The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 906: Bailijiajue

Black Crow:...

It is really rare for people who are expelled from a 12-year-old school in just one month.

It’s true that you can get the name of the king, but put you in the school and continue to let you eat people indiscriminately!

Under the small hall, it is a kindergarten that is not a cattle farm.

Also, when did you hear the words of the king!

Lying also depends on the conscience!

The evil in the hundred miles is unmoved, because he likes it as it is now, holding a soft little man in his hand, and people feeding him to eat chocolate, and the small dust looks very worrying, even walking They are all swaying, and of course he has to find a way to stay bright.

Black Crow: ...the other children's children are not good, what is your business! Moreover, what was the first reaction you saw before? It is to eat!

When did you care about the problem of other children walking unsteadily! Don't use such kind words to deceive the audience!

Baili Shangxuan glanced at the black crow that passed from his side and turned his head to the left. It is said that this angle will look even more pitiful, and the posture will be sorted out. "And he also recently planned to marry a woman I didn't know at all to be my stepmother. I don't like it."

Black Raven: ... In order to stay, have you started the black king of unscrupulous means, under the small hall!

Let anyone listen to what you say and you will believe it!

Sure enough, Helen Weiwei vacated a hand and licked his head: "Since you don't want to go back, you can sleep with the dusty children for a few days, if you think you can."

"Okay." Of course, it is possible to go to the evil spirits. He is waiting for this sentence.

Helian Weiwei smiled and didn't know who was so scum, for the sake of women, even the biological son ignored.

One of the princes who was mistaken as a slag, is sitting in the first class flight to the Yungui area. The slender legs naturally overlap and the hand holds a goblet filled with red liquid.

His face reflected on the window of the cabin, a black suit, like a king from the night.

The flight attendants have seen this one time more than once, and the handsome face that is like a knife cast against the light, the unusually clear and unstoppable heart beats.

They have seen a lot of people, what a big star, what entrepreneurs, no one in front of this man gave them amazing and profound.

His skin is like a good porcelain, and his temperament is more like the kind of European aristocracy that is often mentioned in the movie. It looks like a group of ants in his eyes.

The flight attendants looked at his short hair with silver light and wanted to take the opportunity to make a speech in the past. One of them simply waited and waited. He pushed the cart and walked over: "Sir, I need you to give it to you." Add a glass of red wine?"

"No." Very cold sound quality, almost an opening can drive the temperature around.

The stewardess smiled and didn't care about this rejection. He knew that men with capital had always been very proud, and she liked to challenge anything that could not be done: "Then I will help you with a blanket, and there will be a plane for twenty minutes." Will land."

Saying, the flight attendant wants to bend over to touch the Barry.

The Bailijiajue did not speak, and one side looked at the past, and the blood was flowing slowly in his eyes. The chill in it suddenly made the flight attendant froze.

Sitting next to the Qinglong reaction is the fastest, one will stop the flight attendant, the voice is very light: "We do not need a blanket, you can go out."

The stewardess listened to her face and did not say anything. She pushed the car away and was refused to this part. She never encountered it.

After the cabin was cleaned, Baili Jiajui did not think about it. When he reached out, he took off his suit jacket and threw it aside.

Qinglong and the fire unicorn took a glance, and the heart of the master was still the same as before. Except for Wang Hao, anyone who touched him would not be able to end.

Just the flight attendant went a little further and was estimated to be violently killed.

The character of the master has never changed half of the cents due to the precipitation in the past three years.

Instead, it covered him with layers of indifference, as if the disappearance of the king, and took away the only warm side of the master.

I don't know if this time, can you successfully find Wang Hao...

Just as Qinglong and Fire Kirin were thinking about things, a large number of black crows were over the plane.

Such a high altitude, according to the truth, these black ravens should not appear, so when the aircraft detector showed that an unknown object was approaching, the captain snorted and immediately sent a message to let people investigate what it is. Happening.

"A bunch of black crows? What kind of jokes? How come there are black crows here?" The captain has been driving the aircraft for so many years and has never encountered such a situation.

The deputy captain also frowned. "When I took off, I also saw a news saying that after a train passed through the tunnel, it was surrounded by a group of black crows. Will we encounter the same situation? ”

"Black Ravens around the train?" The captain felt that the whole world was pulling.

The deputy captain nodded: "It is said to be affected by light and sound waves."

"That train, what happened in the end?" The captain only wanted to know if there would be danger in this way.

The deputy captain thought for a moment: "Nothing, everything is normal, that is, the black crow will always follow."

"Forget it, think of ways to avoid it." This is the captain's last thought. After all, they have no choice but to see how flying will not be affected. Safety is the most important.

The plane and the train are different. Sometimes it is wrong. The existence of a bird will bring about a devastating accident.

Fortunately, everything seems to be normal.

But the zoologists who got the news started to frantically clamor, saying that this must foretell something. If it is not good, the black crows will migrate all in the east, and the appearance of these black crows and the melting of the Arctic glaciers will be brought to the fore. all.

The zoologists who studied the animals did not think that the reason for the appearance of these black crows was simple, simply because their owners were on the plane.

The interference of the black crow, the Baili Jiajue will be the first time to be sensed, so when he notices that someone is practicing, he will temporarily decide to fly to the Yungui area.

However, the trafficker who casts the spell does not know who he is going to face. He also plans to wait until the master is mastered, and let the master find a way to recapture the two little ones and make them a little devil!

To the reader: Now, outside, the eyes are inflamed. In the past, I have been adding more in the past. It’s just because I put together the words. I can’t add more today. I have to rest for one or two days. ,muah.

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