The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1099 The Magical Use of Mysterious Yellow Qi

A few days later, in the depths of Demon Dragon Mountain, a dozen or so cultivators of the Core Formation Stage formed a formation, surrounding a small and medium-sized mountain pass, and a special suction force devoured the mysterious yellow aura emanating from the mountain pass.

Under the action of the power of the formation, these earth-attribute heaven, material and earth treasures poured into several formation eyes and entered the brass tripod inside.

Pan Yan and Du An were suspended in the sky, and there were two Nascent Soul cultivators behind them, one of them was Chen Mingzhu, the master of Xingyue Pavilion, and the other was his junior brother, Ma Yang, a master who was also proficient in formation techniques.

Several of them looked at a hole with a diameter of ten feet in the mountain. There was a continuous rumbling sound, and even the ground and the nearby mountain peaks were trembling, and more and more mysterious yellow gas was gushing out of it.

Pan Yan turned to look at the two of Xingyue Pavilion, clasped his fists and said, "This time, Pavilion Master Laochen and fellow Daoist Ma will visit in person."

Chen Mingzhu came back to his senses and replied with a smile: "Where is Daoyou Pan, this ancient magic circle from the One Yuan Sect, my junior brother and I are very interested."

Having said that, he paused and said, "But that triangular array seems to be different from the way of the immortal cultivator's formation. It's very mysterious. When we were too itchy, we came directly."

Pan Yan asked curiously, "Is that a teleportation circle?"

Chen Mingzhu touched his beard and said, "According to the descriptions of the two of you, there is indeed a space utility. As for whether it has a teleportation function, it is still uncertain."

At this moment, the rumbling sound ceased, and a more intense black-yellow aura surged out. The surrounding cultivators at the stage of forming pills changed their expressions slightly, and when they raised their mana, the surrounding formations poured out stronger suction and continued to charge. These unique earth spirits.

A burly figure, along with these yellow auras, jumped out of the hole, it was Lu Kun.

He shook his body and said, "Except for the triangular array, other images that are forbidden to pass through recording, you should study it."

Chen Mingzhu bowed respectfully: "Yes, the pavilion master, the restriction of the cave below and the real magic pool are one. The nine underground caves found by Daoyou Pan are the core nodes of the magic dragon mountain range."

"Under the action of the earth's veins and the power of prohibition, the black and yellow gas generated here can be continuously sent into the true devil pool, and with the help of this special earth-type spirit, the water of the true devil can be consumed."

The tone of Chen Mingzhu's speech was extremely awe-inspiring.

Under the alliance with Lieyang Sect and Luoyungu, they have already won the Dao sect. Several sects have formed an alliance, controlling most of the Chu Kingdom, and the resources occupied by the sects have risen by a layer.

Without the support of the Master of the Body Refinement Pavilion, Xingyue Pavilion would not be able to do this at all.

Lu Kun nodded lightly, looked at the dark yellow aura that was gradually thinning at the entrance of the cave, and said, "It's almost gone, let's go down."

As he spoke, with a single wave of his hand, Chen Mingzhu and Ma Yang felt an invisible force field shrouding their bodies, and an invisible force was surging inside, but this force did not squeeze inward, but was outside their body. Circulation, twisting the air, creates a nebulous shroud.

Pan Yan looked at Lu Kun's method with envy, turning the power of the void into a force field shield. Only his master's cultivation base and aptitude can perform such exquisite methods.

After he entered this realm, he and Huang Xiaoyun verified each other from time to time, and found that the radiation range of the passive field, in addition to affecting the display of combat skills, was also related to the energy consumption of the power of the void.

To put it simply, the larger the range of the passive field, the less mana consumed by the power of the void.

Lu Kun's nine-star physique, the realm of the middle stage of bone transformation, the range of the passive field is four feet, which is more than twice that of Pan Yan. The power of the void within the range of ten feet can not only be used as a conventional method, but also can use all kinds of subtleties. of combat skills.

Pan Yan secretly simulated the force field shield, shook his head, carried Du An honestly on his back, followed behind Lu Kun and others, and flew towards the entrance of the cave.

The mountain pass has been completely penetrated, leading straight to the bottom of the cave, and a lot of mysterious yellow energy has been vented. The gravity of the blessing inside is greatly reduced, and coupled with the support of the force field shield, Chen Mingzhu and the others can easily enter the ground.

After a while, everyone came to a small cave.

Chen Mingzhu and the two clearly felt that the force field shield outside the body was slightly deformed, and it was obviously under a lot of pressure. The gray poisonous mist emerging from the middle triangle array, when it approached the force field shield, folded in other directions.

Seeing such protection, they relaxed and came to the side of the magic circle. While studying this strange magic circle, they communicated with each other and scrutinized the mysteries.

At this time, a flash of light flashed in Du An's hand, and a dark green vial appeared. A series of magic tricks surged, and the poisonous mist gushing out of the triangular magic circle gathered towards the vial.

After a large amount of Xuanhuang Qi was evacuated, the gravity was greatly reduced, and he was able to collect the poisonous mist.

Lu Kun looked at everyone's movements and didn't say anything. Instead, he stretched out his palm, and a mass of mysterious yellow energy was incorporated into it. He sensed this special aura and narrowed his eyes: "Xiaoyanzi, you said this Can the Qi of Profound Yellow be used to quench the body?"

Pan Yan frowned and said, "After the disciple came here, I also had this idea, but after careful study, I found that although this thing looks similar to aura, it is actually a treasure of heaven and earth."

"Physical training disciples can absorb the pure earth attribute aura in the mysterious yellow energy, but these auras do not have a unique gravity attribute."

"The disciple feels that we can find a way to incorporate the Qi of Xuanhuang into the bone treasure. If the material of this gravitational field enters the bone, it may superimpose with the source field to produce even more terrifying power."

Lu Kun pondered for a moment and said, "If you use the gravitational field, the risk is not small. The physical body of physical cultivation is very strong, but if the gravitational field of Xuanhuang Qi affects the internal organs, it will still cause great harm to the body."

He pondered and said: "I think it is possible to refer to the magic weapons refined by Xuanhuang Qi. These magic weapons use this material in order to increase their weight."

"Luoyungu Han Feng's magic weapon uses the Qi of Xuanhuang, and when activated, the weight increases greatly, and the power is not weak when combined with the earthly magic power."

"That is to say, we can integrate the Qi of Xuanhuang into the bone treasure to form a special gravity pattern. After being urged, the weight of the bones can increase sharply."

"This is the same as the Silver Dragon Meteorite Iron, except that after the activation, the size of the Xuanhuang skeleton has not changed, but the additional gravity has increased."

Pan Yan murmured: "I understand, the strength of the disciple's physical body is only more than 500,000 kilograms. Although it can be fully utilized with the help of the void, if the weight suddenly rises to tens of thousands of kilograms during the battle, the impact of the physical body will be greatly affected. The force will be more terrifying."

Lu Kun said with a smile: "The Qi of Xuanhuang is the top material of the earth attribute. Only you are suitable for fusion. Let's study it together with the Treasure Pavilion. If you can integrate the Qi of Xuanhuang into the bone treasure, as you imagine, your attack power will not be enough. Another shortcoming."

Pan Yan clenched his fists and looked excited.

Lu Kun thought of something again and said, "If you can successfully integrate it, it means that the body repair of Gubao Dacheng can also be refined into it."

"In this way, the bone treasure that contains the gravity attribute will be less likely to be swallowed by the blood and magic power when breaking through the bone transformation period. Xiaoyanzi and the mysterious yellow energy of the Demon Dragon Mountain are all collected back, and then I will concentrate on research and integration. The method of bone treasure."

"Yes, Master!"

At this moment, the triangular magic circle in the middle of the cave suddenly changed, and bursts of light were launched, and a denser gray poisonous mist gushed out...

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