The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1074 The power of the magic weapon

Lu Kun looked at the strangeness in the eyes of the demon corpse and the falling magic ring on his head, and he understood a little.

It seems that Xue Tianyou and the two planned to use some kind of secret technique to control the demon corpse, but for some reason, they were swallowed by it instead.

He swept across the eyes of the demon corpse, focusing all his energy on the weapon held in both hands.

This is a five-foot-long giant axe, which matches the 9-foot-tall body of the demon corpse. The bronze handle is engraved with complex and bizarre patterns. On the purple-gold axe blade in the front section, there are strips of purple The light flickered, sketching a quirky symbol.

These patterns and symbols are very similar to his Hammer.


Lu Kun's expression became serious. With the bang just now, he could feel that the opponent's strength was only one million kilograms, but the strange fluctuations on the axe directly sucked away the magic energy he attracted.

"I didn't expect that the magic weapon would be so terrifying to control the magic energy? Instead of attacking, the absorbed magic energy would have no effect at all. Instead, it would strengthen the opponent's attack and must avoid its edge."

These thoughts flashed in his mind, and Lu Kun rushed over.

After the demon corpse was repelled, it seemed to be extremely furious. The purple light in its eyes was full of violet light. It waved the magic axe with both hands and slashed forward fiercely. The front section of the magic axe formed a purple-black axe shadow.

This three-foot-sized axe-blade phantom, without any breath, shot forward like an ordinary spell.

Lu Kun didn't know why, but after seeing the axe shadow, he felt palpitations and even felt a little dizzy.

His face sank, he stepped on the void, and the sound of air bursts came, and his body deviates from the original path in an instant, dodging the purple axe shadow, one move, and came to the side of the demon corpse.

The demon corpse didn't look like an unconscious corpse. It reacted very quickly. It swung the magic axe in both hands and swept aside.

Lu Kun's expression didn't change, his left arm swelled up, and the muscle pimples on it were as terrifying as hills, and there were silver vortexes flowing on the surface, like a flesh-and-blood shield blocking his side.

At the same time, his right index finger and middle finger were brought together, with a silver conical spiral, poking at the left eye of the demon corpse.


Before the axe blade hit the flesh-and-blood shield, it was pulled away by a strong attraction, just rubbing against the edge of the muscle pimple, making a harsh rubbing sound.

Lu Kun's body didn't even shake, and the Xuan Xin finger continued to poke forward.

The dark purple eyes of the demon corpse flickered, its upper body leaned back slightly, and its left shoulder shrugged. A bone spur about a foot long on the shoulder blade was like a black thorn spear. bumped together.


The crisp metal clashing sound came, the body of the demon staggered and took a step back, the bone spurs on the shoulders were intact, only the black halo on it dissipated.

Lu Kun didn't expect the corpse's reaction to be so quick, and the other side's bone spurs actually blessed the devil's vitality, blocking the blow of Xuan Xin's finger.

However, since he had taken the lead, he would not withdraw his hand. His right hand turned his fingers into claws. A cone-shaped vortex appeared at the front of each finger, and the magic energy was gathered at the fingertips.

Among them, three fingers are facing down, two fingers are facing forward, and they are probing forward again. Although the whirlpool claw will disperse the penetration force, the downward three-fingered claw can block the bone spurs, and the two fingers continue to attack the opponent's eyes.

Suddenly, an invisible force surged out from the front, and the surrounding air became extremely thick, squeezing his body.

"Flesh source power!"

Lu Kun's expression changed slightly, his body trembled, and a more turbulent force field was released from the body, and the invisible forces around him were swept away.

But at this moment, a phantom of a purple axe shot from behind, and it was the magic axe attacked by it that was dodged at first, and it turned back.

Lu Kun snorted coldly, the power of qi and blood in his body rolled, and the muscles in his back swelled up instantly, like an inverted triangle tortoise shell, which was densely covered with many miniature vortices, and the soft armor of Zhaling lit up at the same time. A grey awn.


The dazzling purple scorching sun rose, and the terrifying demonic energy surged out.

Lu Kun felt a mighty energy that made him feel palpitations slamming on his back, the magic energy in his body was violently churning, and the tiny source vortexes were running wildly, trying to absorb the magic energy.

Despite this, his body was blasted out uncontrollably, his eyes flickered with difficulty, and a few strands of purple halo flowed from his back to his right hand through the source force field.

The fingernails on the index finger and middle finger suddenly radiated light, turned into two purple awns, and flew out quickly.

Almost in an instant, a painful roar roared from the mouth of the demon corpse in the distance. Two pale silver nails were inlaid on the scaly skin of his tightly closed right eye, which had already submerged.


And Lu Kun's burly body slammed on the rock wall at the entrance of the cave, making a dull sound, shaking the yellow-white forbidden light curtain above it to flicker.

At this moment, he clicked a finger on his right hand, and the blood in his body surged.

The two silver nails in the corpse's eyes exploded, and an astonishing force of destruction spread out, and lavender blood shot out of its eye sockets.

I saw a hole in his right eye, and he could even see the black brains inside, but on the surface of the brains, there was a layer of black halo, which seemed to be unharmed.

At this moment, a phantom figure of a flustered villain, accompanied by the blood mist, seemed to want to escape into the distance, but a black light protruded from the brain deep in the eye socket, sucking the dim soul back again.

Lu Kun slid from the rock wall to the ground, Zhaling's soft armor shrank for a while, revealing his strong upper body muscles, and his back was dotted with black and purple spots, the majestic power of qi and blood. , mixed with a fierce breath.

Lu Kun's body shook, and a dozen blood spheres exploded from his back. The dirty blood was scattered on the rock wall and the ground.

He looked gloomily at the magic axe in the opponent's hand.

Its muscles have reached the material of a mature magic weapon, and the muscle mass on the back is even wider, and its defense is higher than the front. some.

But it still caused him a lot of damage. In the shadow of the vitality axe, there was an incomparably condensed energy, wantonly destroying the muscle fibers, and trying to squeeze into the body.

Lu Kun had to transform into flesh and blood, converting muscle fibers into blood, and expelling this energy from the body.

The back muscles recovered after squirming twice. Although he looked unscathed, he lost a lot of blood. If the attack of this kind of vitality axe was more intensive, this kind of condensed and strange energy might not be so easy to reject. come out.

"Turn the magic energy into a real magic attack, it is impossible to achieve the shape of the vitality in the mouth of Peng Yuanhua. The power of the magic weapon is so terrible. I didn't show the true power of the Heavenly Hammer at all back then."

Lu Kun was shocked in his heart. After the demon corpse held the magic weapon, the strength it exerted exceeded his knowledge of the demon race.

"The source power of the flesh, the strength of one million jins, is no less than the bone spurs of a mature magic weapon, and the organs are also protected by the devil's vitality? What level of devil is this!"

"Could it be that Hong Yuntian said in the handbook, the kind of high-level demon general who understood the source of the flesh?"

"Although its physical strength and source power are only one million kilograms, it can flexibly control the devil's vitality, and even form a mask of vitality outside the internal organs."

"There is no power of will, nor does it control vitality through the source of the flesh. Is this corpse special, or is it with the help of the magical power of the magic weapon."

Lu Kun squinted his eyes and looked at the demon corpse that was gradually calming down not far away. A flash of excitement flashed in his eyes. The treasure of Zhenyuan Brick was caught in his hand, and the burly body rushed again. past.

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