The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1052 powerful physical defense

Yue Longfei rubbed his eyes, as if he couldn't believe what he just saw.

The sword qi that Huang Xiaoyun erupted scared him a bit. Such a strong sharp power even contained destructive energy, and its power was completely comparable to the divine power of the Tianque Sword.

This bone-transformation sword cultivator who has just broken through has the attack power of a sword cultivator in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, but his physical body is comparable to a monster? The power of the swordsmanship seems to be far beyond his imagination.

"Hey, Pavilion Master?"

Just as Yue Longfei was thinking about it, Lu Kun, who was next to him, disappeared in vain, turned into afterimages and rushed into the gradually dissipating robbery clouds in the sky. After a while, the sky dissipated.

Lu Kun was suspended in the air, with a puddle of milky white liquid in his palm, which was wrapped by a layer of invisible power.

He glanced at Huang Xiaoyun whose aura was rapidly increasing below, and with a wave of one hand, a small drop of liquid was intercepted and swallowed.


After this drop of liquid entered the body, it was different from the slush of the demon beast. It did not turn into energy, but rushed to the nearest bone. But after it entered, it didn't seem to find anything, just anxiously swimming in the middle of the bone. Walk.

"The slurries of heaven and earth in the monster's robbery cloud are to stabilize the meridians and dantian. This drop comes from the body repairing the robbery cloud. It should be used to stabilize the magic energy, but the life force in my body is strong, and the magic energy is extremely stable and has no effect."

Then he wrapped it with blood essence, but this drop of liquid was different from the essence of life and could not be absorbed.

"It can't be absorbed, but it has the effect of stabilizing magical energy, wait, it can be used to..."

Lu Kun's expression changed, and a gray brick appeared in his hand. The magic energy in his hand surged and poured into this treasure. The latter trembled slightly, exuding an invisible oscillating force field.

The drop of liquid in Lu Kun's body seemed to sense something, and it fell into this brick war treasure along his palm bone. After receiving this energy, the magic energy inside stabilized immediately.

"It really works!"

Lu Kun showed a bit of surprise. He didn't expect that this drop of liquid could stabilize even the magic energy that was separated from the body. If it was compatible with Zhanbao, wouldn't it directly solve the shortcomings of Zhanbao?

Thinking about it in his heart, he also poured the remaining white liquid into the war treasure.

"It seems that there is no tendency to dissipate with the magic energy in the war treasure."

Then Lu Kun put away the treasure and looked at Pan Yan's location. Now is not the time to study the treasure.


At this moment, Pan Yan has survived the third thunder calamity comparable to the power of the Nascent Soul's middle stage with the body of white bones. Just as Lu Kun inferred, he absorbed the third life force before completely integrating the magic energy.

He released the essence of blood and flesh and transformed from a body of white bones into a sturdy man full of muscle pimples. An invisible force field appeared around his body, radiating a distance of two feet.

Pan Yan showed a hint of fear, thanks to what he depicted was a solid magic circle, which made Gubao's defense amazing, otherwise it would not be able to easily survive the first three thunder tribulations.

Since Huang Xiaoyun's tribulation was completed, the speed of the tribulation cloud above him accelerated, and a long strip of thick lightning fell from the sky. The power of destruction inside was much stronger than the third path, and it seemed to have reached the peak of the middle Nascent Soul. skyrocketed.

Pan Yan looked up at the sky with a firm look in his eyes.

Although he has been transcending the calamity, the surrounding scenes can be seen in his eyes. Senior brother Zhao Qingtian failed to transcend the calamity, while Zhao Xueer and Yuxuan have not caused the thunder calamity for a long time. It seems that there is a problem with the breakthrough.

Pan Yan's body sank slightly, his arms were crossed above his head, and the invisible source force field spun in the cross gap between his arms, forming four dark yellow vortices, like a cross shield, blocking the top of his head.


Pan Yan's entire body was shrouded in thunder pillars, but a small part of the power of destruction was sucked into the four vortexes of source power.

The source force vortex is a magical power that converts the physical force field into the power of vortex twisting to absorb and destroy other energy. If it is used for defense, it is to disperse the power of destruction in the thunder tribulation.

It uses a passive source force field, the consumption of magic energy is not high, and it consumes thunder tribulation with extremely high efficiency.

Although Pan Yan has a six-star physique, his physical strength is not as high as that of Huang Xiaoyun. He is still more than 500,000 jin. The power of destruction at the peak of Nascent Soul's middle stage cannot be completely offset by relying on this level of source power, it can only be absorbed. part of it.

Most of the remaining thunder and lightning power bombarded his sturdy body.

The terrifying power of destruction faced Pan Yan's body, but the invasion speed was surprisingly slow, as if his muscles were hard rocks.

After a full ten or so breaths, his flesh and blood became charred and black, and the power of destruction was less than 30%. The bone treasure in the body was directly absorbed without much damage.

As far as the defense of bones is concerned, the earth attribute bone treasure that depicts the solid formation is much stronger than Huang Xiaoyun, not to mention that Pan Yan has a thick earth body, and the power of the earth attribute is even better.

Just as he absorbed the power of life and recovered his magical energy, Lu Kun's voice transmission suddenly came from his ear: "The next thunder tribulation will bless the vitality of the heavens and the earth, the power will skyrocket, and find a way to fully utilize the defensive characteristics of the bone treasure. "

Pan Yan was stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted. Huang Xiaoyun's last blow just now seemed to be through the source force to concentrate the power of Jianbao.

Then he can also bless the power of the earth attribute bone treasure on the surface of the body.

Thinking of this, the Bone Treasures in Pan Yan's body shone one after another. Its magic energy was formed by the fusion of Earth Attribute Mana and Qi and Blood Magic Power. It also contained a strong Earth Attribute. Appeared on the solid formation.

Just by activating these bone treasures, Pan Yan's momentum skyrocketed, like a towering mountain, exuding an extremely heavy breath.

"It seems that this layer of defensive power cannot be mobilized. It can only be blessed on a solid magic array. It is necessary to use the source power of the flesh to absorb it and transfer it to the body surface, in order to fully exert the defensive power of the earth-type bone treasure."

"More than 200 pieces of bone treasure, the defense power is too scattered, and the attack area of ​​Thunder Tribulation is wide, even if these defense forces are concentrated in one point, there will be a destructive power that slips through the net."

"That is, defense without dead ends..."

Pan Yan didn't know why, but his eyes lit up when he thought of the combined magic weapon, Meteor Planet, that several of their brothers and sisters had jointly displayed.

He sat directly on the ground, his thighs were bent, his hands tucked his knees, his head was sandwiched between the two knees, and his sturdy body was connected end to end, forming a round meat ball, and the source of the body was running in the inner and outer circles in turn. .


The sky exploded with an astonishing thunderous sound. This fifth thunder robbery was also a thunderball, but it was bigger than the previous one. In addition to the power of destruction at the peak of Nascent Soul's mid-term, it also had a thick halo.

It can be said that the attack of this thunder tribulation is close to the attack of the great cultivator. Any cultivator in the early stage of Nascent Soul will probably be wiped out.

"Om" sound.

Pan Yan's flesh ball body, under the action of the source force field, rotates directly by itself. The distance between the inner ring flesh body is no more than two feet. Under the pressure of the source force field, a high-speed rotating source force vortex is formed.

The outer circle of the body flesh ball also rotates a layer of source force field, but it does not form a vortex, and it flows close to the surface of the skin.

The earth attribute in Pan Yan's body is defensive treasure light, which is absorbed by the source force vortex in the inner circle, and then, under the interaction of the source force field in the inner and outer circles, it flows to the outer circle skin, forming a deep layer of flowing light. Yellow gem.

The terrifying lightning ball that was close to the great monk's power slammed directly on the spinning meat ball, and the terrifying air waves rolled away in all directions, and the surrounding rocks were chipped a few feet.

The astonishing power of destruction continued to shine on the surface of the high-speed rotating meat ball.

The source of the rotation of the outer ring of the meat ball, in addition to transferring the unearthed attribute defense treasure light, can also deviate from the destructive power of thunder tribulation. As long as there is magic energy in Pan Yan's body, the earth attribute treasure light will continue to be blessed.

In this way, dozens of breaths passed, the dazzling thunder light gradually dissipated, and the body of the spinning flesh ball stopped, its body surface was only slightly charred, and the power of this terrifying thunder tribulation did not even pass through flesh and blood.

Pan Yan staggered and slumped on the ground. A strong energy of life poured into his body...

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