The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 769: Vivi's beautiful counterattack 1

If she really said the reason, whether she wants it or not, then all this credit will not be hers, it will become her!

The last incompetent person will only be him and his brother.

And not this woman!


This is too shameless!

Zhuge Yun tightened his hands and looked at the Niu Feng. He hated the woman in front of him, and even hated himself for being so unsettled!

But if at that time, he would not open his mouth again, and this time all the merits must be turned into a phoenix!

He is not willing!

Can you let this woman steal the fruits of the labor of the guardian?

In the end, the stealers gained fame and love.

Those who can really create credit, but they have to be smeared!

Zhuge Yun only felt that his heart was blocking a bit of sourness and went directly to his throat.

Really his female horse's grievances!

Niu Feng looked at Zhuge Yun’s appearance, and the voice was softer. It was like finally proving his innocence. His tone was pity: “The reason why I didn’t say this thing is that I’m worried that after listening to it, I will be discouraged by heart. After all, there is a spy between us. It is really heart-rending. I didn’t expect Yundi to misunderstand."

"Listen to Miss Ne, I think about it now. It is true that these two people can appear here with us in advance, and they appear on the top of the temple in such a strange posture. Someone must have done something in this." "The exorcists are silent. You look at me. I look at you. I have already determined that the words of Nifeng are the answer. The two sisters finally fell on Zhuge Yun's body: "Master Yun, this is indeed a misunderstanding. Miss Nie, some words in the future, I still want to say it again, your father’s work, as an exorcist, we are all admired, don’t let him give the Zhuge family a hundred years of honor in your hands. ""

These words are already extremely heavy.

In ancient times, one of the most important people in the world was the reputation, not to mention the exorcism.

Zhuge Yun worked hard since he was a child, but he was not willing to lag behind but only to be worthy of his father.

But now...

Zhuge Yun’s hands are getting tighter and tighter, but there is no way.

Xiaoling is more helpful, but it doesn't make much effort, because when they encounter ghosts and hit the wall, they know that there is a spy in the team, which proves that the words of Miss Nee are correct, Guo Zi They were dragged over by the traitor.

The face of the tiger is full of pride, he knows that as long as there is his big sister, whether it is Zhuge Yun or the two outsiders, they only touch the part they let!

Thought that some small clever, can win the big sister? It’s really naive and can’t be naive again!

This time, I haven’t played it completely!

The neon is undoubtedly the most happy inside.

Nie also felt a bit bad, just want to say something!

Just listening to the sound of the water, and re-sounding from the side: "The spy does exist, but Guo Zi, they are here, not because of the spies, Miss Ni seems that you really do not know why I was Do not choose East Gate."

It’s Helen Weiwei, she laughed at her lips, and the bright one made me feel a smashing out of the ground: “Since you didn’t listen to it when you eavesdropped, I can tell you now, why can’t the East Gate? Choosing, because there is something hidden there, that thing is not a spy, but a certain creature living in the ancient tomb, such as a corpse. Of course, it is not a corpse, as for what it is, I can I will tell you later, now I will ask Miss Nie. When we entered the tomb, we removed the dead Guozi, a total of thirty-three people. At that time, all thirty-three people did not leave the eyes of everyone. They can testify for each other. If it is really a spy, it will take time for him to drag people. How can he, in the eyes of the public, take the bodies of the two of them, and they will not be What did you find?"

Nie Feng was asked by Helen Weiwei's question, and did not speak. The face hidden behind the white gauze could not see any look, only the fingers slowly slammed.

The neon tiger spoke at this time: "Well brother, are you really smart or fake? You want to avoid our eyes. Just go to other doors and you can't do it. So dull questions come to your sister. It seems. You are really poor, you can't edit it, you will be able to pull out what is actually the stupidity of other creatures in the cemetery to lie to everyone!"

"I really didn't think that the Nizi had a time to open up." Helen Weiwei said a word to the Nei, laughing and laughing, and the thin lips brought out a mockery.

The black tiger face is black: "What do you mean?"

"Nothing, just agree with the words of Nizi." Helen Weiwei's tone is very slow, but also with a lazy atmosphere:" Nigongzi also said, in order to avoid the eyes of everyone, you must go other The door, you can still remember, after we passed through the south gate, we encountered two holes at the left and right. At this time, the old man told us to regroup, saying that only those who are loyal to the neon will be taken away by him, and the rest will be unfaithful. He is about to leave the group. Well, the focus is coming! How many people were there at the time? Thirty-three people! Yes, no more, no more than thirty-three, that is to say, we went to the south gate with us. There are not many people. Since everyone is going to the South Gate, where does the spy come from?"

The Neihu has been asked by the exact number and the rigorous memory of Helianweiwei.

He stood in the same place as a fool, and he was so big that he couldn't say a half word.

Others even with the exit of the last sentence of Helen Weiwei, shocked and took a breath, the facts are so open to them, every number is very persuasive, because they can not believe, The words of this little brother named Wei are right!

The exorcists reminded him by Helen Vivi.

What I thought of instantly.

The overwhelming arguments resounded again.

"There is nothing wrong. When we group, people are complete, and no one can go to another door."

"That is, Guo Zi's body is really not what the spies have moved away?"

"of course not!"

"You didn't listen to the guardian brother. It's not a slap in the hands and feet, but something in the cemetery that we don't know to do all this!"

"Hey, that's the way, Miss Ne, she..."

To the reader's words: After the update is finished, what? Oh, good night, it's too late today, it's too late, the girls are going to sleep early, and reply to the comment area. Yesterday I added more, but only the reason for the work, so add More generally in the early hours, touch the head.

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