The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 958: stay with me

Helian Weiwei looked at the contract mark on the back of his hand, and he had a strange look: "Isn't that helping you to clear the back?" Surrender, what it means, Helian Weiwei can't be clear.

The Barry Gregory did not speak, and reached out and pinched her chin, and couldn’t help but kiss it.

In this place in Belvedere, it is not surprising that someone is kissing on the street.

Especially after 10 o'clock in the evening, the tourists in the ancient city gradually disappeared, leaving only a lot of young artists.

Someone is knocking on the wooden barrel, and the sound is light and nice. Sometimes there are a few people passing by them, but no one will stay. The ear is a quiet ballad and the sound of an acoustic guitar. This may be The most beautiful place in Belvedere gives a feeling of being separated.

The kiss didn't know how long it lasted, and Helen Weiwei only felt the question in it.

When the tip of the bachelor's tongue hooked over her upper lip and slowly withdrew, the man leaned against her forehead and whispered, "Is it comfortable?"

Helen Weiwei nodded.

"Then stay with me, never leave again." Bai Lijiajue said seriously, in his always stunned eyes, Helen Weiwei saw some kind of almost uneasy emotions, at that moment, Helian Wei Wei only knows that after she left, he was not alone, but that loneliness was concealed in the past years and has continued to this day.

Helen Weiwei reached out and hugged his waist, and he said with a head: "Okay." The voice was soft and messy.

The Bailijiajue gently smothered her, and the glass on the night as the background reflected his rising lips.

Once the little phoenix on Mount Tianmi always thought that if it wasn’t for the man’s appearance, she would probably repeat the same thing day after day, no one would accompany her, and no one would really be friends with her, so she was so alone. It has a Buddha position that no one can touch.

In fact, what she didn't know was that if there was not her appearance, the chaotic thing that insisted on not bowing at the Buddha's door would not become a heavenly emperor, but would be banned from freedom and become a demon to kill the heavens and the earth. .

Her appearance made him want to get it, let him know that there is such a person who is stupid and serious about everything.

Even if it is now, as soon as he closes his eyes, he will think of his shadow in the palace, the shadow that has been frowned, the thing he has done, and the fact that he is going to give him the soul. In order to let him not be refuted... What to do, the only thing he wants to do is to let her get the smell that belongs to him.

Helen Weiwei also noticed something, and his face was reddish and wanted to push people away.

But the Barry Gregory refused to put her in her arms, and the smile on her lips was thicker.

Helen Weiwei was buried in his chest, and his voice was a bit boring: "Can't you settle a little there?"

"I also think, obviously it is not controlled." Bai Lijiajue smiled low, absolutely ready to go: "Although someone promised the initiative, has not done it." The Jiajue whispered and kissed her back neck with restlessness.

Helen Weiwei knows a certain Highness, if he does not give him a reply, the person who does not come to bed at the end is absolutely himself: "Only once."

"Okay." Bailey Jiajue smiled and thought about how it might be.

Two people returned to the hotel, outside the large floor-to-ceiling windows, the most beautiful scenery in Jiangcheng.

When Helen Weiwei walked up the stairs, the back neck was already red, and now he went into the bedroom, and it was red everywhere.

It’s just strange, how the other party hasn’t moved yet.

There was no movement in a highness of the temple. Just sitting on the bed, the white shirt on his body made him look like a kind of abstinence, and the same pressure was felt.

Helen Weiwei stood in front of him. There was only one bedside lamp in the big room, and the soft light added the toughness of the Bailijiajue.

"Why don't you start?" Bai Lijiajue gently raised his brow and even smiled when he spoke: "Be active."

Helen Weiwei took a deep breath, anyway, it was enjoyment, what is the relationship between the top and bottom, the corner of the mouth, a one-handed support behind the Baili Jiajue, long legs, at this time looks very beautiful .

However, when he gently pulled the shirt of Bai Lijiajue, Helen Weiwei’s fingers were still trembling, let alone touching the heat under the long legs.

I can think of it in an instant how this big guy has turned upside down in his own body...

Helen Weiwei coughed and wanted to take it back.

But he was crushed by the prince of Baili, and one of them looked up, and he saw the love that was difficult to suppress in the eyes of men.

In this kind of thing, the Bailijiajue never let her have the slightest retreat. In that position, she kissed her in the past, and the original gentle water burned like a star. Lian Weiwei was hugged from the ground by the Baili Jiajue, and she kissed her on the European dressing table.

What Helen Weiwei realized was that the Bailijiajue kissed her ear early before she struggled. This time his kisses and movements were not rude, but there was a meaning that would never be allowed to be rejected.

The skirt and the flying process, the process of entering, the Baili Jiajue is extremely patient, but when he is completely wrapped in Helen Weiwei, it is like a wild horse.

At the beginning, Helian Weiwei could hold back his teeth, and it didn't take long to whisper, but then it seemed to make her sound, and every focus was so strong that she could not resist.

In the mind, there is a cracked magma, and all the feelings of the whole body are controlled by the other side...

There was only one piece of water mist left in Helen's eyes, and his eyes were slightly squinted. He saw the beauty and beauty of the face.

The sweat ran down the face of his pure and precious, dripping on her chest, and Helen Weiwei always had a feeling of being burned.

This time, the Baili Jiajue was so gentle that Helen Weiwei felt that everything had become awkward and grind, and lost his ability to think.

The breath of the Bailijiajue adds heat, and the deep eyes are like the sea, and the actions in the dream are reproduced to reality. It was just more rude than the rudeness of his dreams, and he didn't want his pet to feel pain.

However, he was unable to resist, unable to restrain, and there was no way to stop.

"Wei Wei...Wei Wei..." He read her name very hard, as if such possession was not enough for him, and then he picked up Helen Weiwei and pressed hard against himself.

The next second, the feeling of numbness defeated the divine nature that Helian Weiwei would condense.

No way, Helen Weiwei can only hold the man's shirt and leave a trace on his back...

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