The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1078 The Confusion of Deity Transformation

More than ten kilometers away from Tianqiong Mountain in Zhongyun Prefecture, there is an inconspicuous col, and a small cave was dug out of the mountain.

A burly man sat cross-legged in the middle, a silver vortex ball was suspended in front of his chest, and the Nascent Soul villain less than a foot was wrapped in it. His face twitched and he looked extremely painful.

After Lu Kun left the Demon Island, he came to the vicinity of Daoyimen non-stop. When the news of Chen Mingzhu reached here, the other three Yuanying period of Taixuanzong would definitely come out to investigate the news of Peng Yuanhua.

As long as these people appeared, he would follow him secretly, killing them one by one without knowing it.


After an unknown period of time, Lu Kun slowly opened his eyes, looked at Nascent Soul, who was free of consciousness, frowning: "Although Daoyi's Oath Stone is very common, some key memories cannot be found."

A ball of broken dragon stone powder was thrown, and he wrapped it again. All the memories that could be detected inside were searched. This Nascent Soul Lu Kun was reluctant to waste it.

The cultivation essence of this high-level immortal cultivator is a great supplement for a silver-armored corpse like Shi Yin'er, not to mention the Nascent Soul at the peak of the great cultivator.

After putting away Daoyi Zhenren's Nascent Soul, Lu Kun fell into deep thought.

The core exercises of Daoyi Sect and the information on the prohibition of the mountain gate are protected by the prohibition of the stone of oath, and cannot be probed.

"Senior Lingming Stone Monkey once told me that if a cultivator wants to enter the Spirit Transformation stage, he must understand the power of will that suits his own characteristics, and then be compatible with the Nascent Soul in his body, so as to convert the power of the Nascent Soul into the power of the Primordial Spirit. "

"By relying on the power of the primordial spirit, the cultivator can control the primordial energy of the heavens and the earth. With the help of such advanced energy, the primordial spirit can be tempered and the cultivation level can continue to grow."

He frowned.

"However, from the memory of Daoyi Zhenren, after the current world of immortality was infested with demonic energy, the rules of heaven and earth have changed, and the vitality is no longer pure. Even if you realize the power of will, you will not be able to get pure heaven and earth vitality infusion."

"This ancient method of transforming the gods is no longer feasible. Only by using the method of pseudo-god transformation, forcibly integrating the power of others' comprehension will, the tortoise monster is the monster king who excavated the ancestor's inheritance from the powerful bloodline. Ideas are integrated."

"But the biggest flaw of this method of pseudo-god transformation is that it requires a sufficient area of ​​heaven and earth to assist its own breakthrough, and after a successful breakthrough, only in this area can it exert its greatest strength."

"If you leave, although you can control the vitality of heaven and earth, the control power will be greatly reduced, but even so, for the cultivator of the Nascent Soul, the pseudo-god is an unmatched existence."

Lu Kun raised his head, looked in the direction of Xiyuanzhou, and understood many things.

"The tenth-level peak turtle monster chose to break through in Xiyuan Prefecture, just to avoid the territory of the Flood Dragon King in Waihai, and the Kui Niu King and Daoyi Zhenren also have their own thoughts."

"One is to use the Great Array of Ten Thousand Tides to eliminate the will of Senior Yin's imprints left in Chu State and Inner Sea, and the second is to divide the Chu State area. Xiyuan Prefecture and Inner Sea are one piece of pseudo-god territory, and the rest of the states are another."

"Unfortunately, Daoyi Zhenren failed when he fused the power of will, and he didn't even attract the vitality of heaven and earth."

In addition, Lu Kun also thought of various magic ponds.

"The root of the devil's vitality is the water of the real devil. Only by eliminating the residual energy essence of the devil race can the vitality of heaven and earth be purified in the world of immortals. The same is true for Yaoling Island, Horseshoe Mountain, and Yunling Mountains."

"However, in these places, only Mount Horseshoe succeeded, and the vitality of heaven and earth was still polluted."

Lu Kun pondered.

"The method of traditional immortal cultivators is not necessarily suitable for physical cultivation. The reason why the spirit transformation stage is powerful is because it uses a higher energy than spiritual energy, the vitality of heaven and earth."

"If the physical strength of physical training is completely stabilized at the level of the power of one yuan, will it be possible to control the vitality of heaven and earth?"

Thinking of this, Lu Kun looked at his internal organs.

"My current physical strength has reached a very high level, but even so, with the blessing of bloodline supernatural powers, I can withstand a maximum of 1.99 million jins of power. Overdraft."

"In other words, the key to the power of one element is the internal organs?"

Thinking of this, the demon corpse suddenly appeared in his mind.

"That Demon King's corpse has a strength of only one million kilograms, and it has not reached the level of one yuan power at all, but it can display the shape of vitality, forming a vitality mask on the internal organs and bone joints."

"Its internal organs look very full, almost not corroded by the years, and the surface can still carry the vitality hood. Is there anything special about it?"

Lu Kun waved one hand, and two demon corpses fell in front of him, one with a broken waist and one with a complete body. He removed part of the broken dragon stone powder, and his consciousness came out.

When he was in the devil's cave, the time was running out, and he didn't take a closer look. At this time, when he penetrated his consciousness into it, he soon discovered the strangeness. In the depths of the internal organs of the two devil corpses, there was a trace of brutal thoughts. verb: move.

"Hey, this kind of brutal thought seems to be different from the true demon's intention, a bit like..."

A flash of light flashed in Lu Kun's hand, and a black hill appeared, which was the stone of the Mountain of Oaths, and there were waves of madness in it.

"The true demonic meaning of the water of true demons, just like the lazy meaning I sensed in the vitality of Xiyuan Prefecture, is just stored in this pure energy."

"And the cruelty in the internal organs of the demon corpse is somewhat similar to the Mountain of Oaths, as if the real devil's meaning and internal organs are refined together."

"But why are the thoughts of this demon in the internal organs?"

Lu Kun looked a little puzzled. According to the information in Hong Yuntian's notebook, the energy cultivated in the Demon Race is also the Jindan Yuanying system, but the magical energy contained in it has a great tempering effect on the body.

"The Demon King Heisha said that the practitioners of the demon race must soak in the water of true demons when they break through the demon king. Now the same is true for the demon cultivators in the immortal world, so the demon king should be the same as the immortal cultivator. ."

"The power of will in the corpse's internal organs is infiltrated through magical energy? The internal organs with brutal thoughts allow the corpse to use the defensive magical powers of vitality?"

Lu Kun thought of his own situation again.

"When I use the power of one element, other parts of the body have no effect, only the internal organs can't support it, is it because there is no willpower in the internal organs?"

Lu Kun's brows furrowed even tighter. With the information he now knows, it is impossible to judge whether the internal organs need the blessing of willpower or more powerful materials.

"There is no Nascent Soul in the body of Tixiu. Even if there is some power of will, it is not possible to use the method of pseudo-god. As for the power of will to comprehend, there is no clue."

After a while, he took a deep breath and dismissed the chaotic thoughts in his mind.

"The realm of God Transformation is still far away. No matter what the power of will, the internal organs must continue to improve. The current tempering method is to use the power of life."

The power of life can repair the damage to the internal organs caused by the burst of the power of one element. In turn, the internal organs improved by the power of life will definitely help the body to carry the power of one element.

Moreover, the improvement of the internal organs will also increase the life force contained in it, which can at least reduce the side effects of the power of one element.

With a wave of one hand, Lu Kun collected the two demon corpses and shook his head.

"Let's deduce the spirit transformation stage in the later stage of bone transformation. Now consider the current realm. This time, through the display of the magic ape transformation and the magic of heaven and earth, the cultivation in the middle stage of bone transformation almost has a direction."

He recalled the previous battle, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

"In the middle stage of bone metamorphosis, muscles are equivalent to a top-level material that is comparable to mature magic weapons, and the blood concentration has also been greatly improved. Coupled with the improvement of life force, magic energy can be stored in muscles, and the capacity is large. increase."

"The most important thing is that blood and muscle can transform into each other."

"I have thought about whether blood and bones can also be transformed into each other, and I also fantasized about the incredible magical powers such as rebirth from a drop of blood. If bones are transformed into blood, wouldn't the flesh become a pool of blood, and whether consciousness can exist or not is another question. ."

"But if it's a unilateral transformation, that is, the transformation of blood into bones, wouldn't it be possible for the flesh body to be able to produce magical powers without the help of silver dragon meteorite?"

"In the realm of the middle stage of bone transformation, the muscle fibers transformed by blood can store magic energy. If the blood is further transformed into bones, and the density increases greatly, can it store this domineering body refining energy in liquid form?"

Lu Kun compared the cultivation in the early stage of bone transformation, and quickly determined the two directions of cultivation in the middle stage of bone transformation.

One is to find a way for blood to transform into bones. For this, you can try to study the transformation of the magic ape and the law of the world. If you find a way, you can turn blood into bones and improve its concentration.

The second direction is to continue to cultivate the power of life. With the increase of blood concentration and the improvement of the power of life, the speed of cultivation is gradually accelerated. More importantly, the energy given by this kind of heaven and earth thunder tribulation strengthens the internal organs at the same time. .

Afterwards, Lu Kun was in this inconspicuous hill, monitoring the movement of Daoyimen while deducing the way of blood turning bones.

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