In the live TV screen, there is a box of smoke around the box. There are men and women in the box. The women are very exposed, and they are very awkward. They know what it is.

When Liu Hongjiang looked at the box, his face changed. Before the picture became clear, he whispered backwards behind him: "Close, put all these things on me!"

The staff who controlled the video, heard Liu Hongjiang’s order, began to press the stop button hard, but it didn’t work!

The picture is still going on, and it is getting clearer and even shines on one of the men's faces!

The man's appearance is too familiar, not who Liu Hongjiang can have, he even wears the suit he usually likes to wear, with a big breasted woman on his hand, his mouth whispering toward the woman His face was indiscriminate, he should have drank a lot of wine, his face was still rosy, his hand still touched the woman back and forth, his eyes were half squatting, the color was not only a little bit, and the style was all rude. Nothing saved, it is hard to see the extreme.

"Heaven!" The reporters on the scene could not help but make a strange noise. After the reaction, they rushed to Liu Hongjiang.

Although they are indeed invited by Liu Hongjiang, they usually help Liu Hongjiang to do public opinion guidance, but this time it is big news!

Now who can take the response of Liu Hongjiang, it means the ratings and the absolute headlines!

Liu Hongjiang's face was pale to the extreme. He even strode to the place where the video was controlled. He reached out and pressed all the switches, but it was useless, still useless!

Not only is it useless, but there is even a sound in the picture.

It was the voice of his conversation with the old sixth, that is, the night when the train was opened, he deliberately sweared the old Liu’s words: “Now the above is strict, not like before, you pay attention to it, give the children more medicine, it’s good. Shipped out..."

That is his voice!

He wants to rely on Lai!

This time, Liu Hongjiang was completely panic, and his palm was full of sweat. He reached out and took the secretary over: "What happened? What the **** is going on? Who moved here?"

"I, I don't know." The book machine and the secretary are generally inseparable. When the video was seen, the secretary was not scared more than Liu Hongjiang.


This is the first reaction of people.

With the contrast of this video, what Liu Hongjiang said just now is like a big dung, how to think about how disgusting.

Liu Hongjiang is like a headless fly, and no matter whether the reporters are still not at the scene, take out the mobile phone and randomly press out a series of numbers: "Hurry up and cut off the live broadcast!"

"Liu Shuji is not that I am not helping you, and then your half-hour live broadcast rights have been bought. I am a qualified media person. As long as there is no clear instructions, whoever pays me will broadcast it to whom. In business negotiations."

Liu Hongjiang listened to the reply there, and wanted to drop the phone on the spot!

He didn't even think that someone would spend money to buy the live broadcast right of the radio!

Who is going to have such a big financial asset?

Who is going to kill him! ?

Are those people not locked up?

Also, this video... How did they get it!

Since there is such a video, why not release it at the beginning, I have to wait until he opens a press conference!

Too bad!

The other party is really too embarrassing!

Do you want him to lose face in front of the people of the country?

Still want to let him lose his life! ?

Liu Hongjiang had a burst of chill in his heart. He was really afraid, because the radio is not like a network. Once it is broadcast, I am afraid that even one of them will not save him.

But in the end, what method did the other party use and made so much understanding and investigation into him!

Of course, Liu Hongjiang did not know that when the evil was taken to Yuncheng in the past, some of the princes had already kept these things in their hands, but he was never interested in human affairs.

Liu Hongjiang was wrong and caught people who should not be caught.

The principle of doing things under one's sire is always there. If you get him, there will never be a trace of a living.

The Bailijiajue is still very elegant, the beautiful eyes are watching this scene, and the corner of his mouth contains a faint smile, which makes him look like a blood-sucking aristocrat who came out of the movie. It can be seen that Liu Hongjiang will change. In this way, all are given by the Highness of the Lord.

The one hundred miles of evil on Liu Hongjiang's end will not be denied, and the person who will take the mother and the younger brother to interrogate will be the end.

Humans, oh, from scratch to the species of the feet.

I still want to buckle my sin in front of my father, and I am stupid enough to have no brain!

The expression of a father and son is simply a synchronization of God. One big and one small are hooked on the lips. After a bloodthirsty smile, they turn around and walk back to the interrogation room in a chaotic crowd.

Unlike the Bailijiajue, Baili’s evil hands are still cruelly dragging two ghosts, and a pair of strangers are close to each other, as if they really just came out and took a step. ......

Ghost difference: ... are we used to slip? is it! ?

The father and son did not walk back, and they didn’t even look back.

Because of the impact they have caused, they continue to ferment, and a large reporter has come out from all directions, blocking Liu Hongjiang’s way.

"Liu Shuji, how do you explain the things on the video?"

"Who is the woman you are in your arms? Shouldn't it be your wife?"

"You are also a person with a son. If you do such a thing, are you afraid of retribution?"

This is not just a TV station, but even major networks are broadcasting live.

All the people in the streets have stopped. Some people are brushing a mobile phone. Some people directly see the big TV screen in the mall. They have talked about it, and almost everyone has exploded!

"The beast! This surname Liu is simply an out-and-out beast!"

"I really can't imagine that someone will be vicious to this point. It's just collusion! If you want to push the crime to others, such a person should be shot!"

"It’s time to grab his son and let him taste the pain of losing his child!"

"You must give it to me! Is there no one to manage him?"

Liu Hongjiang finally returned to his office and thought about finding a previous relationship to protect him.

At this time, the monkey cracked the shield interference before, although Helen Weiwei did not go out, but this did not affect her command.

She was sitting in the interrogation room, commanding everything as the Queen, and directly threw the third killer through the Bluetooth headset...

To the reader's words: The day after tomorrow is estimated to be a scene of family love, what? You want to see the girls can watch, come here today, see you tomorrow, thank you for supporting the genuine, support me to the present, all Ann.

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