The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1033 Divine Consciousness

"Can the consciousness be fused with the spinal cord?"

Lu Kun was stunned for a moment, and seemed to be taken aback. He quickly closed his eyes and felt it quietly.

After taking the Good Fortune Pill, in addition to becoming more pure and vigorous, his consciousness has also greatly increased the sense of intimacy with the physical body.

Just when he was scanning his body, there was a sudden burst of attraction from the depths of his spine.

As soon as his mind moved, he poured his spiritual consciousness into his spine, and found that the power of the thick spiritual consciousness was directly fused with the deep spinal cord.

Lu Kun's expression changed for a while. At this moment, he felt that all the nerves in his body became extremely sensitive, the slight contraction of every muscle and the flow of blood in every blood vessel became clearer than before.

In addition, the slight vibration of stepping on the cloud boat under the body, the scattering of dust in the surrounding air, and the flow of forbidden aura can all be sensed through the neurons on the skin, without the need for eyes to observe, and no need to exude consciousness, as if the skin It is covered with glasses and can "see" everything around it.

After an unknown period of time, as the power of divine consciousness left the spine and returned to the sea of ​​consciousness, the ultimate spiritual perception of the fleshly body quickly subsided.

Lu Kun opened his eyes, and the color of surprise flashed inside: "Haha, I understand, the physical nervous system is the real residence of the physical and spiritual consciousness, and the sea of ​​​​knowledge is simply bullshit."

"The cultivation of spiritual consciousness in physical cultivation can also be completely separated from the immortal cultivator and become a self-contained body!"

He couldn't help standing up, pacing back and forth, and his expression was extremely excited. Since he founded the body training method, the cultivation of spiritual consciousness has been a major difficulty. He can have the power of spiritual consciousness today, which can be said to be created by various opportunities. of.

Before cultivating immortals, Lu Kun awakened the power of divine consciousness, and then began to practice the basic exercises of immortal practitioners with the help of the occasional hidden spiritual root, so that the power of divine consciousness began to grow slowly, and the awakening of divine consciousness in advance and the combination of exercises Cultivation, so that his consciousness is slightly stronger than that of ordinary immortal cultivators.

Then he took the Red Fire Royal Jelly, and together with Zhu Siming, he modified the spirit-sensing technique of Yueyangzong's Item Refinement Peak, combining the cultivation of spiritual consciousness with the nerves of the physical body, and the spiritual consciousness was further improved. He entered the bone quenching stage twice, laying a solid foundation for consciousness.

After the completion of the spiritual sense, the growth of spiritual consciousness basically comes from the breakthrough of the realm, and the body training method of the bone treasure period does not have the effect of increasing the spiritual consciousness.

But even so, Lu Kun, relying on the solid foundation of spiritual consciousness, still has the power of spiritual consciousness beyond that of immortal cultivators of the same level. After passing through the terrifying body refining thunder calamity, his spiritual consciousness has grown to the mid-level of Nascent Soul.

Lu Kun faintly felt that his spiritual consciousness had grown so fast, and it had something to do with the hidden spiritual root. The talent brought by the thunderbird seemed to be closely related to the spiritual root and soul. The amount is much less than him.

"My way of improving spiritual consciousness cannot be replicated by other physique disciples. After the body training is integrated into the spiritual sense, the improvement effect of spiritual consciousness will stop at the early stage of Gubao, and every breakthrough in the realm in the future will result in spiritual consciousness. getting weaker."

"Before monsters possessed divine consciousness, they relied on their physical and spiritual skills. Sensing magic is based on the physical nerves to cultivate their divine consciousness. After the cultivation is completed, in addition to divine consciousness, the physical induction is also greatly enhanced."

"These physical nerves, that is, ganglia and neurons, belong to the peripheral nervous system, not the core of the nervous system. The real core is the central nervous system, the spinal cord and the brain!"

Lu Kun's deep consciousness surged again and shuttled back and forth in the depths of his spine.

"I once thought that the cultivation of spiritual consciousness in the bone treasure period should start from the central nervous system, but I have never had a clue. I did not expect that the catalytic effect of the fortune pill on the spiritual consciousness indirectly caused the spinal cord to have a connection with the spiritual consciousness. blend together.”

"With this connection, I can infer the relationship between the spinal cord and spiritual consciousness. Based on the divine sense technique, I have every opportunity to create a new method of spiritual consciousness cultivation."

"With the help of this kind of spiritual sense, even if you don't need divine sense and golden eyes, you can clearly perceive the changes around you, and your battle response will be faster."

Lu Kun felt the incomparably sensitive spiritual sense of his physical body, and recalled various situations in his mind when he fought against a monk in the Yuan Ying period.

"If you are fighting against a cultivator of the Nascent Soul, you can capture the trajectory of magic weapons and high-level spells by relying on this kind of physical spiritual sense. This phenomenon of fusion of spiritual sense and spinal cord should be a sign of a stage of success, and the response of spiritual sense is comparable. The spiritual sense of the Nascent Soul."

After years of deriving the realm, Lu Kun discovered that although physical cultivation is a system of its own, each stage corresponds to the system of the cultivator one by one, and the cultivation system of monsters is also the same.

It seems that there is a hidden rule in this world that unifies all systems.

"My spiritual consciousness is equivalent to having crossed the cultivation process of a large realm due to various coincidences, and has directly reached the realm of spinal compatibility."

"The first stage of the Sense of God technique is to use the peripheral nervous system to cultivate spiritual consciousness. After this stage is completed, the spiritual consciousness has reached the initial stage of formation of elixir."

"The process of spiritual consciousness cultivation that I skipped is from the early stage of formation of elixir to the stage of Nascent Soul."

Lu Kun deduced the realm backwards in his heart.

"The central nervous system is divided into the spinal cord and the brain, but the changes in my current consciousness are only related to the bone marrow."

"If the training after the psychiatric surgery is related to the central nervous system, then the second stage of spiritual awareness training is to use the spinal cord, and the third stage may be related to the brain."

Although spiritual consciousness can reside in the sea of ​​consciousness in the brain, this sea of ​​consciousness belongs to the cultivation part developed by the cultivator's body, and has the same nature as the dantian, and the brain that Lu Kun thinks is the entity of this organ.

"The third stage is still a long way off. Now we need to solve the cultivation method of the second stage. If we push it backwards, the second stage of the spiritual sense technique is to use the spinal cord to cultivate the power of spiritual consciousness from the early stage of bone treasure to the early stage of bone transformation. ."

"After physical cultivation entered the Bone Treasure Stage, there was an elixir-level mana in the bones. The cultivation of blood magic is also closely related to the bone marrow. So in this stage, how to use the spinal cord to temper the consciousness?"

Lu Kun couldn't help but fell into deep thought. He no longer cared about the other effects of Fortune Pill. The discovery of the compatibility of spiritual consciousness with the spinal cord opened a door for him, and even helped him to make breakthroughs in the future.

If he deduced the second stage of the Sensation Technique, then the next stage is the third stage, which is related to the brain, and this stage is obviously the spiritual consciousness of the Nascent Soul.

In the future, if Lu Kun wants to break through to the realm of transforming into a god, the requirements for the power of spiritual consciousness are definitely not low. In addition, the cultivation of physical and spiritual consciousness can also enhance the combat effectiveness.

Moreover, it can be seen from the effect of the integration of the spinal cord and the spiritual sense that under the blessing and fusion of the physical body, the spiritual sense will be greatly enhanced, and the touch of the physical body will be used to perceive everything around.

After the spiritual sense feedback, the physical body will respond directly, but if it is spiritual sense, it must also feed back to the brain, and then let the physical body react through the nerves.

Not long ago, in the battle between Lu Kun and the enemy, he did not use his divine sense, but directly fed back his brain through the magical power of Jinmu, so that he could make an amazing reaction speed.

"The pavilion master, has passed the land of death."

Just as Lu Kun was pondering, the voice of Sanhuo, a psychic fire monkey, came from outside the cabin.

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