The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 942: Get rid of Vivi

"What do you want to do?" The voice of the police officer also grew up: "It’s just a small matter, right, do the old people follow the crime?"

The middle-aged man did not speak, but his hands became a group, and the grievances in his heart were so big that only he knew it.

Originally it was spent on money to play, who knows that it will be bullied into this.

The faces of the locals were full of pride, looking at the middle-aged man in a condescending manner, and glanced at the direction of the Bailijiajue. It was like saying that after I solved him, I solved you. .

The policeman saw that the middle-aged man remained silent and his attitude was softened. He reached out and patted his shoulder: "I have done it, go back, ah! Play in the city, so good scenery, how much do you spend? Money can't be seen."

It was said that Helen Weiwei’s nephew had a layer of cold awns.

The dusty children know that it is a precursor to her anger.

Sure enough, the next second, Helian Weiwei said: "Excuse me, can you not see the wound on this gentleman's face? According to Article 384 of the Criminal Law, deliberately harming the body of others, The following years of imprisonment, criminal detention or control. Obviously, in this matter, who is the victim, who is the hands-on person, these few... "Speaking, Helian Weiwei reached out and pointed to the leader: "Do you want to be a fight, hurt others, and shouldn't it be him?"

"You stink..." The man who took the lead saw Helen Weiwei pointing at himself, and immediately it will be on fire. The gas that was just received suddenly broke out and waved his hand. He wanted to give Helian Weiwei a look. .

This time, did not wait until the Baili Jiajue shot, Helian Weiwei directly caught the man's wrist, the fingers used very much strength.

The man’s painful grin screamed: "It hurts! You give me a hand!"


Before the man finished, Helian Weiwei smashed in the past, the kicking movement was handsome and standard, and the speed was so fast that people couldn’t respond, and the man was thrown out half a meter away!

The police officers were annoyed and picked up the electric stick to point to Helian Weiwei: "You..."

"Don't defend." The four words, Helian Weiwei simply blocked their words back: "What? Want to catch me back, that's fine, I can just tell you that during the law enforcement, not only do not help the victims, It also encourages the arrogance of the hooligans. I think that no matter where it is, the lawyer's card has a certain role. What do you say?"

The police officers know that they are doing this, and that no one can provoke a lawyer.

Lawyers are different from other ordinary people. They are too knowledgeable. Things are really big and they are not good for them.

Even if the blood is just right, the police officers did not see the same thing, nor did they say that they would catch people back when they went back. They just looked at each other and smeared the mud: "This lady, after all, today’s business, It’s not a big deal. You don’t need to go online. Everyone will take a step back. I can’t make them apologize to you.”

"He really should apologize, but it is not to apologize to me, but to a young man." Helen Weiwei's voice is very light, but with a sense of oppression that can not resist.

The police officers weighed the pros and cons and looked at the man who took the lead. They took the reprimand: "I don't want to apologize soon, and the apology is finished."

The man who took the lead also knows what the policemen mean. If a lawyer intervenes, it is really difficult to play with them. Anyway, Licheng is their territory. Today he apologized. When he waits for no one tomorrow, hey. With the heads of these people, the other party will not know what they will know.

In his heart, with a small ninety-nine, he smiled and began to be beaten by the middle-aged man who was beaten. "This brother, we don't want to make trouble to this point. This time, it is my fault, I am also angry, you Think about it, this is the same as eating, it is all clearly priced, you willingly when you buy, how to wait for you to buy, after eating into the stomach, you said that you do not want, this jade is not what I sell Right? How do you let me back? Look at it, come out and play, don't you have a picture? Don't let the old mother and wife and daughter follow you."

This sounds like an apology, but actually everyone who goes to the community knows how to think about everything.

Licheng is unfamiliar to middle-aged men. If there is not a lawyer, those police officers will only understate the matter and understand that even apologizing is not always available.

If he insists on getting a fair word, he is likely to get revenge in the end.

Just like the other party said, they will let them go without going through the city.

He has nothing to do with him. He has his wife and daughter and his mother. If they are injured, they will be picked up as if they had just been picked up. This time, they should spend money to sell a lesson.

The middle-aged man was very unwilling to agree to reconcile, and one thing finally ended.

But it is obvious that the few people are staring at Helen Weiwei.

The high school students on the side and the grandmother who bought the fruit met, whispered to Helen Weiwei that they could go early and leave early. It is best to start today, otherwise tomorrow, the police will not be there, and the group will be gone. Scruples, I will definitely find them in trouble.

It’s also local, and the gap is obvious.

Helian Weiwei likes the ancient city of Licheng, which makes people feel comfortable. Some children and old people are also very warm and simple.

But some phenomena have to be noted.

Perhaps this is a breakthrough and maybe.

Helen Weiwei blinked and carefully connected all the information in his mind. What seemed to be the answer.

The middle-aged man came over and the family thanked Helen Weiwei in a sincere manner: "I just thank you very much. If you didn't help me, I really don't know what the consequences will be."

Helian Weiwei waved his hand and smiled and said: "Just what happened, why did you fight, mind telling me to listen to it? Is that person selling jade?"

"No, it's not about selling jade." The middle-aged man squeezed a smile on his face: "They can hang people more than the jade, just like a vampire, there is no difference..."

To the reader's words: Second, all, what is it, still use the handsome alien notebook, the price is to play killing games together, thank you very much, and local people, here is beautiful, but I pick up The plot down is to let the girls who come here to play to pay attention to safety, I hope you can play well in the future, good night.

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