The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 966: Class reunion (2)

"Isn't the mother told you last time? It is the son of the old mother of the mother. When the mother finishes the matter, she will definitely let you go." Li Meng is driving the car while picking up her son. The class reunion has not yet begun. At the end of the class reunion, she let Herren Weiwei take her little earthen bun to get out of the way. A broken car is always swaying in front of her own son.

Being a little fat man is still not happy: "The woman came to the class today, they all said that she is longer than you..."

A bang!

The tires crossed the ground and the sound was loud and very harsh.

Li Meng turned her head and looked at the little fat man: "Is she longer than me? Is she like her mother?"

The little fat man was obviously scared by the shackles of his mother, but his heart was still angry: "Not what I said, it is those in the class!"

Li Meng’s low voice, then smiled and said: “The people in your small class are very small. They don’t know anything at all. After a while, my mother is going to attend class reunion. You don’t go to class this afternoon, go with your mother. See how mom made the woman ugly!"

What Li Meng can't stand most is that others say that Helen Weiwei is better than her.

When I was in school, I was crushed by the woman.

Now she counts something and dares to compare with herself?

Cheng Xiaopang has basically been educated by his mother into a child who loves vain. When he heard that his mother had to give the other a lesson, he was very happy. When he went back, he told the classmates that his mother was only It is the most beautiful!

Li Meng did not drive immediately, but took out her mobile phone. After thinking for a while, she gave a call to Du Sisi who was very good with her: "Is it ready? I am ready, I will pick you up. Someone just asked in the group." Helen Weiwei is near Starbucks."

Du Sisi smiled and said: "You don't have to pick me up. I have something to do here. When things are done, I will pass. I haven't seen the woman for so many years. I have to let her know that she is not the arrogant that year. The legal department is a talented woman. If you have a broken car, you can have such a big face."

"Yes, yes, it is comparable to our Sisi lawyer." Li Meng chuckled, and the scorpion sank: "Well, I am waiting for you to call, you will not come, but it will be a lot less fun."

Du Si Si Xin received the gods: "I understand, my lady, before I go, the jewelry on your body will be able to make the woman honest for a while. If she gives her face a shame, then the whole class will arrive, let's take her. Those things are shaking out, so that is wonderful."

"I mean this too." Li Meng said two more words before he hang up the phone, and his mood is getting better. His face is obviously disdainful. Helen Weiwei, oh, how long can you be beautiful? Don't say that it's a car repair, it's enough for her to bring a child alone, but also enough for her face!

Du Sisi is actually the same as Li Meng’s thoughts. I want to go early, step on it and step on it.

However, today the uncle wants to take him to see a particularly important person.

She understands the meaning of her uncle, and the uncle wants them to know each other and then develop their feelings.

No one in the business circle didn't know, and he was born to be noble and not very famous. He was also very mysterious. All the entertainment projects in the capital were in his hands.

Even when the uncle raised him, his eyes were shining.

Not to mention the ladies who are next to her. Those who have seen that one are somewhat fascinated. I heard that she is coming to "Jiaowei" today, and her face is very envious.

She was arranged by her uncle in the living room, just on the first floor of the building.

Three hours have elapsed since the morning, and my uncle told her that when the queen arrives, she will help her to introduce her and let her not go anywhere.

The more this is the case, Du Sisi thinks that the man he wants to see today is highly weighted, and his mind is also alive, taking out the foundation in his bag and making up his own makeup.

She believes that with her beauty and ability, she will definitely let the other person look at her.

If you can get the attention of the prince, not only the classmates who meet today will envy her, but even her ladies and friends will come to her.

After thinking about it, I am likely to become the hostess of this building. Du Sisi's red lips are hooked up.

At this time, there was a loud noise coming from afar, and the crowd came in from the door, so that Du Sisi could not see who was who.

There are two such men, one after the other, the back of the man holding a office bag in his hand, looks elegant, eyebrows out, at this time is whispering something with the man in front.

Seeing their figure appear in the hall, the digital management who had been waiting for a long time rushed to meet, and at the same time, the media reporters who were squeezing the front and the long guns and short guns, the flashing lights flashed.

The Bailijiajue looked at the scene quietly, and stopped suddenly. He stood tall and stood up, his expression was leisurely, and even his mouth was still half-hooked. The perfect side face could not see any dissatisfaction, but the fundus was already Suddenly sinking.

A middle-aged management executive couldn't see the change of the devil's exclusive atmosphere. On the contrary, he was confident that no man in the world would not like the taste of being spoiled. The more high-ranking people, the more so.

Therefore, the middle-aged management executives stepped forward to the front: "The media are very concerned about your annexation of foreign companies. Do you want to accept interviews? And the company will always encounter some legal problems in its development. I have invited professionals, do you want to see them?"

The middle-aged management executives thought that this would be the case.

What he didn't think of was that Brigadier even didn't even look at him. He said a little to the green dragon behind him: "Take it to you." He approached the elevator that passed through the top floor.

The middle-aged seniors were bungee jumping, but he knew that the special help around the president was also in need of a knot. He immediately turned to the Qinglong Road: "Would you like to help you first, this time the lawyer is mine." Prostitutes are very legal."

The information in Qinglong’s hand is combined. Compared with the fire unicorn, he gives people a relatively milder feeling, but he definitely understands the master’s mind. He looks at the middle-aged high-level and looks at the crowd. Looking at the prostitute who was said by the middle-aged high-level, he was low, like thinking about something.

The middle-aged high-level officials saw a look toward the back, letting people separate the media first, and then they were facing Qinglong Road: "Dragon special help, I heard that the president is still single now?"

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