The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1060 Preparation

The back mountain to the north of the Demon Abyss of the Body Refinement Pavilion is a bare and lifeless rocky mountain peak. There are still many prohibitions from the ancient times. Even if the demon aura is quite strong, there are not many disciples stationed here.

On this day, on a flat-topped mountain, a burly middle-aged man was wrapped in a layer of pale silver streamer. His arms and limbs were constantly waving, sometimes giving out palms, sometimes kicking sideways, and invisible air waves rolled around. , attracting a lot of magic spirit.

Whenever a black and white halo appeared on the palm of his fist, there was an incomparably terrifying coercion surging in all directions.

Layers of palpitating spiritual pressure rolled on this mountain and river, and under the stirring of this spiritual pressure, the magical aura turned into a vortex of spiritual energy, stirring everywhere, even if it was dozens of miles away, it could be felt here. terrifying aura.


On a boulder hundreds of feet away, there were four people and one monkey.

Huang Xiaoyun, Fang Yuan, and the others, in this month, were ready to lead their disciples to Xizhou of Qi Kingdom, but they didn't expect to meet Xiao Jin who came in a hurry.

Listening to his words, it seems that there is a problem with the cultivation of the pavilion master, but when they arrived at Moyuan, Lu Kun just left the customs.


"After the pavilion master's breakthrough, his strength actually increased so much!"

Fang Yuan and Fang Xiaobo's siblings were full of shock.

Based on their cultivation base in the early Nascent Soul, one could see the halo in Lu Kun's fist, which absorbed the vitality of heaven and earth. Obviously, the physical attack between his raised hands reached the level of a great cultivator.

More than a hundred years ago, they witnessed the battle between Lu Kun and Dao Yizhen Kui Niu King. They knew that the pavilion master's defense power was amazing, but the attack power was slightly insufficient. Looking at it now, after entering the middle stage of bone transformation, the attack power is also great. The magnitude has increased.

In addition to Fang Yuan's sister and brother, the other two and a monkey carefully observed the combat skills displayed by Lu Kun. Although the range of the passive source force field was different, the skills of the source force operation could also bring them a lot of inspiration.

Xiao Jin pricked up his ears and sensed the situation in Lu Kun's body more clearly than the other two. It had some special magical powers, and it had a deep connection with Lu Kun.

The surging of magic energy in his body, the contraction of muscle fibers, these subtle sounds form a unique picture in his brain.

Although he didn't closely observe how Lu Kun broke through, at this time, according to the subtle changes in his body and the changes in his blood vessels, Xiao Jin suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment in his heart.

Lu Kun really integrated the bloodline of the Gigantopithecus into the body, forming a new bloodline, and the flesh and blood have been stimulated to the greatest potential. It can be said that the bloodline of the Gibbon ape has disappeared from Lu Kun's body.

However, for some unknown reason, Xiao Jin felt that the aura of the Demon Ape in his body became more intense.


After a full day, Lu Kun stopped experimenting with various combat skills and showed a satisfied smile. He found that as long as he added the vortex force field of Jeet Kune combat skills among other combat skills, he could absorb the vitality of heaven and earth.

The reason why the four-foot source force field can absorb the vitality of heaven and earth is because its attraction range is far more than the three-foot source force field. .

Moreover, the muscle strength in the middle stage of bone transformation has greatly increased. In addition to the fist, the part with the most bone treasures, palms and fingers can also withstand the pressure of heaven and earth vitality.

Although Lu Kun has not tried the magic ape transformation, he has a feeling in his heart that this magical power that uses the meaning of the true devil can still be used, but the increase in power is not so much. After all, his body has already digested the giant ape. blood vessels.

Even if the strength doesn't increase much, the three-zhang-high body, the space radiated by the source force field explodes, and the absorption of heaven and earth vitality will be extremely amazing.

The magic ape becomes extremely consuming, and Lu Kun is reluctant to use so much water of true magic to test this magical power.

He shook his head, his figure flickered, and he flew away. When he came to the others, there were four more gray balls exuding a strange atmosphere in his hand.

Lu Kun threw it to Huang Xiaoyun and Pan Yan and said, "These few balls of destruction are of little use to the teacher. You only need to re-refine them with blood essence and you will be able to move them freely."

Huang Xiaoyun and Pan Yan happily took it, plus what they had given before, they had three in their hands. This kind of treasure that can instantly explode the power of destruction at the peak of Nascent Soul's early stage can play an unimaginable role at some critical moments.

Lu Kun looked at Fairy Fang Yuan again and sighed, "I didn't expect that after so many years, Fairy Fang Yuan's body has entered the Bone Treasure Stage."

Fairy Fang Yuan said: "If it wasn't for the six-star physique, even if you had Nascent Soul, it would be difficult to condense the pill and dissolve the bones. The concubine only intends to cultivate the physical body to this realm. After all, blood magic will conflict with the Nascent Soul of the water attribute."

Lu Kun nodded and said: "It should be so, with this early body of bone treasure, the fairy's defense and escape speed have increased a lot, which is enough to cope with the battle in the Nascent Soul stage, and the rest of the time should be devoted to practicing Spirit Transformation. "

He paused, then asked: "By the way, that little guy in Xiongshan, how is his cultivation progress now?"

Fang Yuan replied, "He entered the third level of the Demon Spirit Art more than thirty years ago, and he is still a long way from the fourth level of the blood coagulation period, but it seems that this little guy deliberately slowed down his cultivation speed."

"Intentionally?" Lu Kun asked curiously.

Fang Yuan smiled slightly and said, "Xiong Shan and the giant spirit bear have a very good relationship, and I never thought about changing the spirit beast. After entering the bone-hardening period, this kid is probably secretly using his physical mana to help the giant spirit bear cultivate, otherwise this bear demon , will not enter the ranks of second-level monsters so quickly."

"Next, if this little guy concentrates on his cultivation, I am afraid that he will be able to reach the peak of bone quenching within ten years. At that time, he can try to transform the body of a half-demon by exchanging bones."

Lu Kun nodded lightly.

At this moment, Huang Xiaoyun suddenly said: "By the way, Master, a message was sent from Treasure Pavilion not long ago that Elder Xiao seems to be missing."


Huang Xiaoyun said, "According to what Elder Qin said, a month ago, Elder Xiao left Yueyang City and wanted to return to the Yueyang Mountains to retreat, but then Elder Qin passed through the disciples of the Treasure Pavilion and found that Elder Xiao did not return to the Yueyang Mountains."

"Elder Xiao wants to retreat to break through the Nascent Soul Stage. It is impossible to go to other places, and he cannot be contacted. It seems that he has disappeared."

After hearing this, Lu Kun frowned, and suddenly a bracelet appeared in his hand. This was a piece of news reported by Shi Yin'er. A month ago, a mid-Yuan Ying cultivator who was proficient in ghost cultivation techniques tried to force his way through death. The boundary of the land was repelled by her.

Isn't this the time when Xiao Hongfei left Yueyang City?

Then there was another stone in the shape of a black hill in his hand. It exuded a layer of frantic thoughts. It was the dividing stone of the Mountain of Oaths. Under the perception, Xiao Hongfei's soul imprint was still there, and his life was not in danger.

Could it be that in order to kidnap Xiao Hongfei, the mid-Yuan Ying cultivator led Shi Yin'er away?

To explore the secrets of physique, shouldn't you arrest a physique? Besides, there is the prohibition of the Mountain of Oaths, even in the early stage of God Transformation, there is no information to be detected.

Is it a person from the Ghost Sect who cultivates the ghost way?

Chu Country's Immortal Realm? Daoyizhen asked me to go to Demon Island to help. Is there any connection with this?

Lu Kun thought about it for a long time, but couldn't connect several things.

He would definitely go to this Demon Island. From the Demon King Heisha, Lu Kun knew that the center of the island was the place where the Yuan Zong suppressed the high-level Demon Clan, and there were a lot of Demon Clan bones left.

For the Body Refinement Pavilion, this is an indispensable thing. The magic bones are used in the battle treasure and the ban on the Great Five Elements force field. There may be a magic pool there. He has to find a way to get rid of the real magic inside. water.

"Just in case, before going to Demon Island, make more preparations."

After making a plan in his heart, Lu Kun said: "I will go to inquire about Xiao Hongfei, Xiaoyun and Xiaoyanzi, you and your body cultivators will go through the teleportation circle first to the Poison Refinement Pavilion. By the way, Xiaojin, you too. "

"Yes, Master."


Lu Kun then looked at Fang Yuan and Fang Xiaobo, and said slowly, "The two of you will be late, and these two days will help me control the power of strange fire and refine a special treasure."

"Yes, Pavilion Master." Sister Fang Yuan was a little curious, not knowing what kind of treasure the Pavilion Master refined.

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