The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1021 Siege (1)

A group of colorful swallowing worms quietly lurked in the depths of the seabed, without showing any breath, even if a cultivator glanced at it with his spiritual sense, he would only think that these were ordinary seabed rocks.

I don't know how long it took, a faint wave of divine consciousness emerged from the swarm, and a glazed coral shrub slowly emerged from the bottom of the soil, and at the end of the shrub, a pair of tiny eyes appeared.

A pair of small eyes looked nervously to the left and right, as if they were exploring something. After a while, it found that there were no other creatures in this sea area, and finally showed a hint of relaxation in its eyes.

Then the pair of coral shrubs swayed slowly, and this wave of consciousness rushed in all directions. Hundreds of spirit-devouring insects in the depths of the seabed received some kind of instructions to drill into the deeper sea mud, and they looked in one direction. surging away.

This direction is not the open sea area, but the northern coastline of Seowonju.


Strong battle fluctuations are surging everywhere in Xiyuanzhou. It has been more than half a day since the immortal cultivators attacked the Great Array of Thousand Tides.

The three nodes of Lieyang Sect, Daoyimen and Tianfumen were not only completely occupied by immortal cultivators, but also set up a new forbidden formation.

There are a Nascent Soul Stage and several Core Formation Stage Immortal Cultivators, respectively. Unless the Sea Clan gathers a dozen or so monsters to attack them, it is impossible to break any forbidden formation in a short time.

What's more, the sea monsters in Xiyuanzhou have been suppressed by the immortal cultivators, and they cannot organize a counterattack at all.

Nearly half of the high-level sea-monsters were being hunted down by the Yuanying monks, and the rest retreated to the formation nodes of the coastline, and used Wanchao's formations to deal with the besieging Yuanying monks.

With the passage of time, all immortal cultivators and monsters discovered that the Inner Sea and Xiyuan Prefecture had completely become a closed cage, and even the boundary between the Inner Sea and the Outer Sea was shrouded in a blue and white halo.

This kind of terrifying restriction, which contains the vitality of heaven and earth, is difficult for the great monks to break. Those who are fleeing in the shape of sea monsters can only survive and avoid the pursuit of immortal cultivators. Every few hundred kilometers, there are battles.


King Kui Niu and the others were suspended on the sea, Dao Yizhen was at the head of the crowd, a three-legged bronze tripod was suspended in front of him, and a faint cloud was spit out from the mouths of the three dragon heads, forming a pale white outside the body of everyone. photomask.

King Kui Niu and Dao Yi, who had the highest cultivation base, were slightly pale, and their expressions were extremely solemn. Deep in their pupils, there was a hint of remorse.

Except for this person and one monster, the eyes of the others were slightly scattered, and their spiritual senses trembled. It seemed that their souls had suffered some kind of heavy damage. The eyes they looked forward were full of horror.

The prohibition in the center of the coral island has been broken by everyone, and replaced by a huge pale-white reef, on which is prostrate a turtle shell about five to six feet in size.

On the dark yellow turtle shell like granite, there are rock-like edges and corners, exuding an incomparably thick breath, and it seems to contain amazing defensive power.

The head and limbs of this huge sea turtle were all indented into the turtle shell, and deep purple light flashed in the mouths of the dark shells.

At the head of the tortoise shell, there was a shriveled gray shark corpse, and a silver round axe and a silver ball fell aside.

Although the tortoise shell did not emit any breath, the surrounding air was slightly distorted, and a layer of pale yellow mist lingered around it.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on this layer of yellow mist, and Chen Mingzhu's tone trembled a little: "The mist attack just now, is it the power of will that is unique to the God Transformation level?"

King Kui Niu took a deep breath and said, "Yes, this is the crazy meaning possessed by the demon king, but what this old guy understands is the most superficial one, and he doesn't seem to be able to use it freely."

Han Feng said with an ugly face: "We didn't destroy the Great Array of Ten Thousand Tides, how come this turtle monster's cultivation has not been affected, and it already has the magical powers of the monster king."

Daoyi's eyes flickered and he said, "Fellow Daoist Han, the will attack of the turtle demon has obviously done its best. It seems that it was the soul demon pill that devoured the tenth-level shark demon before it was displayed."

When everyone heard the words, their eyes turned to the shriveled corpse on the ground, showing doubts.

At this time, King Kui Niu said again: "This king's idea is the same as that of Brother Dao. If this guy has spare energy, he can just take advantage of the power of our will to carry out a lightning-like attack instead of continuing to retreat. Now is the time Great time to attack."

Dao Yizhen looked at the tripod in front of him, gritted his teeth and said, "Although you attack, this old man has brought the treasure of this sect, Yunwu Ding, as long as you lose some vitality, this madness will not affect it at all. to us."

Everyone looked at the three-legged bronze tripod in front of Dao Yizhen. Not long ago, they joined forces to break the last restriction on the island, and were attacked by a yellow demon fog full of madness.

If Daoyi Zhenren hadn't sacrificed this bronze tripod, the damage they would have suffered would have been even more astonishing.

There was a flash of fleshly pain in Daoyi's eyes, and extremely complicated magic tricks were pinched in his hands, and a series of spiritual lights shot out. inside.

In this halo, everyone felt a sense of fluttering and immortal. Although they had not touched the will power of the cultivator of the god-transforming stage, they could also feel that this and that madness were the same level of power. , can not help but feel a lot of peace of mind.

Afterwards, a white jade fan appeared in Daoyi's hands. The incomparably thick power of Nascent Soul rolled around, slamming the tortoise shell crawling in front of him, and a cloud mixed with countless icicles burst out.

At the same time, the Kui Niu King quickly waved his hands, and the large and two small black square prints formed by his hooves were surrounded by incomparably thick lightning, catching up with the frosty clouds and mist.

The three hooves quickly merged in the cloud and mist, turning into a zhang-sized seal, wrapped in a layer of cloud and mist full of lightning and ice, and blasted directly at the turtle shell that was quietly crawling on the reef.


The two powerful men attacked together, with unparalleled power, terrifying air waves rolled around, stirring up circles of sky-shattering giant waves, and the surrounding heaven and earth aura surging violently.

The clouds dissipated, and the coral island was in a mess, but the huge turtle shell in the middle seemed to be the same as before, and there was no sign of injury.

Dao Yizhen's pupils shrank, showing a somewhat incredible expression: "How could this be, our attack just now did not attract the vitality of heaven and earth!"

King Kui Niu looked down and said with an ugly face: "The soul of the old turtle demon has already stepped into the threshold of the demon king. Since he can use the meaning of madness, he can naturally sense and condense the vitality of heaven and earth."

"We are just attracting the vitality of heaven and earth with the strength of Yuan Ying, but this guy is attracted by the spirit of the demon king, so naturally we can't grab him."

Daoyi Zhenren gritted his teeth and said: "What if there is no blessing from heaven and earth, this old turtle is still in the state of cultivation, and there are so many of us, why can't we take him?"

King Kui Niu said solemnly: "Everyone is attacking with all their strength, as long as their cultivation state is interrupted, he will inevitably suffer backlash, and we have succeeded in half!"

After seeing King Kui Niu and Dao Yi attack, they were not attacked by the madness again, so they surged the demon spirit and mana in their bodies, mobilized their own natal magic weapons, and launched a continuous offensive.

"Boom boom boom..."

Among these four people and three demons, except for Chen Mingzhu, they are all outstanding practitioners in the Nascent Soul period. They jointly launched an attack, and even without the blessing of heaven and earth, the power they exerted was beyond imagination.

The spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth stirred frantically, layers of waves rolled outward, and even immortal cultivators hundreds of miles away could sense the terrifying fluctuations generated here, and the coral island was smashed by a small half under such repeated offensives.

The crowd bombarded for several rounds before they stopped. Soon they were horrified to find that the tortoise shell was still in place, and it didn't seem to be damaged. It only changed from dark yellow to light yellow.

The yellow mist outside the tortoise shell turned into an illusion of a giant tortoise.

This is a giant yellow tortoise wrapped in thick rocks. Except for the shell behind it, even the skin is like a rock.

King Kui Niu took a closer look and lost his voice: "Xuan Turtle! How is it possible, isn't this old turtle a Thunder Turtle, why does it still have the bloodline of the Xuan Turtle!"

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