The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1081 One attack and one defense

The Black Spirit Formation on Pingding Mountain was transformed from an ancient formation by the Zhuo family. This formation is said to be designed to hunt and kill monsters. It has a strong internal defense and traps the prey.

Those who possess the magic talisman of the formation, in addition to being able to attack without damaging the formation, can also teleport inside and outside.

The monks in the Nascent Soul stage around them kept moving the magic tricks in their hands. Six magic weapons of various colors crossed arcs and shuttled in the black spirit formation.

One after another, dull and sharp clashing sounds came from time to time. Pan Yan's extremely burly body moved quickly on the ground and in the air. The magic weapon that came from the blast was either knocked away by his fists, knees and other bone treasure joints, or It was hard-connected by its generous back.

He is like an incomparably dexterous human-shaped shield, continuously resisting the bombardment of the six magic weapons.

The leader of the four sects and three clans is the Great Elder of the Demon Flame Sect, Fang Xiang. He is the person with the highest cultivation level in the field. He has the cultivation level of the middle stage of Nascent Soul. When he sees this scene, his face is extremely ugly.

Is this the Yuan Ying-level body repair?

With bare hands, he used his physical body to resist the attack of the magic weapons of the six Nascent Souls. This kind of defensive power is probably no match for the ninth-level monsters. If it wasn't for this guy to protect Du An, their magic weapons might not be able to hit each other.

Fang Xiang said solemnly: "Don't save your magic power, use the strongest magical power, even a tenth-level monster has a limit on defense. I don't believe this guy has received so many attacks without any damage to himself."

As he spoke, the power of Nascent Soul surged in his body, and a purple-black flame emerged from his hand, turning into a long flaming snake and rushing towards Pan Yan. 's supernatural powers.

The colorful spells were mixed with magic weapons to form a tight wave of attacks, like a meteor shower, with monstrous power, and slammed into the top of the flat-topped mountain.

Pan Yan's eyes narrowed, and the power of the six Nascent Souls united together made him feel enormous pressure.

His extremely burly body suddenly curled up sideways, his knees were bent together, his head was buried between his legs, and his hands were holding his calves, like a huge flesh-and-blood wheel, floating horizontally above Duan, spinning rapidly.

The surrounding air was twisted for a while, with the flesh and blood wheel as the core, two twisted force field vortices appeared, one large and one small, the surrounding sand and gravel were stirred up, and a hurricane hung on this narrow platform.

The large vortex force field is centered on the wheel of the flesh body and surrounds the body two feet outside the body. The small vortex is in the center of the curled flesh body. On the surface of the rock-like muscle, there is also a layer of dark yellow light film, like a stream of water. , with the rapid flow of the vortex.

A large number of meteor shower-like attacks approached these two vortexes. received a strong suction.

Those colorful magical powers seemed to be unable to resist the suction, they strayed away from the body, and were drawn into the maelstrom.

The remaining spells then fell on the yellow light film. In addition to the defensive power, these light films also carried a force of traction, venting a lot of the residual power of the spell, leaving only a small part of the power. Booming on Pan Yan's flesh and blood.

And the six magic weapons, the impact force is much stronger than the magic magic power. Although they were also pulled by the maelstrom, they did not shift too much, and they slammed into the curled flesh.

But when it was half a foot close to the flesh and blood, the small vortex in the middle erupted in vain with even more amazing suction. The direction of these magic weapons was forcibly shifted, rubbing the edge of the flesh and blood, and sucked into the small vortex in the middle.

At this moment, Du An, who was ignored by everyone, smiled, his hands were spread out in front of him, and two blood-red thick poisonous gas appeared on them, which were thrown up.

The strange poisonous mist was instantly absorbed by the vortex force field. The six magic weapons and these poisons were mixed together in Pan Yan's flesh-and-blood wheel, making babble sounds.

"No, my magic weapon is corroded!"

"mine too."

"That's the three holy poisons of the Holy Poison Sect!"

The six Nascent Soul cultivators outside showed their teeth gritted, trying their best to control their magic weapons. At this time, Pan Yan instantly withdrew the two force fields.

These magical treasures blazed towards all directions at a more violent speed. Fortunately, the magical treasures have the imprint of the magic circle, and they did not damage the black spirit formation.

However, there were only five magic weapons that flew out.

"No, my magic weapon!" Fang Xiang suddenly changed his face and looked forward.

I saw that Pan Yan's body had returned to its original state, standing quietly on the ground. On the surface of his body, many muscles had ruptured, revealing the dark yellow bones inside.

Pan Yan didn't care about the trauma on his body. He stared at his hands. At some point in his thick palms, a pair of gray bone claws were put on, and a black square seal magic weapon was caught in them.

The blood-red mist, driven by an invisible force, converged on this magic weapon from all parts of its body, and the strong toxicity directly corroded the aura outside it.

"Damn it! What are you doing, keep attacking!"

Fang Xiang's magic power surged, and he pinched the mysterious magic with both hands, as if he wanted to activate something.

Pan Yan sneered, and the extremely domineering magical energy in his body rushed towards this undefended black square seal. The slight explosion sounded like a painful wailing, and the magic weapon's spiritual light dimmed.

Fang Xiang's natal magic weapon was severely damaged, and his mind was connected, and the magic in his body rolled for a while.

Right now!

Behind Fang Xiang, a strong young man appeared out of thin air. His body exuded the same strange aura as Pan Yan. It was Huang Xiaoyun who had been lying in ambush.

At this time, the surface of his arms was surrounded by a layer of golden streamer, and the palms in the front section were simply clenched fists.

One after another sharp and sharp force emerged from all over the body, following this stream of light sources, it continued to converge towards the front of the arm, forming a golden conical sword aura more than a foot long in front of the fist.

Huang Xiaoyun's pair of arms, like two thick long swords, stabbed forward with the sharp force that shreds everything.

Fang Xiang, the great elder of the Demon Flame Sect, had just been hit hard by the magic weapon of his life, and the magic in his body was disordered. He never expected such a terrifying existence lurking around him.

Although the magic fire protector in the body came out and was blessed on the mana shield, under the attack of these two top sword treasures, this layer of defense was like a paper paste, and it was directly torn to shreds.

A six-inch Nascent Soul villain fled in a panic, and before he had time to use his teleportation supernatural power, he slammed into an invisible force field, and was immediately blasted by a dazzling sword energy.

The invisible force attracted the other party's storage bracelet, Huang Xiaoyun did not stop, raised his arms, his entire body turned into a giant long sword, and rushed towards the old man named Fu at the Rakshasa Gate not far away.

Old Man Fu didn't react until Fang Xiang was killed. He sensed the terrifying sharp power, and he looked extremely frightened. He hurriedly threw a flashing gray shield, and at the same time threw a jade talisman forward.

This jade talisman turned into a ghost hand and grabbed it towards Huang Xiaoyun.

"It's alright!"

Like torn rags, the ghost hand was pierced through a hole, and these gray energies seemed to have some kind of stickiness attached to the sprinting flesh.

Huang Xiaoyun ignored these corrosive energies, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Old Man Fu's magic power rushed towards the shield in front of him.

But when Huang Xiaoyun approached, his sharp sword-like arms did not slam toward the shield. The dazzling conical sword energy cut at the edge of the shield, and his arms actually embraced this defensive magic weapon.

At the same time, his body twisted, and his right leg kicked a lightning-fast whip from the side, and the same dazzling conical sword energy emerged from the tip of his toe.

This gray shield seemed to sense the danger of the master, and it trembled, trying to help the master to resist the attack from the side, but it was tightly hugged by a pair of arms containing enormous strength, unable to move.

Old Man Fu's shield in the early days of Nascent Soul shattered.


Huang Xiaoyun's mouth suddenly opened, and a harsh scream surged out, and a large cloud of blood-red poisonous mist was mixed in the sound waves.

The sudden sonic boom made Old Man Fu's reaction a little slower, and his body was directly smashed into pieces by the more than half a million kilograms of power carried by the whip leg.

The blood-red poisonous mist just shrouded the opponent's Nascent Soul, and the three-inch villain turned into a pool of blood in the screams of pain...

This chapter today's...

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