The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1092 The Battle of Yuansha Valley (4)

Huang Chong was flying fast in the sky, his face gloomy.

During this trip to the Qi Kingdom, their Holy Demon Sect suffered a huge loss, and the cultivators from the Nascent Soul stage were likely to perish. Their remaining strength was not even as good as that of the lower ranked Demon Sect.

"Damn, how can there be such a pervert in such a remote immortal world..."

Before Huang Chong came to Chu State, he had spent a lot of money. From a high-ranking person in Da Zhou, he learned that the powerhouses of this Immortal Cultivation Realm had fallen, and even the Dragon King of Chu State was no longer there.

If he knew that Lu Kun had such terrifying strength, he would not provoke the Body Refinement Pavilion at all.

In the final analysis, he was still too confident in the strength of the Holy Demon Sect, thinking that there would be no powerful immortal cultivators in this remote place.

Thinking of this, Huang Chong's expression changed slightly.

"Something's wrong. Not long after we occupied the Qisha Gate, we inquired about a lot of information about the Body Refinement Pavilion, but there was very little information about the Blood Refinement Sect and the Yin-Yang Holy Sect."

Huang Chong's face became more and more ugly. In retrospect, it was obvious that the Holy Demon Sect had been secretly put together by someone, using that arrogance to induce them to provoke the Body Refinement Pavilion.

"It's either the Yin-Yang Sect or the Blood Refinement Sect who did this, but it's useless to think about it now, the loss of the Sacred Demon Sect is irreversible, unless I can break through to the realm of God Transformation, the Sacred Demon Sect can continue to gain a foothold in Da Zhou. ."

"Although I didn't achieve God Transformation this time, I succeeded in integrating the true meaning of Mosha and laid the foundation. Before I left, I collected a lot of Shamoqi. As long as I find another magical area, it may not be impossible to break through."

"Although the Yunlu State in Dazhou is vast and the remaining pure demons are abundant, but there are many demons, if there is any sign of a breakthrough, I am afraid that it will be besieged, especially the old guys from the Yuan Demon Sect, maybe they will come across the border. ."

"Apart from Qi State, the nearest Demon Territory is only the North Cold Land on the other side of the Shattered Kingdom..."

At this moment, a silver figure appeared on the edge of the range of his consciousness, and was gradually closing the distance.

Huang Chong's face changed greatly.

"What kind of realm is this guy? The attack power is hovering between the great cultivator and the god of transformation, and the physical defense is perverted. Why is the escape speed so fast."

"Tongtian Lingbao is left for Junior Sister Qi to sit in the sect. I only have an offensive imitation Lingbao in my hand, I'm afraid it won't hurt the other party, and the control treasure of falling into the magic ring is in his hands. Qi is limited, so it is not suitable to fight."

When Huang Chong thought of this, the spiritual sense that contained the true meaning of the evil spirit surged, the black and yellow aura outside his body shrank a small circle, the halo of the devil energy above it was even more dazzling, and the speed increased a bit.

The speed of the two sides was immediately maintained at a similar level, rushing towards the north of Qi State one after the other.


In Yuansha Valley, all kinds of fighting sounds calmed down after half a day.

Qisha Zhenjun and Yuansha Old Demon are long gone. There are only ten or less of the remaining Yuanying monks in Qishamen. The three factions of Yuanying monks are led by Huang Xiaoyun and Pan Yan, and there is only one Yuanying monk. Run away, and everyone else will be wiped out.

The cultivators in the Core Formation Stage in Yuansha Valley could not organize resistance at all. They were chased and killed by the three factions of cultivators. Very few of them were able to escape from Yuansha Valley. Not to mention other low-level monks, almost none of them escaped.

At this time, in the middle of the valley, the forbidden area of ​​the Qisha Gate was scattered with broken forbidden auras. Qian Jingshan and the other four held a comatose Nascent Soul and performed the soul-searching technique.

After a while, a force of restraint poured out of these Nascent Souls in turn, and the soul and the Nascent Soul broke apart.

Qian Jingshan opened his eyes, looked at the Demon Pond in the middle of the forbidden area, and frowned, "The Stone of Oath of the Holy Demon Sect is no trivial matter. There is not much information from Qian's soul search. It seems to be this real magic pool mixed with evil spirits and devilish aura."

Xu Junwen nodded and said: "The concubine's body search is similar, the Holy Demon Sect has passed some kind of secret method, and transformed the True Magic Pond so that it is mixed with vicious aura, and it is no longer pure True Magic water. ."

"The power of will that Daoyou Qian sensed before was probably a combination of suffocation and true devil's will."

Yue Longfei asked curiously, "Could it be that the power of will of this evil spirit attribute can increase the chance of a demon cultivator breaking through into a god? The last thing Huang Chong swept away seems to be the essence of this evil spirit pool."

When Qian Jingshan heard the words, combined with the information he had found in his soul search, he showed a bit of disappointment: "The treasure that Pavilion Master Lu said to assist in breaking through should be this strange evil pool, through which a unique will can be refined. Power."

Obviously, this achievement has already been picked by Huang Chong. If they know how the Shamo Pond is formed, they may try it. Unfortunately, this is the secret of the Holy Demon Sect, and it is prohibited and protected by the other party's oath.

Xu Junwen has no regrets about this, she looked at the more than 20 storage bracelets scattered on the ground, covered her mouth and smiled: "We have taken the Qisha Gate, and all its magic resources are in these storages. In space, these alone are worthwhile trips.”

Following her words, everyone else looked over with burning eyes.

Qian Jingshan pondered for a while and said to Yue Longfei, "Fellow Daoist Yue, why don't we wait for Pavilion Master Lu to come back and distribute the resources of Qishamen?"

Yue Longfei waved his hand and said, "Before the pavilion master came, he had already given an order to divide it into ten parts according to the value, the body training pavilion would take four parts, and the two factions would each take three parts. What are your opinions?"

Qian Jingshan and Xu Junwen showed a bit of stunned expression, the former said with a wry smile: "This battle is entirely dependent on the efforts of Pavilion Master Lu. I'm waiting for 30%, which is a bit too much."

"My concubine feels the same way."

Yue Longfei said with a smile: "In addition to the distribution of the spoils, the pavilion master has another suggestion for the distribution of Qi's resources. I hope the two factions can jointly promote it."

Qian Jingshan said solemnly, "Brother Yue, please speak."

Yue Longfei said: "This action is the first time that the three factions have joined forces to fight against the power of Da Zhou. Although the Holy Demon Sect has been greatly reduced in strength after this battle, this place of pure demon vitality will inevitably be destroyed by other demons. Keep an eye on the door."

"It's better for the three factions to occupy Xizhou, Nanzhou and Dongzhou respectively. The three factions are facing the direction of Dazhou, and the northern state is used as a buffer zone. We don't need to seize this place and regard it as the former Xizhou. , and leave it to loose cultivators and large and small immortal cultivating families."

Hearing this, Xu Junwen frowned lightly and said, "Although this method is good, if Beizhou is in chaos, it will be easier for Da Zhou's demon cultivators to mix in."

Yue Longfei said: "Yue Mou also mentioned this to the pavilion owner. The pavilion owner means that our three factions can establish a neutral chamber of commerce in Beizhou. The movement of the border."

"More importantly, the Neutral Chamber of Commerce can also attract some loose cultivators of the magic way and become the elder Keqing of the Chamber of Commerce, which is much less restrictive than joining a sect. Instead, it can gather powerhouses from small forces."

"There will be another Dazhou Demon Sect invasion in the future, and I will be fully prepared."

Xu Junwen thought about it, and felt that such a neutral chamber of commerce was also a guarantee for the Yin-Yang Holy Sect. He couldn't help but nodded and said, "This method is very good. Pavilion Master Lu really has a great vision."

"Blood Refinement Sect has no opinion."

Although Qian Jingshan said so, but a few worries flashed in his eyes. He was fine with the Neutral Chamber of Commerce, but the position occupied by the three major sects was equivalent to enclosing the blood refining sect.

In his mind, the terrifying magical power of Lu Kun's falling meteorite reverberated. If the Body Refinement Pavilion had any idea, the Blood Refinement Sect would not have the slightest confidence to fight against it.

"Since the two agree, let's distribute the spoils..."

Two shifts today, two shifts tomorrow and the day after...

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