The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1002 Sea Clan Reinforcement

A coastline somewhere in Seowonju.

King Kui Niu squinted his eyes and stood on top of a cliff by the sea. Two short white horns could be vaguely seen above his head, his skin was wrapped in cyan spirit armor, and behind him stood two demon cultivators with deep breath.

One of them is about ten feet tall, with golden hair, looks like a male lion, long and narrow eyes, covered with a layer of dark golden scales, and a layer of thorn-like mane on his back. A golden lion with a ninth-level cultivation.

This clan was inherited from the ancient beasts, the red-flamed golden beasts, but the golden lions only inherited the magical powers of metal, and even so, they were a powerful race second only to the split-armored cattle.

The other monster was only eight feet tall, and was much thinner than the other two monsters. The surface of the skin was covered with a layer of tight black fur, and only an inch of white needle hair grew on the head.

His face is triangular, his eyes are small and his nose is pointed, his limbs are thick and short, and the black claws at the end are more than a foot long. Although the exposed ninth-level aura is not stable, his body exudes a fierce aura, which seems to be stronger than Kui Niu King.

The name of this monster is well-known in both the human race and the monster race.

Badger beast!

The fierce badger beasts have extremely cruel competition. The newly born cubs will kill each other. Only the strongest one is qualified to survive. Moreover, this beast is very aggressive and can face higher-level monsters or immortals. are not afraid at all.

It is precisely because of this that the number of fierce badger beasts is very rare, and it is even rarer in the world to cultivate to the advanced level. This ninth-level fierce badger beast is called "Badger Six" and is the sixth born in a litter of cubs. The ethnic group he belonged to had long since disappeared, and he was the only one left.

Although it is only the first to enter the ninth level, the real strength of Badger Six can even fight against the late Nascent Soul.

King Kui Niu felt a strong ferocity and frowned: "Badger Six, you have just stabilized your body, you are not allowed to challenge the sea clan, and there will be opportunities for you to fight."

This ferocious badger beast called "Badger Six" nodded with some difficulty, and the ferocious aura on his body gradually disappeared.


After an unknown time, King Kui Niu narrowed his eyes and said, "They are here."

I saw the seaside sky, and I don't know when, a giant wave up to ten feet appeared, and at the top of the wave, I could vaguely see three figures.

King Kui Niu hugged his hoofs on his chest and hummed, "As expected, these three guys led the team."

The golden lion stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked it next to his mouth: "The sea-burning crocodile, the ice-armored turtle, the green toad beast, it seems that after the death of an illusory sea-monster, the sea clan has become more cautious."

Badger Six silently watched the scene in the distance, the sharp claws in his hands gradually retracted into his body, becoming very calm.

As the coast approached, the giant wave gradually sank, and King Kui Niu and others also saw a large shadow in the water beneath the wave, and a strong and incomparably strong demonic energy rushed towards them.

After a while, the waves crashed on the cliff where Kui Niu King was, causing a lot of water splashes, and the three figures fell on the cliff.

The head is a huge monster with a red crocodile head. He glanced at the three monsters, and when he saw the fierce badger beast, the dark red vertical pupil flashed a color of fear.

Then he looked at King Kui Niu, and said in a surprised tone, "I didn't expect you to come over here, Lao Niu. Why, don't you need to monitor Dao?"

King Kui Niu said with an indifferent expression: "There is Jinpeng near the Yunwu Mountains, and he can't hide any trouble from him, but it is your sea clan, and this king is not at ease."

"Other sects of cultivators have already supported more than a dozen cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage in Xiyuan Prefecture. Together with the original monks from Daoyi Sect and Lieyang Sect, there are already 30 cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage in these two sects."

"If the number of people supported by the sea clan is not large, there is no need for us to continue the attack, but based on the southwest region, we will set up a great formation of 10,000 tides, step by step."

The burning sea crocodile showed disdain in his eyes: "Without the protection of the cultivator of the God Transformation stage, the strength of the human race immortal cultivator is not worth mentioning, don't worry, in addition to our three ninth-level demon cultivators, there are also fifteen eighth-level sea monsters. Come and help."

King Kui Niu looked at the ocean behind them, seemed to see something, and nodded lightly.

There was an ice crystal-colored turtle shell next to it, and the turtle monster with thick limbs flashed a strange color in his eyes: "Old Niu, your mood seems a little wrong, what happened."

The King Kui Niu said coldly: "The human monks are not stubborn. They raided the Water Bear Mountain and wiped out the barbarian bear and the wolf Qingfeng. We have already lost four people of the disguised tribe. Sending people over, how can such a thing happen.”

The ice turtle looked embarrassed. Just as he was about to say something, the Fenhai Crocodile raised his claws and interrupted:

"Most of the sea clan's demon cultivators are not adapted to fighting on land. It will take a while. Besides, the ghost sea-monster of this clan has also fallen. Now the sea clan plus your demon clan, the number of metamorphic demon cultivators has exceeded 40. Name, it should be fine."

King Kui Niu pondered for a moment and said, "This kind of strength has completely crushed the immortal cultivators in Xiyuan Prefecture. As long as we destroy Daoyi with the momentum of thunder, the Lieyang Sect will naturally flee in panic."

"In this way, the entire Xiyuan Prefecture will fall into our hands, and the Hai Clan will be able to set up the strongest tidal formation and launch the seawater to submerge the entire Xiyuan Prefecture."

The burning sea crocodile and the ice-armored turtle heard the words, and their eyes flashed with excitement, but at this time, the last sea clan opened his mouth and made a sharp and dull voice: "Kui Niu King also said, now the monster clan has lost a lot. , then why not destroy the weaker Lieyang Sect first."

This demon cultivator looked like a bloated old woman, with green pustules all over her face, and a rancid smell on her body. She looked so ugly, her body was a green toad beast proficient in poisonous magic.

Hearing this, the Fenhai Crocodile laughed wildly: "Bi Chan is right, persimmons are soft, and the supernatural powers of our sea clan's demon cultivators also restrain the Lieyang Sect."

"Simply take action together and destroy the Lieyang Sect first. At that time, even if the Daoist sect is not afraid of us, the other Nascent Souls who came to support will have the intention of retreating."

"After all, in the perception of immortal cultivators, if ordinary sea people leave the ocean for too long, their magical powers will be greatly reduced. Zhongyun Prefecture is much safer than Xiyuan Prefecture."

"Wait for one door to withdraw from Xiyuanzhou, and our mission will be completed."

The Bichan Beast stared into the eyes of the Kui Niu King and said hoarsely, "What is the Kui Niu King's mind?"

King Kui Niu said blankly: "It's so good, but old crocodile, this king has something to confirm with you again."

The burning sea crocodile seemed to know what the other party wanted to ask, and he said with a serious expression: "Don't worry, old cow, the entire Xiyuan state will be submerged by the sea after the launch of the Great Wave, and our sea clan will continue to help you seize the land."

"This is what the first elder personally promised. Could it be that the old man will still fail to speak."

King Kui Niu seemed to be relieved a lot, and finally showed a smile and said: "In this case, everyone will go with me to Baizu Mountain to rest for a few days, so that this king can tell everyone the information of Lieyang Sect."

"Okay!" The Burning Sea Crocodile waved to the sea behind him.

Accompanied by the sound of rushing water, hundreds of monsters gushed out of the sea. The dozens of monsters in front of them have all turned into human figures, and the monsters are surging. Crocodiles, turtles, pythons and toad-like monsters.

"Let's go."

The dense demon cloud rose into the sky, like a large yellow cloud, rolling away in the direction of the inland.

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