The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1017 Surrounding

Suddenly, a miniature shark flew out of the body that lost its vitality, holding a bleak blue demon pill, but no matter how far it flew, an invisible force enveloped it.

The mini shark was startled, and then a crazy color flashed in its small eyes, and an astonishing force exploded, bursting out a huge blue halo, and the power that bound it quickly dissipated.

Under the cover of that blue aura, the mini shark flew several dozen meters away in the blink of an eye.

In order to keep the Soul Demon Pill, it directly blew itself up with a small amount of courage. Not only did it break free, but its speed increased several times. It was comparable to the teleportation of a cultivator in the Nascent Soul period. After a few flashes, it flew to the shark demon position not far away, submerging in it. A ninth-level shark monster opened its mouth slightly.

These seven shark monsters were still standing on the sea in a daze. They couldn't believe their eyes at all. Just now, they joined forces to kill the enemy, but they turned around in an instant.

The patriarch of their silver-headed shark clan, the top five tenth-level powerhouses in the sea clan, just died.

Shark Tongtian's weak voice came from the mind of the ninth-level shark demon: "Quick... escape!! The Kui Niu King colluded with the human race immortal cultivator... There are three people here..."

In the end, Sha Tongtian's voice was almost inaudible, as if even the breath of his soul had disappeared.

The expression of this ninth-level shark demon suddenly became extremely frightened, and he roared: "What are you doing, run away!"

But at this time, he suddenly discovered that in the sea behind him, a white and black and white aura gushed out, exuding a strong restraining force, stretching for hundreds of feet, blocking their retreat all at once.

In the deserted waters nearby, two menacing demon cultivators appeared at some point in time.

A sturdy, lion-like Golden Armored Demon Xiu, the golden hair on its head fell off and turned into hundreds of slender golden needles, with an extremely sharp breath, slamming at the five eighth-level sharks demon.

The other badger-shaped monster, with black hair shining brightly in the water, was astonishingly fast, like a dexterous seal, and the sea water couldn't stop its sturdy figure at all.

In the blink of an eye, he approached two ninth-level silver-headed sharks, and the sharp long claws in his hands quickly waved, with a golden claws shadow, shrouded forward.

"Damn it, it's the Golden Lion King and Badger Six, second sister, go over there and help, I'll block Badger Six first!"

The round-headed axe in the hand of this ninth-level shark monster flashed blue light, facing the sharp claws of Badger Six, and at the same time, the silver lump on the head radiated a blue ball of aura, which exuded an extremely cold breath.

There was a ferocious light in Badger Liu's eyes, and he ignored the round-headed axe that came from the bombardment. The sharp claws on his right hand shone with a more dazzling golden light, flashed the axe, and scratched the chest of the ninth-level shark demon.

"Damn madman!"

The ninth-level shark demon cursed inwardly. The vicious badger beast is a powerful metal monster. He didn't dare to take the opponent's attack. The sharp forces intertwined, and a fierce aura burst out.

The ice-blue light ball directly hit Badger Six, and the strong cold water power spread out, and the surrounding sea water had a tendency to turn into ice cubes.

Badger Six seemed to have expected this situation long ago. At some point in time, countless black steel hairs grew out of the soft black fur, and a sharp force lingered on it. One by one, his body curled up and buried his head in his belly. , rapidly spinning and rolling forward.

This rotating steel thorn ball not only smashed the force of the cold water, but also shattered the seawater that had condensed into ice around it.

The shark demon's face was slightly dark, and he pressed the axe against his forehead, and a deeper breath gushed out from the silver head. Then he held the axe in both hands and slashed forward, and an ice-blue round axe blazed out, as if In a teleport, it hit Badger Six's curled up body.

The more turbulent cold water aura stirred, turning Badger Six and the surrounding sea water into ice cubes, but then cracks appeared in the ice, and it was obvious that it could not be trapped for long.

This ninth-level shark demon has no heart to fight, and the fierce badger beast has amazing fighting power. Even if he is at home in the sea, he may not be able to beat the opponent alone, not to mention that there are two flashes in the distance that make his heart palpitate. come.

But just as he turned around and fled, three golden sword lights appeared out of nowhere and slammed into the face. The shark demon hurriedly slammed the axe across the face, and when he took a closer look, he found that it was three golden claws several feet long. It turned out that Badger Six had hidden claws in the surrounding sea water at some point.

Kachacha, the ice shattered, the ferocious badger escaped and rushed over, the ninth-level shark monster had to continue fighting with it.


Not far away, there was a young man standing beside the Golden Lion King, who was Han Feng from Luoyun Valley.

A magic weapon in the shape of a miniature hill was suspended in his palm, with an incomparably thick aura surging in it, and yellow auras shot out from it, turning into countless three-foot-long stone thorns.

After these stone thorns were attacked by the shark demon's axe blade or the power of ice, they were easily shattered, but the small stone thorns after the shattering still flashed with aura, and their power was not diminished.

Neither the Golden Lion King nor Han Feng intended to kill the group of shark monsters. The golden needles and stone thorns they used all surrounded the five eighth-level shark monsters to prevent them from escaping.

On the other side, the ninth-level shark demon with the appearance of a shrew was holding a round axe of life, and his face was extremely ugly. In front of her, there was a famous crane-haired old man, a Taoist Baiyun Taoist.

He held a pair of jade Ruyi that flickered with white light, and kept shooting out a cloud of aura, blocking his way.

The shrew kept wielding the giant axe and slashing, but every time she attacked, although her aura was scattered, a new white cloud of aura came up, which kept her in place.

Every time Baiyun Lingguang disintegrated, Daoist Baiyun's face turned pale. Obviously, it was not easy to resist the attacks of the ninth-level monsters. Although he couldn't take the initiative to attack, he still entangled the opponent.

During the ten or so hours of entanglement between the two sides, the two astonishing rays of light in the distance had already come to the sky above this sea, and the aura dissipated, revealing the figure of one person and one demon, it was the King Kui Niu and Dao Yi Zhenren.

The appearance of the Kui Niu King is a little different from before. Except for the one-legged, the limbs and appearance are completely the same as those of the human race. The hands and the hooves on the one-legged cow have also disappeared, but in front of him, there are two small one. A large black square with purple electric light flashing on it, and the breath is extremely deep.

Daoyizhen looked at the battle below, stretched out his hands, and two bone-colored bracelets flew out from his wrists, lashing away in the direction of the eighth-level silver-headed shark.

In the process of flying, the pair of bracelets fused together at a speed visible to the naked eye, turned into a large iron ring with a diameter of three feet, and stopped above the shark demon group, followed by five rings with a white halo The aura went down.

As if teleporting, these spirit rings appeared directly around the eighth-level demon cultivator, locking their bodies, and then these demon cultivators were drowned by the golden needles and stone thorns that filled the sky.

King Kui Niu didn't sit still either. The three black square seals in front of him, under the urging of his powerful demon spirit power, turned into three meteorites surrounded by thunder and lightning, and slammed into two ninth-level shark demons.

Daoist Baiyun looked happy, and Yu Ruyi in his hand spit out a dozen or so thick white clouds in an instant, covering the shrew's burly body, and then a black square seal the size of a grinding disc, flashing with strong electric light, blasted in.

As for the other ninth-level shark monster, dozens of claw marks already appeared on its smooth gray skin.

Although there was a trace of blood flowing from the corners of the beast's mouth, for these beasts, the more they were injured, the stronger the explosive force, and the phantom of the sharp claws flashing with golden light had completely suppressed the opponent.

At this time, the black square seals formed by the other two bull hooves of Kui Niu King aimed at the back of the shark demon.

At the moment of life and death, a hint of struggle flashed in the eyes of the ninth-level shark demon, and then a blue demon pill was spit out, a violent blue light flashed, and the demon pill exploded.

The self-destruction power of the ninth-level demon pill was amazing, not only blasting the black square seal, but also forcing the fierce badger back.

Strangely, this ninth-level shark demon lost its demon pill and did not die, but a tenth-level demon spirit energy flowed out of its body.

"The old shark isn't dead yet!"

King Kui Niu's face sank, and the two black square seals flashed with electric light, and he went straight to catch up. Although the speed of the shark demon in the sea was astonishing, he could see that the other party's destination was the coral island.

Black Fangyin chased on the sea, and chased after the shark monster when he first entered the coral island.

But at this moment, a very quiet coral leaf suddenly exploded on the coral island, and a huge, colorful body exuding a prehistoric atmosphere rose from the ground, a bloody mouth opened wide, and it bit into the black square seal.

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