The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 962: Before learning

They pride themselves on being superior, and the foreigners on this plane are typical.

The wheels of the plane slid across the ground, and a sloshing sounded. After the smoothness, Helen Weiwei’s voice was even colder, not for anything else, because the foreigner picked up the phone as soon as he reached the ground, and the tone was very unpleasant.

Helen Weiwei knows that there are some glutinous nuts that look down on Chinese people. There are many reasons, and even some slags are privately joking. They say that Chinese women are good at getting started. Just show your face in a foreign country and you can put everything. All are done, even without the effort, the women will come to them to talk to them.

No matter what a foreigner looks like, even a bald ugly man, only the women in China, are basically young and beautiful.

This situation does not exist, but it does not mean that all Chinese girls are the same.

Some girls are kind, honest, independent, and work hard in the mall with the most professional attitude, relying on their own strength and hard work.

Such girls can be seen in all corners of China, perhaps the cashier in the supermarket, perhaps the cute girl who is still in school, or a department manager who is working overtime in a professional outfit.

They are so hard-working, under all kinds of pressure, not to be on their own land, but also to be looked down upon.

Helen Weiwei listened to the phone of the foreigner, and when the finger moved, he handed the suitcase to a certain hall next to him.

Two small ones would like to ask their own mothers, fights need help, they can help!

But before I got to the action, I was picked up by my father.

The posture of a highness of the temple is as good as ever. One hand is holding two small collars and one hand is holding a phone. Although the corner of the mouth is still laughing, it makes people feel the domineering of the king.

Helen Weiwei walked very fast, and even when he was a foreigner, he could even bring a gust of wind.

The foreigner saw her come over, the first reaction was to sneer, and then very disdainful.

Helen Weiwei is not annoyed, looking at him with an eyebrow, his face is an obvious provocation.

When the foreigner was treated like this, he turned to a **** toward Helian Weiwei, and his attitude was very arrogant.

Helen Weiwei squinted and directly smashed his hand.

When the foreigner saw this situation, he thought that Helian Weiwei was going to do something with him. He had just cursed a low voice, and the murder of his face had not been recovered.

Seeing Helian Weiwei's side face, there was a little red on his face.

At that moment, Baili Shangxue felt the deadly murderousness emanating from his father.

He thought that this oyster fruit would definitely not survive today.

Although it is a monk designed by the mother, but as long as the mother moves, no matter what the reason is, there will be no good results.

Such a sound naturally attracted the attention of airport security personnel.

The foreigner is still waving his arms, and every one is a fierce taste, but he also knows that he just made a mistake.

However, from his point of view, it is impossible for these Chinese people to discover his mistakes.

So he was very disdain and planned to go.

What he didn't think of was that Helen Weiwei was in a flash, and he was in front of the foreigner. His fingers touched his face and laughed. He said, "I want to go when I hit someone? You are not saying that you Is it clear about international law? That is just right, I am also very aware of the various rules of international law."

Said, Helen Weiwei pressed the earphones on his ear: "Is the police coming? Very good, let them all come in, bring a foreigner to the court, yes, I want to sue him, tell him what? Illegal attack, degree of injury Is it disfigured?"

The foreigner listened to Helianweiwei’s words and gave it to the moment.

Just now, it was obvious that she was holding her own hand and hit her face. Also, this is called disfigurement? But is it a little red?

Where is the disfigurement?

But he met Helen Weiwei, and the eloquence of Helen Weiwei was that he had the ability to let the police really take him away.

She said that she is not only traumatized on her face, but also has fear in her heart. She will definitely be afraid to go to the streets in the future, and this is not an ordinary attack. This berry has a tendency to be violent and must be controlled.

Foreigners always think that Chinese people are so fooled. Usually, as soon as they see their appearance, they will unconsciously reveal the inferior posture.

But this woman turned out to be black and white upside down to such a point.

He desperately wants to explain in English.

Helen Weiwei interrupted him very simply in Chinese: "Do you want to deny the fact that you just started? The people around here are all watching."

"Enough, I admit, I did move, but that is also you..."

"If you admit it, there is nothing to say." Helen Weiwei turned his head and said to the policeman who was coming: "You can take him away."

The foreigner was framed by one left and one right, and an angry face was distorted. He thought that this was over.

But what he didn't think of was that the woman looked at him with a smile and whispered a long sentence in English.

That is difficult for others to understand because there are too many professional vocabulary.

However, as a glutinous fruit, the foreigner understood it and listened very clearly. She said: "You think that you can be unscrupulous in China without having to obey the laws of China. Since you think so, I will send you to the International Court of Justice. It’s not my time to waste it. Isn’t it a waste of time for people like you?”

Time is money, this is the style of doing things for each kind of bread. He is a high-ranking person in China. The company has too many things to wait for him to deal with. In the past few days, his work has encountered problems, if he is letting him spread Legal matters, maybe the company will let him leave because his work efficiency is low.

Even if it is to pay a lot of money to the other party, the foreigner does not want to be sent back to China because of such a small matter.

At this moment, he also understood that he was kicking the iron plate, but regretted that it was too late. When he was taken away, the smile of the woman standing opposite him was so obvious, and even deliberately tapped his cheeks with his fingers. That means being honouring him.

In fact, foreigners simply don't know that this is just the beginning.

Because Baili Shangxue clearly heard the tone of his own father talking on the phone, not high or low, but it made people feel chilly: "I found it? Then let him know, what is called being beaten, first Stop working with their company and tell them why they stopped working because of the manager of their department..."

To the reader's words: After the update is completed, then almost the student will meet, what?

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