military compound, we are going to be an instructor for A students. For ten days, our holiday is only twelve days. Of course, there is no time to go home."

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