The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1023 Siege (Last Part)

On the coral island, Daoyi Zhenren felt such a terrifying vision of heaven and earth vitality, his eyes condensed, he suddenly chanted some kind of obscure incantation, his hands flashed rapidly, and the cloud and fog cauldron above everyone's heads suddenly began to turn. .

The King Kui Niu looked equally solemn. His mouth was slightly open, and he spat out a pair of incomparably pitch-black horns, which were engraved with strange runes, exuding a faint aura of destruction.

Afterwards, the tenth-level Kui Niu also chanted a spell like the immortal cultivator. The pair of bull horns trembled, and the power of destruction inside was even more turbulent.

Han Feng and the others were still hesitating whether to evacuate. After seeing the means of this man and one demon, they were instantly refreshed. The two attacks, just from the casting of the spell, had an unfathomable feeling.

After about ten breaths, Daoyi Zhenren finished reading the last few syllables, and the three dragon-headed mouths of Yunwuding had already spit out a dazzling sphere of spiritual light, like a small sun, making it impossible to look directly.

He held an aura of magic in his hand, his body trembled slightly, and his forehead was sweating. Dao Yizhen held the spell and did not cast it, but stared at the turtle shell on the island.

The King Kui Niu also finished casting the spell, holding black horns in both hands, with black lightning swirls around it, the terrifying aura of destruction surged, and the palms that turned into human shapes were even a little charred.

Even so, he, like Daoyi Zhenren, did not launch an attack, and stared at the turtle demon who was attracting the vitality of the world. Although he did not attack, the aura emanating from the two made others shudder, and even the spirit of the world outside. The coercion has been reduced a lot.

After a cup of tea, the surrounding vitality light clouds became more dense, forming a huge funnel-shaped cloud, slowly rotating, and pressing down in the direction of the coral island.

Suddenly, this huge cloud trembled, and the downward trend seemed to be hindered in some way. Daoyi's eyes lit up and said: "Brother Niu! Take action!"

King Kui Niu didn't say a word, the thick demon spirit power was desperately injected into the black bull horns, he put his hands together, the two bull horns fused together instantly, then swung his arms and threw it fiercely towards the center of the island.

At the same time, the white aura held in Daoyi's hands shot out, and the shining ball of light in front of the cloud and fog cauldron was like a teleportation, directly merging with the horns in the flying shot.

As a tenth-level monster, the Kui Niu King is also an ancient Kui Niu with a powerful bloodline. His throwing power even reached one million kilograms.

In the shining ball of light wrapped around the horns, a powerful thought gushed out, which was the most precious and ethereal meaning. The funnel-shaped white clouds were stagnant in the air, as if they had found some delicious food, and flew towards the root. Thick horns came surging.

Almost in an instant, the thick black horns turned into a huge white cloud ball like a hut, with dense pitch-black thunder and lightning rolling inside.

The tortoise shell below seemed to feel the crisis, and the illusion of the black tortoise flickered and fell into the tortoise shell, churning up the power of qi and blood, and the yellow light flourished.


A suffocating aura of destruction rose into the sky, and terrifying air waves surged in all directions. Coral islands several miles in size turned into dust in an instant, and a small mushroom cloud rose up, and a circle of monstrous waves went to the sky. Rolling around.

I don't know if the attacking power was too terrifying, or if it killed the tortoise monster below, the huge funnel vitality cloud in the air smashed away.

Feeling the terrifying power of this attack, everyone's face showed shock. Even if they were far away, they were still blasted dozens of meters away by the terrifying Yuwei, and the aura of protecting their bodies dimmed for a while.

Although they haven't seen the cultivator of the God Transformation stage, but the attack in front of them has attracted so much energy from heaven and earth, even if it is not comparable to the God Transformation stage, I am afraid it is not far behind.

Daoyi Zhenren and Kui Niu Wang also seemed to be shocked by the power of the joint strike. After a moment's stunned, they showed anticipation and looked at the center of the mushroom cloud.


A long sigh came, the dust dissipated, and on the sea not far away, the yellow turtle shell disappeared, replaced by a dark purple turtle shell.

The pale green limbs and head slowly stretched out from the tortoise shell. There was a faint trace of blood on the edge of its mouth, and the wrinkled face was full of sighs.

Dao Yizhen couldn't believe it: "Impossible, how can you still be alive?"

King Kui Niu also felt incredible. Although this joint attack of one person and one demon was used for the first time, the power in it was absolutely beyond imagination.

Daoyizhen's cloud and fog cauldron was made by several generations of Daoyi's great elders. It took thousands of years to refine it. Although it is not as good as the legendary Tongtian Lingbao, with the blessing of the ethereal meaning, the supernatural power is no better than the real one. Tongtian Lingbao is poor.

What he just used was Yunwuding's strongest magical power, the ethereal profound light. In order to exert its greatest power, Daoyi Daoyi even consumed a few wisps of ethereal meaning. unique energy.

In addition to restraining all the attributes of the five elements, the ethereal meaning inside can also attack the soul, and any existence in the late Nascent Soul will not be able to be hard-wired.

In the eyes of Daoyi Zhenren, the scale of this magical power to stimulate the vitality of heaven and earth has completely reached the level of the spirit transformation period.

The pair of horns of the Kui Niu King is not a simple thing.

This divine power of sacrificing thunder and the mysterious light of the cloud and fog cauldron complement each other, and the power it exerts is definitely not as simple as one plus one, but such an attack seems to only hurt the tenth-level turtle monster?

A purple aura flashed, and the turtle monster in the distance turned into a middle-aged man. His face was slightly pale, and his skin was covered with a layer of dark purple scales.

He looked at King Kui Niu and the others, and sighed: "Although Gui knew that Aochen had left behind, he didn't expect you to be bribed in addition to the dragon whale."

"If the turtle enters the realm of the demon king, the land monsters will have a large area of ​​land to live in. Why not do it? We have to unite with the immortals and oppose the turtle."

King Kui Niu snorted coldly: "Old guy, don't I know what kind of virtue you have? You have been suppressing the monster clan for thousands of years, and the Silver Leopard King was also secretly removed by you, otherwise we will have at least two tenth-level monsters in town. ."

The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "Gui did not want to talk about the past. If you were in a different place, you would have done the same thing."

"Guimou only asks, if we continue to cooperate with me, turtle's conditions will remain unchanged, and the sea clan will not adapt to the land environment, and we will not have any conflicts in the future."

King Kui Niu narrowed his eyes and said, "Guizhongshan, you failed to break through the Demon King and suffered the attack just now. I don't believe this King was injured. What do you use to cooperate?"

Gui Zhongshan glanced at Daoyi Zhenren next to him, and said with a chuckle: "The attacking power you just joined together is indeed terrifying. If Gui was forced to take over it decades ago, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die."

"But you didn't expect that although this move interrupted the breakthrough, it saved a turtle's life."

Having said that, he looked up in the direction of the Inner Sea and sighed: "If it weren't for such a terrifying attack, the turtle wouldn't have burned the blood of the mysterious turtle, and he would never have discovered that senior Yin's blood was hidden in the blood of the mysterious turtle. A force of will."

"If this thought burst out when my primordial spirit was united, not only would the breakthrough fail, but Gui's soul would be severely damaged."

The corner of Gui Zhongshan's mouth was slightly raised: "Senior Keyin didn't expect that after burning the blood of the mysterious turtle, the defense of the turtle increased sharply, and he unexpectedly stimulated the power of will inside."

"The little madness that Turtle understood, coupled with this fellow Daoist's willpower, just wiped out the remaining thoughts of Senior Yin."

On the scales on the surface of Guizhong Mountain, a dazzling light of thunder and lightning gradually emerged: "Time is also fate, although this breakthrough failed, but Guimou's thunder turtle bloodline is more refined, coupled with the understanding of the power of will, next time The breakthrough is sure to succeed.”

"Since you refuse to cooperate, today is your day of death!"

As he spoke, lightning flashed outside his body, disappeared on the spot, and then appeared dozens of feet away.

King Kui Niu said in shock: "No, this is the technique of thunder!"

When Daoyi Zhenren heard this, his face changed greatly, the power of Nascent Soul in his body was rolling, and the cloud and fog cauldron above his head sprayed out a layer of white cloud, covering everyone.

Just after doing this, the figure of Gui Zhongshan appeared in front of them...

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