The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1050 cruel catastrophe

When Lu Kun saw the other two disciples' Lei Jie, he did not show a happy expression. Instead, his expression became heavy. Looking at Yu Xuan and Zhao Xue'er's cave, he had a bad premonition.

"Wait, the power of this third thunder tribulation..."

Before he thought about it, he turned to look at Zhao Qingtian's high sky again. The more intense spiritual energy and magic energy were surging toward the vortex of robbery. Smashed down hard.

His face changed wildly: "The vitality of heaven and earth, the third thunder tribulation is actually the same as me. On the basis of the peak of the early Nascent Soul, the vitality of heaven and earth is added, which is even more terrifying than the attack in the middle stage of Nascent Soul!"

"Qingtian's current state is simply unable to resist such an attack..."

Lu Kun's face changed, his figure flashed, and he disappeared in place.

Zhao Qingtian also felt tremendous pressure, and a light flashed in his eyes.

"By the way, Destruction Ball!"

A small gray ball suddenly appeared outside his body, his body spun, and the only remaining right leg kicked back, knocking it into the sky, and then the power of qi and blood in his body rolled.

But the strange thing is that the gray ball didn't move, and the cyan thunder ball seemed to pass through the ball of destruction without a thing, and it didn't even trigger the power of destruction inside.

"Master, the blood of the disciple seems to have changed, and the Orb of Destruction cannot be activated..."

As Lu Kun shot towards Zhao Qingtian's position, he roared wildly, "What are you doing, you still have one leg, hold on..."

At the moment of life and death, Zhao Qingtian's eyes were bloodshot, and he let out an unwilling roar, his body was turned upside down, his head was on the ground, and the only remaining leg was cross-legged, and a small triangular vortex was formed between the knee joint and the upper and lower legs.

Although his passive force field only has a one-foot range, after the right leg is crossed, the distance between the thigh and the calf is less than one foot. Within this range, the passive force field can be used to cast the source force vortex.


The violent thunder ball fell on the source vortex constructed by the thigh, and most of the destructive power was introduced into it by the suction of the vortex, which contained part of the destructive energy of the heaven and earth vitality, but it was not affected, and it slammed directly into it. on its flesh.

Zhao Qingtian's physical body was not in the strongest state at first, how could he stop this terrifying thunder calamity containing the vitality of heaven and earth, his body quickly turned black, revealing the dim bones inside.

"Bang", under this terrifying offensive, his body was defeated, the source vortex on his legs was unable to support, and the bones in his body creaked.

At this moment, a silver vortex appeared on his side, and the terrifying suction force surged out, and the remaining power of the thunder tribulation was sucked in by an irresistible force, and the terrifying invisible giant force inside, forcibly pushed this force. The thunder tribulation energy is shattered!

Zhao Qingtian's charred body fell to the ground, withered flesh and blood fell off, revealing the broken bones, and the breath was weak, and the robbery cloud in the sky seemed to have completed its mission and slowly dissipated.

The dim skeleton trembled slightly, the skull turned its head with difficulty, its empty eye sockets looked at Lu Kun, who rushed over, the upper and lower jaws slightly opened and closed, as if trying to make a smile.

Lu Kun was stunned at first, but then he thought of something, and his eyes were split: "No!"


The next moment, an astonishing force of destruction erupted from the depths of Zhao Qingtian's bones, and the broken bones were shattered inch by inch. Countless broken bones swept in all directions, creating an astonishing wave of air.

Lu Kun staggered back two steps, he touched a broken bone on his face, his expression was sluggish, and he seemed unable to believe that this disciple who had accompanied him for hundreds of years had just died...

He murmured:

"Without the infusion of the last life force, the magic energy cannot be truly stabilized. Even if the thunder calamity is broken, Qingtian's bone treasure will be destroyed by the internal destruction force, shattering the bones..."

"Either die under the thunder calamity, or be destroyed by the magic energy that erupts inside, there is no chance of life..."

"Boom..." A loud thunder sounded, and Lu Kun suddenly woke up with a quick wit.

"There are other disciples, they can't do anything!"

He clenched his fists, forcibly suppressed his sadness, and looked at the other two thunder tribulations.

In the distance, Pan Yan was crossing the first thunder calamity, and the bone treasure was flashing with a deep yellow light, shining in the thunder column, and it seemed that there was no damage.

Lu Kun breathed a sigh of relief. This little disciple has a body of thick soil and a solid magic circle depicted by his bones. His defensive power is amazing. If his bones are not integrated into the Silver Dragon Meteorite Iron, the defensive power in a single round may not be as good as Pan's. Rock a chip.

But he didn't dare to relax too much. After all, this disciple's bone treasure has no lightning resistance, and the subsequent thunder tribulations will become stronger and stronger.

The position of Huang Xiaoyun on the other side.

The disciple who practiced Sword Body Jutsu has ended the second thunder tribulation, and his body is still in a state of bones. It seems that the life force of the first thunder tribulation did not generate the magic energy in his body.

"There are three thunder tribulations in Qingtian. When the first one ends, the fusion of magic energy is completed. From this point of view, the number of thunder tribulations of Xiaoyun is definitely more than that of Qingtian."

As Lu Kun thought about it, he had come to the vicinity of Huang Xiaoyun. With the absorption of the second round of life force, the invisible force field around the disciple gradually retracted into the body, and the unique aura of the source energy of the physical body radiated from the bones.

Blood vessels, internal organs, and muscles appeared one by one. After a while, Huang Xiaoyun recovered his body, exuding an astonishingly sharp force, as if a sharp sword pointed straight at the sky.

The robbery cloud in the sky seemed to sense something, and it accelerated to spin, but since the heaven and earth's vitality was separated by Pan Yan's thunder calamity, the third thunder calamity still needs time to brew.

Huang Xiaoyun opened his eyes and looked in Zhao Qingtian's direction, showing a sad expression. He was not too far away and saw the scene of his brother's body being shattered.

Lu Kun said solemnly: "Xiaoyun, only after passing the thunder calamity can we comfort the spirit of Qingtian in the sky. Time is pressing, and you can use your passive source field."

"Yes, Master"

Huang Xiaoyun took a deep breath, the aura of the source of the flesh surging in his body, the surface of his body blurred for a while, and an invisible force field emerged, the range of which was almost one foot seven, close to two feet.

Lu Kun showed a hint of joy, and he quickly said in his mind: "The number of thunder tribulations is unknown, don't waste the magic energy to use the void combat skills to defend, use your bone treasure's specialties to attack and attack!"

"The source field is less than two feet, so I'm afraid it won't be able to compress the whirlpool finger with amazing penetrating power. Try to use the five fingers as the axis to compress towards the palm to form a penetrating vortex with the palm as the center, and cooperate with the sharp power of Gubao. ."

Lu Kun has created a variety of combat skills, and he has a very thorough understanding of the operation of the source force.

Knowing that the time was short, Huang Xiaoyun looked solemn. He recalled the principles of combat techniques taught by Lu Kun, raised his hands, a layer of dark golden light film flowed on them, and layers of invisible force fields shone around his five fingers, trying to close them in the middle. .

At this time, the calamity cloud in the sky ended, and the third thunder robbery fell. It was a pale golden thunder ball the size of a grinding disc. Unlike Zhao Qingtian, there was no heaven and earth energy attached to it, but the power of destruction was more intense, reaching Mid-Yuan Ying period.

The destructive power of this thunder tribulation is obviously weaker than Zhao Qingtian's third way.

Lu Kun didn't show a happy expression, but his expression was heavy. This situation meant that Huang Xiaoyun's last thunder tribulation, at least the level of Heaven and Earth's vitality in the middle of Nascent Soul, would only be more terrifying.

He said solemnly: "Directly attacking, weakening the power of destruction inside, the thunder tribulation in the middle of the Nascent Soul cannot cause fatal damage to you."

Huang Xiaoyun looked at the thunderball as if he was looking at his enemy. He rose into the sky, his hands and five fingers joined together, and the inside was still compressing and penetrating the vortex.

The deformed sword treasure with two claws resembling an eagle's beak, turned into thick sword shadows, caged towards this thunder tribulation comparable to the power of the Nascent Soul's mid-term.

Even if he didn't display his combat skills, the sharp power contained in Huang Xiaoyun's sword treasure was astonishing. Immortal cultivator at the peak of infancy.

He used the eagle's claw as a sword, constantly bombarding the internal lightning, destroying the power of destruction, and disregarding the individual lightning that rushed into the body.

Lu Kun watched from not far away, and heaved a sigh of relief. Huang Xiaoyun's physical body was in good condition. Those destructive forces with insufficient power could not help the bone treasure in his body. This thunder calamity could be successfully passed, so he went to the other side. look.

Pan Yan survived the second thunder calamity, but after absorbing the second round of life force, the energy in his body still did not fuse, and he was still in the form of bones.

"Could it be that the number of thunder tribulations, the nodes of magic energy fusion, have something to do with the aptitude of physical cultivation?" Lu Kun's mind flashed the scene of several disciples crossing the tribulation, and he immediately understood something.

Zhao Qingtian has a three-star physique. The first thunder calamity makes the magic energy merge, Huang Xiaoyun's five-star aptitude, and the second thunder calamity before he integrates the magical energy. Pan Yan's six-star aptitude, does he have to go through the third?

"And the range of Xiaoyun's passive force field is much larger than Qingtian's. Mine is three feet long. The radiation range of this passive force field is also related to qualifications?"

Lu Kun looked at the two disciples who were transcending the calamity, and his eyes flashed with deep thought.

Two chapters should be updated tomorrow

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