The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1058 Breakthrough

In the territory of Wei State, there are two places where monsters gather.

One is the Falling Star Lake area in Qingzhou, where there are all kinds of spirit beasts from Hualing Pavilion. Gui Linger, an eighth-level demon cultivator, sleeps at the bottom of the lake all the year round.

The other is the Lingming Mountains in Luzhou.

This mountain range is very different from hundreds of years ago. It is full of vitality. The mountains and forests are full of various beasts and insects. Occasionally, there will be a few terrifying roars of fierce beasts, which will startle a flock of birds and various monsters. Countless.

The place with the strongest demonic energy is naturally the most central Lingming Demon Valley. Most of the demonic energy in the mountains spreads out from here.

Although there is no Lingming Stone in today's Lingming Demon Valley, the demonic energy is not much weaker than before. There are two major races of demon ape living here, the mountain black ape and the open-armed fire monkey.

I don't know if it's because of the residual demonic energy of the Lingming Stone Monkey, the breakthrough of the realm of ape monsters has become much easier.

Over the past 100 years, these two races have developed at an astonishing rate. The total number of monster apes that have entered the ranks of monsters is 600 or 700, and there are as many as 12 beings above the fifth level.

In the middle of the valley, there is a small island in the middle of the lake, with sparse trees growing in it. If you look closely, you will find that the surface of these tree trunks is surrounded by a layer of light yellow aura, like some kind of special spiritual wood.

There is a dark cave in the woods, and a thick demonic energy permeates from it.

In the depths of the cave, there was an old dark-yellow tree, with only a section of the trunk showing, and the other branches and roots were all buried in the rocks.

A gray cheetah with silver spots on its body was crawling under the tree, its body was tumbling with demonic power, and it had reached the level of the sixth peak, and in the exposed breath, there was occasionally a terrifying coercion.

This silver-spotted leopard is Xiaohui who has been following from Yueyangzong, and is currently hitting the bottleneck of the seventh-level monster.

Apart from Xiao Hui, there were two apes, one big and one small, standing not far away. One was a chimpanzee with black hair all over his body, a height of 10 feet, and a sturdy body.

The other is a little golden monkey. Although it is small, it looks very sturdy. The most peculiar thing is that it has a pair of meat balls around its ears. Its outline is the same as the ears, like a second pair of ears.

They are the chief black of the mountain black ape, and Xiaojin, who has the blood of the six-eared macaque.

Da Hei's cultivation base has reached the seventh level. In addition to his amazing aptitude, the residual demonic energy in the Lingming Demon Valley and the Demon Soul Wood have all played a huge role in helping him.

Xiaojin's practice of Lu Kun's body refining skills, coupled with top-notch qualifications, has also reached the realm of bone treasure.

Da Hei scratched his head, looked at the surging silver-spotted leopard, and suddenly said, "Young Master, Xiao Hui seems to be in some pain, this breakthrough should be no problem."

Xiao Jin seemed to be absent-minded, and his ears were shaking: "Squeak... squeak!"

Hearing the words, Da Hei breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, the pavilion master gave the demon pill of the ninth-level silver-spotted leopard. With the help of the same source demon pill, plus the strong demon energy and demon soul wood, it is basically guaranteed."

Xiaojin snorted softly, and sat on the ground, watching Xiaohui's breakthrough, he thought of Zhao Qingtian, and the other two disciples of the first generation, and his mood couldn't help but feel low.

When a generation of disciples crossed the robbery, it was on the scene, but when the thunder robbery appeared, Xiao Jin felt a deep sense of fear in his blood, and hid in Lu Kun's spirit beast space, even if it was a transformational thunder robbery , and did not give it the feeling of being killed by heaven and earth at any time.

Later, the tribulation cloud dissipated, only Huang Xiaoyun and Pan Yan succeeded in transcending the tribulation, and the other three either died under the thunder tribulation, or were swallowed by the blood and magic power.

Looking at Xiao Hui, who has an excellent relationship with Zhao Qingtian, Xiao Jin didn't know how to speak for a while, so he couldn't help but glance at Da Hei next to him.

Although the demon spirit power in its body has reached the peak of level 7, it is still unable to speak, and the big black on the side can talk, why not let this gorilla tell Xiao Hui the news?

It turned its head for a long time, but still sighed, feeling that it would be better if he said it himself, but in fact, the little monkey still felt a little guilty.

In the original arrangement, it should be the first to cross the calamity, but I don't know why, when he sensed that he was about to cross the robbery, Xiao Jin had a sense of doomsday, and he was extremely frightened.

Seeing this situation, Lu Kun let it delay the breakthrough. The situation of the little monkey is completely different from Zhao Qingtian and the others. It is a monster itself, and it has the power of the monster in its body.

When a normal monster enters the eighth-level level, it needs to pass through the thunder tribulation of transformation, and when the body repair enters the bone transformation stage, it also needs to pass through the thunder tribulation of body repair.

Although there is no demon pill in Xiaojin's body, it is also a demon beast. Will there be a double thunder calamity?

After thinking about it, Lu Kun let a generation of disciples break through first.

And now, Lu Kun will not let it break through. The higher the physique, the more terrifying the thunder tribulation. Xiaojin has the same nine-star physique as him.

With such terrifying aptitude, coupled with the identity of a monster, the thunder tribulation that appeared was probably similar to that of Lu Kun back then.

The little monkey has no lightning resistance, and the bones in the body are not integrated into the silver dragon meteorite, so the resistance to lightning tribulation is weak.

Lu Kun kept Xiao Jin at this level. Anyway, the lifespan of a demon cultivator far exceeds that of the human race. Some top-level spirit beasts of heaven and earth have a lifespan that is even ten times that of a cultivator of the same level.

When he finds some top magic weapons, he will be able to help the little monkey survive the calamity. After all, Lu Kun at the beginning, in addition to the magic monkey transformation, the help of the Heavenly Hammer is also very big.


Xiao Jin moved in his heart and looked at the location of the Yunling Mountains. For some reason, it suddenly sensed the connection between Lu Kun and its bloodline, and for some reason, it became weak.


In the depths of the Demon Abyss in the Yunling Mountains, in the Rongyuan Demon Cave with a size of dozens of meters.

A three-foot-tall black demonic ape was crawling on the ground, its fists and claws like a hut firmly clasped the ground, and the incomparably hard Rongyuan magic stone was like tofu scum.

The eyes of this huge demon ape were full of blood, and it seemed to be enduring some kind of pain.

Just below his chest is the location of the magic pond. A stream of pure and incomparable true magic qi kept pouring into his chest. The nine pillars of spiritual qi sprayed out from around the cave directly hit the magic ape. On the surface of the body, nine silver vortices appeared, swallowing pure spiritual energy.

At the same time, around its body, there seems to be a layer of invisible force that keeps squeezing its hair and muscles, as if it wants to flatten this huge body, all the black hairs are close to the skin, outline the trembling of thick muscles.

Suddenly, a red light flashed in the Demon Ape's eyes, and his mouth opened wide, as if he was about to let out a roar.

Strangely, there was no sound, only an invisible wave gushing out from the monkey's mouth, spreading to all parts of the body along the skin, wherever it went, those rock-like muscles seemed to be greatly oppressed, It shrunk a lot at once.

The appearance of this wave seems to have caused some kind of reaction. The entire body of the magic ape began to shrink, and the black hair gradually disappeared.

The huge muscles like mountains and rocks gradually contracted, and the terrifying body of 30 feet high also quickly subsided, and soon turned into a skinny man.

This person was quietly suspended above the magic pool, and the surrounding spiritual energy and true magic energy seemed to have found something delicious, and the wind poured into his body. As time passed, his body gradually became fuller.


I don't know how long it took, an invisible force erupted from the man's body in vain, and a large amount of demonic aura blasted out, and the energy in the entire cave, even the nine spiritual energy columns, were turned upside down.

The broken dragon stone walls in all directions trembled violently, as if they were hit by some kind of terrifying force, and even small cracks appeared. solid.

This force almost spread over the Rongyuan Demon Cave with a size of dozens of meters, as if to dismantle it.

Fortunately, after a few breaths, this terrifying invisible force disappeared without a trace.

The spiritual energy and the demonic energy became extremely chaotic, tumbling back and forth in the cave, but when these demonic auras approached the middle-aged man four feet away, they stopped abruptly, as if by an invisible force field. block out...

Make up for yesterday's second update...

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