The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1040 Qi and Blood Demon Sword Embryo

In the depths of the fourth floor of the Holy City of Martial Artists, in a house full of magic and spiritual energy, three men sat cross-legged.

One of them has a thin right arm, and although his body is thin, he exudes a great sense of oppression. There is also an amazing magic power surging in his body, which is thicker than those magic cultivators who have established a great foundation.

This person is the chief disciple of the second generation of disciples of the Lianti Pavilion, Li Qianfeng, who has turned to practicing the magic of the body. After 60 years of practice, he has reached the realm of the training period.

The tempering effect of magic power on internal organs is surprisingly good, and with the poison assistance of the Poison Refinement Pavilion, his cultivation is even much higher than that of other second-generation disciples, and it is close to the perfection of body tempering.

Next to Li Qianfeng is a handsome middle-aged man with a slightly inferior imposing manner. The mana fluctuations in his body exceed those in the later stage of Foundation Establishment. He is the leader of the second generation of disciples. Entered the forging period.

The two of them looked nervous, staring at the third person in the house.

This is a middle-aged man with a plain appearance. Unlike Li Qianfeng and the others, his body is thin and weak. His hands are on his chest, pinching some kind of magic. Sword Intent that only Qi Jianxiu has.

This person is the genius disciple of Tianjiange who has a metallic Tianling root and made a breakthrough by the ancient method of foundation building, Dugu Yiming.

Strangely, what was surging in his body was not metallic mana, but the magic power that contained sword intent. Sixty years later, although he realized the sword intent, his cultivation was still in the early stage of foundation building.

Gradually, a blush appeared on Dugu Yiming's thin face, and his body became full at a speed visible to the naked eye. In addition to the magic power of the sword, there was also an evil aura mixed in it.

The muscles on the body surface are ups and downs, surging from time to time with the power of vigorous blood, and the amazing sword intent is also tossing and turning in the body.

After half an hour, Dugu Yiming's full body was shriveled again, the sword art in his hand continued, the skin on his chest suddenly cracked, the gray light flashed, and a small gray sword more than four inches long appeared in front of him.

This sword has a strange shape, with only a tiny xiphoid at the top. The body of the sword is quite broad and has no hilt. Looking at Dugu Yiming's chest, the sternum has disappeared, and the deep internal organs are faintly visible.

This mini sword is made from its sternum!

Dugu Yiming pinched the sword art, and the dark golden aura penetrated into the sternum sword, a magic power exuding an evil aura, mixed with metallic magic power, trembled inside.

After a while, a cloud of dark red blood gushed out from the front of the small sword and landed on the ground, making a squeaking sound, and a rancid smell gushing out of the air.

Dugu Yiming opened his eyes, and in his sharp eyes, there was a flash of joy, he moved slightly, and the sternum sword turned into a sword light, which fell into the position of the sternum.

Li Qianfeng shot a fireball and wiped away the dark red liquid on the ground. Looking at Dugu Yiming's expression, he couldn't help but ask, "Junior Dugu, did you succeed?"

Zhao Qiming also showed curiosity.

Dugu Yiming spit out a deep breath of turbid air and said with a smile: "Successful, after some refining, the meridians in Junior Brother's body have been strengthened by 30%, and under the barrier of the sword's magic power, the blood and blood magic power has not damaged the body. "

Li Qianfeng was stunned for a moment, and after a long time, he exclaimed: "Junior brother is really a top genius in sword cultivation, to be able to create such a wonderful secret technique, with it, the sword intent magic power of junior brother will no longer be affected by the meridians. limits!"

Zhao Qiming also showed admiration: "Junior brother spent a full sixty years in order to study the method of denying this sternum sword. It is really courageous."

Dugu Yiming's hand flashed a little light, and a jade talisman appeared, slowly floating to Li Qianfeng's expression, and gratefully said: "If it wasn't for the senior brother who instructed the junior brother to practice the magic and Yuntong physical training while retreating, the junior brother would not be able to go smoothly. Finish."

Li Qianfeng rubbed the jade talisman and laughed loudly: "Junior Brother, you are wrong. Although these two kinds of magic powers are amazing, the blood and blood magic power they contain is extremely evil. Although I have practiced for many years, I don't have that kind of strength. you."

Dugu Yiming was stunned for a moment, unable to answer the question: "That trace of spiritual thought that was communicated with me in the jade slip, could it be..."

Li Qianfeng handed back the jade talisman and said, "Naturally, it's the master and his old man. With the realm of a senior brother, how can he be so thorough with these two exercises."

Dugu Yiming held the jade talisman and still felt unbelievable. He didn't expect that the person who exchanged exercises with him over the years was the master of the pavilion. With his cultivation as a great cultivator, he was willing to discuss the exercises with him, a sword cultivator in the foundation-building period.

With a look of admiration on his face, he said: "Master, who has studied the method of body training, has such a great tolerance for someone like me who is obsessed with ancient swordsmanship. This kind of energy is really admirable!"

"If there was no guidance from the pavilion master, this secret technique would have died halfway."

Li Qianfeng shook his head and said with a solemn expression: "Junior brother, the master is only pointing out the use of blood and magic power. The key is the unique thinking of junior brother."

Dugu Yiming recalled the years of study and sighed.

He is an extremely stubborn man, bent on restoring the glory of ancient kendo.

From Dugu Ming's mouth, he learned that the pavilion master's method of strengthening the meridians seems to come from a strange qi and blood magic. It uses the characteristics of devouring to transfer the physical energy of the sword cultivator to the meridians to achieve the effect of strengthening.

The reason why he couldn't use the physical energy of others was because the sword cultivator couldn't refine the body, and couldn't purify the flesh and blood essence, otherwise it would lead to a conflict between the flesh and blood.

Sword Cultivation and Body Refinement will not cause problems with the meridians. Without the Body Refinement Secret Technique, one can only endure one's own essence and cannot continue to improve.

Why isn't there a way to continuously strengthen the meridians while practicing the ancient kendo?

With doubts, Dugu Yiming came to the Holy City of Martial Artists. He built the foundation with the ancient method of building foundations.

After entering the holy city, he was surprised to find that the pavilion master combined the sword raising technique, body refining technique and the legendary five-element technique of Tianjian Pavilion to create a magical secret technique that can replace the spiritual root. .

Later, through Duan Yiyun and Li Qianfeng, he learned about the characteristics of Qi and blood magic, and a bold idea gradually emerged in his mind.

The technique of raising swords in Tianjian Pavilion is to use swords to deny sword intent, so that sword cultivators can more easily comprehend sword intent.

Then why can't we combine the magic of blood and blood and the technique of raising swords to refine a special sternum sword, which can devour other people's flesh and blood to deny the essence of one's own body and strengthen the meridians?

Later, under the secret guidance of Lu Kun, after years of research, Dugu Yiming concluded three basic conditions.

First of all, the metallic mana in his body must be converted into metallic magic, otherwise it is incompatible with blood and blood, and the fragile body cannot withstand the collision between the two. Among the remaining exercises in the magic door, there is mana that converts magic. The secret technique, he has just entered the foundation building, and he has not yet majored in the cultivation method, so it is very convenient to transform.

Secondly, it is the physical body that cultivates the Vajra Art. Only such a physical body can barely meet the conditions for the generation of blood and magic power, and when he completes it, under the stimulation of the meridians, he directly comprehends the sword intent.

Secondly, he needs to temper the sternum to the level of magic weapon materials like those mortal warriors.

After Dugu Yiming completed these three requirements, combined with the qi and blood magic power generated by the flesh and blood of the King Kong Jue, the sternum with amazing material, plus the fifth-level magic bone powder, and other metallic materials, he refined the magic power of qi and blood. Sternum sword.

The essence of his physical body is all in the sternum sword. In addition to the meridians, the physical body is more fragile than the monks of the same level, and the blood and magic power will not have any thoughts of swallowing.

He returned from Xizhou of Qi State not long ago. The sternum sword has devoured the flesh and magic power of more than a dozen base-building demon cultivators. He has just used the sword raising technique he created to successfully strengthen the meridians.


Just when Dugu Yiming sighed, Zhao Qiming suddenly said: "Junior brother, anyway, this secret technique was proposed and created by you, it's better to give it a name."

Dugu Yiming pondered for a while and said: "The cultivation technique has been transformed into a magic technique, although there is a secret technique of the magic door, the follow-up practice may also refer to some magic cultivation techniques, its essence remains unchanged, it is called the magic sword technique. "

He looked down at his chest: "As for the sternum sword, it is only in its early stages. In the future, it will continue to improve with the technique of swallowing flesh and raising swords. It is better to call it the blood-blood demon sword embryo!"

Just as Zhao Qiming was about to say something, his expression suddenly changed, and a sound transmission flew out from outside.

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