The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 908: Get rid of the children's end

“Hey?” Helen Weiwei seemed to be interested. He took the cup and put it in his hand and played it twice: “I want to hear what your rules are?”

The middle-aged man smiled and his voice was a bit low: "I don't think you are too old. I certainly haven't been on our road for a long time. I don't know how you know the monkey master, but since you asked, then I said, this is about the sale of children, the above is not without people to check, but there are very few people who can gain something, even if they know something, they will be tried to suppress it, not to mention this. All kinds of things must be evidenced, not to arrest people, no one believes, but often there is movement on the white road, the side will soon be aware that, here, the girl, you should understand, this place You can't move, since you can't move, don't take risks."

"If I want to move." Helen Weiwei put the teacup on, his face still smiled, but the scorpion gradually disappeared.

The middle-aged man shook his head: "Now the young people on the road are so ignorant. For the simplest thing, let us know why Chinese people are talking about business at the wine table, because this is the principle of the mainland. Those foreigners’ economic minds have developed to the local level and they can’t play because they don’t understand that they have money in the mainland, and they have to have money.”

"That is to say, there is a person who guards him on the top of the six lords?" Helen Weiwei's mouth smirked.

The middle-aged man did not deny that he took the teapot to add a cup of tea to himself: "I don't think there is any background in your home. It is just a young boy who just came out and mixed up. Listening to the monkey master means that you are doing things for the white road. You should measure it yourself. You don’t care about it. You may not be happy if you are in trouble. Why bother, right?"

Helian Weiwei did not answer.

The middle-aged man thought that she was finally moved by herself and felt that she was saved. After all, he had a good relationship with the old six sons. He knew how much water there was. He didn’t want to offend the monkey master. After all, that person is really People can't afford it.

The monkey master introduced the person. He certainly wants to help, but it really makes him offended for the girl in front of him. It is really worthless.

"You can figure it out. It's best." The middle-aged man smiled and got up and planned to give it away.

Helen Weiwei did not move from beginning to end, just when he was about to open the door, a beautiful backhand, directly handcuffed the man on the wooden chair.

After doing all this, Helian Weiwei looked back at the two little ones: "If you look at something, take what you want, you don't have to be polite, the old cat boss is so generous, I don't mind."

The middle-aged man didn't know how to be astonished by her beautiful skill, or was angry with her robber's rhetoric. In short, no one would like to be inexplicably baked.

But the old cat is also the second-in-command in the Yunnan-Guizhou region. It will not be so unsettled. It only has a cold voice: "Do you know what you are doing? I just set aside time on the face of the monkey master. See one side, if there is no such relationship between the monkey masters, you will be immediately stared when you enter this Yungui area. Do you think you can live to see the sixth? Don’t be so naive, you want to be quiet here. It’s easy to kill a person, don’t forget to go ahead and be the border.”

"What do you mean by saying that I live by now is your protection?" Helen Weiwei whispered.

The middle-aged man said coldly: "Otherwise, do you think that? With two children entering the Yungui area, the sixth child has been eyeing you."

Helian Weiwei looked at him and smiled again: "God to the evil cat, tell the old cat classmate, what are the people who stare at us?"

On the hundred miles, I heard that I had my own business. I first let go of the hand of the small dust, and walked toward the middle-aged man. A pair of scarlet scorpions slowly reflected the scalp and numbness. Light.

The pores of the middle-aged man were all erected. He shuddered and raised the beads in his hand: "You, you!"

"Stupid humans." Baili's evil child laughed and laughed, but he couldn't say bloodthirsty, but he didn't seem to be very interested in middle-aged men. He listened to Helen Vivi's order and glanced at him. After that, I turned my head and continued to help the dusty children to pack things.

The dusty children walked or swayed, small appearance, but the ability to recognize things is still first-class, the small hand grasped the purple jade, and stuffed it into the small pocket of the hundred miles: "Help me keep, After returning to sell, Weiwei Meiren will send me pocket money, when we will buy chocolate ice cream together."

"Good." Treating the small dust, the evil on the hundred miles is also cool, and it is also the good brother you have said.

Instead, the middle-aged man began to desperately want to break off his handcuffs.

Helian Weiwei also smiled with a smile: "Don't be nervous, the evil child is just a little joke with you. We are still very picky eaters, but if you still want to be a person who comes over Advise me not to shoot, not to give me what I want, then I am not sure if he will be impatient, let you see and see his uncomfortable side."

"You!" The middle-aged man is afraid of anger, biting his teeth: "Even if I give you something, you can't take the train, so many things, you a small criminal police, is there a way to bring it?"

Helian Weiwei raised his eyebrows: "You don't have to worry about this. I know you better than the military."

"I asked to call the monkey master." The middle-aged man was thinking about letting the monkey master say this one to come to him and threaten his little girl, so that the other party knows what it will be after he gets him. End!

Helen Weiwei blinked and slipped open the phone to start a video conversation.

When the monkey looked at the number, he immediately picked it up: "Boss, what happened? Isn’t the little boss thinking about me?"

"I rely on monkeys, why are you so shameless, the young boss thinks about me too!" Old A is still squatting over there.

Helian Weiwei interrupted the favor of several rough men: "Monkey, the old cat wants to talk to you."

"Hey? He?" The obvious interest in the monkey is not big.

Helen Weiwei raised his hand and handed the phone to the middle-aged man: "Take it."

The old cat couldn’t wait too long. When he touched the phone, he sank his voice: "The monkey master, I respect it is one thing, but this time the girl you found is too kind, I just said A few words of her, she gave me a copy, and the children she brought are also..."

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