The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1019 Seduction

Just when everyone was at a loss, the coral shrubs on the island suddenly trembled, and the incomparably rich devouring power rolled over and over, and everyone's expressions changed.

But the next moment, the coral island fell silent again, and they looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

Chen Mingzhu suddenly thought of something, and his expression changed: "Wait, something is wrong."

Dao Yizhen said: "What did Pavilion Master Chen find?"

Chen Mingzhu touched his chin and said, "If the devouring power of each Spirit Devouring Insect reaches the Nascent Soul level, how are these hundreds of zerg worms controlled? Kui Niu King, is there such a thing as the monster clan? Insect control secrets."

King Kui Niu was stunned for a moment, and murmured, "Pavilion Master Chen is right. Controlling hundreds of Spirit-Swallowing Insects at the mature stage requires astonishing spiritual awareness. How could the demon race have such a secret technique."

He then looked at Daoyi Zhenren: "The Gu Poison Sect of Chu State seems to be proficient in the way of controlling insects, what does Zhenren think?"

Daoyi Zhenren also reacted. He pondered for a moment and said, "Friend Qian Daoist of the Gu Poison Sect has a Nascent Soul-level Gu worm, and the old man happened to communicate with it."

"Although the power of spiritual consciousness of the monster insect is weak, if it is instructed to fight, it will continue to absorb the power of spiritual consciousness of the cultivator. The old man once asked curiously, if there are dozens of such spiritual insects, wouldn't they be invincible at the same level? "

"But fellow Daoist Qian said that with his cultivation in the early stages of Nascent Soul, he can control up to three Nascent Soul-level spirit worms to fight.

"Even if Fellow Daoist Qian has reservations about this old man, in the early days of Nascent Soul, he would not be able to enlist more than five of them. From this, it is inferred that the consciousness in the later stage of Nascent Soul can barely control a dozen or so monsters of this level."

Speaking of which, Daoyi Zhenren looked at the small island in front of him and said slowly: "That is to say, to control hundreds of spirit-devouring worms, not to mention the late Nascent Soul, even the spiritual transformation period is not enough, not to mention that the old turtle is In the breakthrough, it is even more impossible.”

"These spirit-devouring insects act on instinct!"

After coming to this conclusion, everyone's expressions were a lot more excited, but Han Feng frowned and said, "But when the ninth-level shark demon entered the coral island just now, the swallowing worm did not intercept it. Could it be that it was concealed by some means? Swallowing worms?"

Dao Yizhen thought for a while and said: "The magical powers of these spirit-devouring insects may be similar to the ancient spirit insects mentioned by King Kui Niu, but their appearance is very different. Obviously, they have lived in the sea for a long time, and the sea clan may know it. their weaknesses or preferences, and thus indirectly lure them."

King Kui Niu looked at the coral island in front of him and pondered: "Monster insects and demon clan are two cultivation systems. They cultivate by instinct, and it is difficult to open up their intelligence. The supernatural powers are not inherited in the blood, but are inherited through eggs."

"This group of swallowing worms looks like some kind of sea worm, and it is likely that the ancient swallowing worms and some kind of sea worm mate and lay eggs, which has survived to this day."

Daoyi Zhenren sighed: "It's a pity that fellow Daoist Qian of the Gu Poison Sect is not here, otherwise we can investigate the habits of these colored spirit-devouring insects and try to lure them away."

Everyone doesn't know the way to control insects, and they have no way to deal with these spiritual insects with the power of terrifying devouring.

Is it really necessary to launch endless spells to consume its devouring power? But if the mana consumption is too large, what will they use to deal with the tenth-level peak turtle monster?

At this time, Lu Kun, who was silent for a long time, suddenly said: "Kui Niu King has never heard of such monsters in the sea clan, which means that the number of them is very small, which means that the reproductive ability is very weak."

King Kui Niu nodded and said, "For a powerful monster, reproduction is its biggest weakness."

Lu Kun thought thoughtfully: "They belonged to the underworld insect race in the ancient times, and later mutated under the influence of demonic energy and spiritual energy. Since they can reproduce for tens of thousands of years, there should be demonic energy and cold power in the outer sea. place."

Upon hearing this, King Kui Niu shook his head and said, "The spiritual energy of the outer sea is pure, and there is no demonic energy at all, let alone the power of coldness..."

"Wait, could it be... the maelstrom..." His expression changed.

"The Maelstrom?" Lu Kun asked curiously.

King Kui Niu said slowly: "At the end of the outer sea, there is a huge seabed vortex, densely covered with space cracks, it is said to be a battlefield in the ancient times, where there are not only the remnants of demonic energy, but also the power of yin and cold, these swallowing spirits exist. The bug probably came from there."

Daoyi Zhenren raised his brows and said, "Why did Pavilion Master Lu ask its source? Is there a solution?"

Lu Kun said lightly: "I have dealt with the high-level worms in the abyss of death. These worms remain in the world of Xiu Xian. In addition to reproduction, cultivation is more difficult and must absorb the strong power of cold."

"By chance, Lu had killed a ninth-level peak worm. If these spirit-devouring worms acted instinctively, they might be able to use the body of a high-level worm to attract them."

Everyone was surprised. Although they were the top existences of immortal cultivators and demon clan, they had also heard a little about the ghost worms in the ancient times. Unexpectedly, Pavilion Master Lu also killed a ninth-level peak ghost worm.

Daoyi Zhenren exclaimed in amazement: "I heard from a friend that there are Yuan Ying-level worms living in the abyss of death in the southern state of Qi, but I didn't expect that there are still ninth-level peaks."

Lu Kun hesitated and said, "But Lu is not sure whether the breath of the ninth-level peak of the worm can attract the swallowing worm."

Daoyi Zhenren clasped his fists and said, "Time is running out, Pavilion Master Lu just give it a try."

Lu Kun nodded, thought for a moment, then his body flashed, turned into a streamer, galloped on the sea, and came to the other side of the coral island. A strong silver light gushed out of his hands, and there was a small thing in it. .

As soon as he finished these actions, the coral island trembled violently, the strong devouring power churned endlessly, coral reefs burst from the soil, and the thick and ferocious insect shadows all shot up into the sky, as if they had discovered an incomparably delicious food. .

More than 300 ferocious colored long insects rushed out from the ground. Each spirit swallowing insect was 30 feet long. Hundreds were gathered and intertwined, like a hill, and the visual impact was extremely strong.

These chilling swallowing insects scurried rapidly, and they reached the other side of the coral island in a blink of an eye. They kept bouncing upwards, but their body length was limited, and their mouthparts could reach a height of up to 30 feet, as if these swallowing insects could not resist empty flight.

Lu Kun was stunned for a moment, as if he did not expect this situation, but he reacted very quickly, his body fell directly into the sea water, and swam into the distance.

Those spirit-devouring insects did not hesitate at all, and they all plunged into the sea, like thick sea snakes, chasing them at a very fast speed.

Dao Yizhen showed a look of great joy. He took advantage of Lu Kun to be within the range of his consciousness, and immediately said: "Please, Pavilion Master Lu, lead the swallowing insects away, and we will use the Wanli Talisman to keep in touch."

Then he looked solemn and said to the others: "Everyone, to break the last ban, we must face the tenth-level peak monster. The opponent is at the critical moment of hitting the bottleneck. We have a great chance of winning."

Having said that, he looked at Chen Mingzhu and Han Feng, and said, "After the completion of the matter, the two old masters can agree to the conditions. I also hope that Pavilion Master Chen and Fellow Daoist Han will give their full help."

Han Feng and Chen Mingzhu showed a hint of joy and nodded.

Everyone used their spiritual sense to investigate carefully again. All the corals on the ground disappeared, leaving hundreds of caves in the size of hundreds of feet. After they found no danger, they flew to the center of the island.

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