The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 895: Ghost return!

Just thinking about Helen Weiwei, another brake sounded in a hurry. It was a modified version of the Hummer that suited the male S. His face didn’t look good, even called ugly, this and him. The gentleness of picking up a girl usually forms a strong contrast.

Even in the face of the most powerful enemy, he did not show such expression.

Close the door with a bang!

S even had no time to greet Helen Weiwei, directly rubbing his hands and throwing a bomb: "The little boss is missing."

The simple six words suddenly changed the air around.

"S, what do you say!" The old A, who is not smiling, is like the undead who are often seen in the movie. The knife on his face has a clear chill at this moment.

S licked his own face: "I went to kindergarten. The kindergarten teacher didn't know how the little boss didn't see it. At the time, she was dealing with the fight in the class. She said that the little boss had beaten someone, she wanted Let the young boss and another child in the classroom, I did not expect her to talk to the parents, the little boss and the child disappeared, the doorman also asked, the small boss did out of the school door, and A man like a relative has spoken and should be picked up by relatives. This is the nonsense of his female horse! In addition to the relatives of the little boss, this is simply..."

"Not missing." Helen Weiwei, who had not got off the bus, interrupted S, and the eyes were completely cold: "It is abduction."

"Trafficking!?" Not only the five rough men, but even the young L jumped up, and the steel pipe on his hand fell.

Originally, they were unhappy that the other party was doing the sale of children on their site. Now they even dare to move!

I want to find death!

L is the most direct, and without saying anything, all of his equipment has been pulled out of the garage at once, a cold word: "Go!"

The most calm person in this group should be Helian Weiwei, the mother. She looked at the faces of several brothers who were going to kill, and she was not very excited because she knew that under the heavens, she could hurt the children. People, really few.

However, dare to tie her son, the other party is really tired!

Helen Weiwei is not worried about the same thing. It is another matter for his son to be moved.

"Old A, call the monkey to let him go to the car immediately." Helen Weiwei said as he came down from the battle axe and threw the helmet at his hand. The chestnut-colored waist was fluttering in the darkness. The body is the absolute Queen's arrogance, gorgeous and fierce: "S, send a notice, tell all organizations, ghosts... come back!"

When I heard the last sentence, all six men were shocked, and the scorpion was a long-lost light.

On the phone of the suit male S, almost all the hidden contact information is held, and a small email is sent out.

The ghost of the world's top arms organization, re-emerged!

I don’t know what happened in Southeast Asia, I immediately contacted each other, for fear that I was the one who provoked the empire.

Of course, there is still no fear of death. After all, the three years have been very long. Even the "ghost resurrection" does not necessarily have the scenery of the year.

They did not forget that the "ghost" slept in the past because their boss had suffered a heavy blow and was still alive and dead.

But more than 90% of people still have to be jealous of them.

Especially from the recent gambling in China, the name of the gambling (self-understanding, it is said that the new rule is that no place name can be found), the big cockroaches on the other side, even more shocked, I will give a call to S here, sipping a cigar. The lips are a little trembling: "S?"

"I am." The suit man has now resumed his attitude towards outsiders, very professional.

Daxie immediately stated: "I only do casinos now." That means nothing more than saying, don't engage me, I don't touch the arms, and I don't even get you.

Helen Weiwei saw the phone and browed: "Who?"

The big cockroach over there heard the voice-over, and the scalp immediately numb. He didn't forget the scene when the other man almost took his life.

The suit man smiled, facing the side of He Liweiwei: "It is Guo Shu."

"Call me." Helen Weiwei is not jealous.

The skin that I heard was tight, and I waited for the voice on the other side of the phone.

"Guo Shu." Helen Weiwei hooked his thin lips, and his eyes shed light: "Do you have a business to do?"

It’s not expected that Helen Weiwei would say this: “Business? What business?”

"I am currently investigating a child trafficking case. It should be international. It is exported from the mainland to the outside world. As for where it is sold, I am still not clear. You can tell all organizations now, I will completely shut down this trafficking gang. It is natural to have a willingness to cooperate with me." Helen Weiwei has always been doing this. It is her style to use all the resources that can be used. Unlike ancient times, here is modern, her place!

The group of traffickers couldn’t think of it, just because of a child, they would become the wanted object of all organizations! If you avoid people on the white road, they have experience and methods, and even can say that it can be easy.

But if the enemy is an organization that is the same, then they are absolutely unintended consequences!

Hang up the phone and the information network is fully open.

The monkey quickly rushed to the dealership with his notebook.

Helian Weiwei carried out an analysis in his mind: "A skilled trafficker will quickly take the train and leave the original city after turning to a child. Like this kind of planner, the trafficker will definitely prepare the ticket in advance, and someone will be responsible for the response. Some people are responsible for trafficking, they will not go to Beijing South, the view of Beijing South is too strict, there are too few vehicles in Beijing North, monkeys, check the ordinary trains between Beijing 6:30 and 8:00, all the images are Tune it out."

"Yes." This time the invasion speed will be relatively slow. After all, this is not a campus network, but a train system, but it is hard to beat the monkeys, the notebook is connected to the big screen, and countless sports cars are faintly launched in the garage. Then, just wait for the answer, start together.

The images will be transmitted to the navigator of each sports car in the form of a video, which means that everyone can see the results of the investigation except Helen Weiwei.

The monkey's eyes are staring at the characters on the computer screen, and the fingertips are flying fast like a trace of what to hide.

"Boss, there is! But we only have fifteen minutes, and when fifteen minutes arrive, I have to sweep away the traces of the visit."

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