The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 897: Someone wants to be unlucky

Helen Weiwei coughed twice: "What are you doing so excitedly?"

"Is it a bad reason to dislike the little boss?" The monkey stood up with a bang.

Helen Weiwei said: "Well, wait until people find it, and those people will know soon, they will turn away the dusty children will be the most wrong decision they made in this life."

"You must kill them!" The monkey is still angry.

Helen Weiwei thought for a moment: "Even if you can't dig out the owner of Lamborghini, you should be able to spread the news and tell the other party once, his son was abducted."

"Okay." The monkey calmed down a bit, thinking that the owner of the car was definitely extraordinary. If there was a join, they would find someone faster.

After that, Helian Weiwei did not speak any more, his fingers were buckled on his helmet, his long legs crossed the tomahawk, and he rushed out of the car dealership.

Five minutes later, a bustling villa buried deep in the capital, the rose flowers covered the entire wall, as if not shining into any sunshine.

A tall, straight-eyed man is sitting in front of a large, floor-to-ceiling glass window, overlapping his slender legs and listening to the obituary of the people below.

He held his chin with one hand and lazily, carelessly, the silver-white forehead fell off and blocked his eyes, making people not clear about his specific appearance.

I can only see the smooth curve that is outlined at the chin.

However, with him as the center, behind him is the black mist of the ripples, and the dark mist is like something hidden in it, which can be surging at any time.

"Hundreds, Mr. Baili, this is the news I got, the evil young master, should, should be abducted." The middle-aged man squatted on the floor, his teeth trembled and said: "I, we will inform the school now. People look for it and see if anyone knows where the young master is going and where he went."

Wen Yan, Bai Lijiajue looked at this side, his eyes narrow and narrow, slightly oblique, faintly exudes sharp, the skin is pale white, from afar, there is a pathological enchanting, let him see It is like a blood-sucking aristocrat living in the 19th century, arrogant and indifferent: "People, I will find it myself, how do I ask you to check things?"

He was swept to the man, his face changed, and the fear of concealing was scattered from the swaying pupil, and he stuttered back: "I am still looking for Mr. Baili, but I can’t compare it in China. In Europe and the United States, some means are not used. I still need a little time to determine if Miss Helian is in the Imperial Capital."

"Three days." Bai Lijiajue looked at him coldly: "Director Zhang, I only give you three days."

"Three days?" The director wiped the cold sweat: "This, will this be a bit of a hurry?"

The Barry Gregard laughed and the voice was a bit low: "I feel short? This is the longest life time I have given you."

His voice just fell, and the black mist behind him rushed for a while, and there were countless demons hidden in it, and each pupil was red like blood.

Director Zhang immediately felt that his throat was shackled, and he did not refute the courage. He said in a hurry: "Mr. Rest assured, I will find out people. I will use all the power now and continue to find it!"

Bai Lijiajue was satisfied, and the shadow behind him gave way to Zhang.

When the director saw the situation, he did not dare to stay. He took the three steps of the fart and ran out of the villa in two steps.

Outside the villa, Cheng Xiaokun, the father of chubby, was waiting for his own sergeant and his superiors. When he saw this appearance, he could not help but open the door and said: "This time is better than not, Zhang Jia has the right to have power in the emperor. I am afraid that he will be a wealthy businessman who does not know where to come from."

"You shut up!" Zhang was afraid that someone would hear it and looked around. He just breathed a sigh of relief: "I won’t say that Mr. Baili is not a word in the future. He is so simple as a wealthy businessman. You remember that this person is not only Mastering Zhang's lifeline, even the other family's industries, he can buy all the shares. I knew him in the UK. If I didn't guess wrong, he should have the blood of the British royal family."

Cheng Longkun does not believe: "I have seen Mr. Baili, although the distance is far from clear, the other's hair is also silver-gray, but the facial features are Asians, isn't it? How can there be British royal blood?"

"You don't understand at all. The more ancient the royal family, the more it will be mixed with Asian blood." Zhang Director pinched his tired eyebrows: "These are not important. What matters is your attitude. You are not allowed to disrespect Mr. Baili again. Otherwise, you will kill our entire family!"

Seeing that he was so serious, Jackie Chan’s heart was also somewhat jealous. He did not open his mouth again, turned the steering wheel, and left the villa that looked unfathomable.

The Baili Jiajue stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, shaking his fingertips with a goblet filled with red liquid on his fingertips, and looked back and retracted his sight.

"Master." There was a black mist in the depths of the villa, and then slowly transformed into an adult shape: "The smell of the little master is covered by something, and it is impossible to find out how to search."

For a little devil, Bai Lijiajue was more worried. He looked up at the clock hanging on the wall: "Soon, he will be hungry. What do you think is the person who has sold him? What will be the end?"

The shadow of the shadows, to be honest, he really did not dare to think about the end.

Rumbling, the train departs from Beijing West, and it will reach the first stop in ten minutes. This station is a small city. The advantage is that it is located in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, with developed transportation, and the security check of small cities is more relaxed.

So the traffickers have already negotiated, get off at this stop, and then move separately.

There are always a lot of people on ordinary trains. Sometimes there are piles of luggage on the passages, and some people play poker on the trains.

At this point, basically no one will sleep.

The traffickers still let the two little ones sit in a seat, the innermost seat, behind them is a female college student.

The female college student seems to like children very much, and the appearance of Baili Shangxie and Helian’s dust is really eye-catching. People can’t stop looking back.

Just one thing made her feel very sorry, that is, the two little ones fell asleep from the time they got on the bus, and they haven’t woken up until now. She wants to take a good meal and tease each other.

This point, the traffickers are also hungry, leaving only one person to watch here, the other people go to the toilet, they are ready to get off.

Everything went smoothly, including when I got off the ticket.

It is not the same outside the station.

This is not the same because the children of the evil spirits wake up...

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