The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1129 Consciousness Shockwave

This group of blood crystals containing pure spiritual power, under the transport of its thick blood essence, rushed to the capillaries of the internal organs.

Lu Kun's internal organs have been turned into several clumps of blood under the action of the method of concentrating flesh and blood. They hang on the interlaced blood vessels, and there are breaths of life flowing in them.

The difference from before is that the amount of life force in the internal organs reaches as much as 50% of the total in the body. It must be known that when he first entered the early stage of bone transformation, the life force can only enter a small amount. difficult to support.

Now this scene shows that the strength of its internal organs has been greatly improved.

The blood in the shape of ice crystal snowflakes flows in the blood of the internal organs, and the rich life force flows in it. At this time, the life force absorbs not Shi Yin'er's blood, but Lu Kun's own blood essence, which is extremely efficient.

After a while, the pure spiritual aura of the Mingling crystal appeared in the internal organs. As soon as it appeared, the concentration far exceeded the previous level of healing.

A group of cyan auras of will emerged from the blood in the heart, and they slammed left and right very anxiously, but they were unwilling to leave the internal organs.

After a while, the surrounding life force all rushed to the heart, wrapping it up in groups, and the rich pure spiritual force gathered together, exuding a rainbow luster.

The meaning of life and life found that there was no way to go back, and without any hesitation, he rushed directly to the life force that was surrounded by spiritual energy, as if the energy was immortal.


Two special spiritual energies collided together, and an invisible shock wave of consciousness, centered on the heart, exploded in all directions, and the blood and water of the internal organs vibrated violently.

An electric throbbing pain was transmitted to Lu Kun's soul along the nerves of the internal organs. The sturdy body was trembling, tiny silver blood vessels appeared on his face, and the short hair on his head stood up. His brain trembled violently, and there was even the sound of boiling water tumbling.

At the same time, those spinal cords in the spinal canal were also rippling, and that trace of consciousness and spiritual aftertaste somehow penetrated the flesh and bones and collided in the spinal cord and brain.

Lu Kun gritted his teeth and made a crunching sound, and even sparks appeared from his teeth. The consciousness of the late Nascent Soul was surging wildly, fighting against a residual shock wave in the spinal cord, and his facial expression was extremely hideous.

After a full quarter of an hour, the twitching body calmed down. He slowly opened his eyes, feeling the remaining mental energy in his internal organs, and his brows were slightly relieved.

"After directly activating the crystal of the underworld spirit, the pure spiritual power has greatly increased, and the will of the alien species has been eliminated in one go.

After he got the method of using the crystal of the ghost from the corpse king of the Zhongming Mountain, he and Shi Yin'er tried to activate it once, that is, the healing time. With the help of the greatly increased mental power, he wiped out the remaining alien wills in one go. .

During this process, two major discoveries were made.

One is the shock wave generated by consciousness and spirit, which seems to be able to pass through the internal organs and directly affect the central nervous system, that is, the spinal cord and the brain. There seems to be a special connection between the two.

Lu Kun carefully sensed his consciousness and fought against the residual shock wave of consciousness in his spinal cord. It was a bit more condensed than before, but he showed regret.

"Although the pain in the central nervous system is much lower than the last time, it is still strong. There is no way to sense the connection between it and the internal organs. It seems that we have to find a way to get such a shock wave of consciousness a few more times."

"If you find the connection between the two, maybe based on these, you can find the next cultivation path for your physical and spiritual consciousness?"

Many years ago, Lu Kun used the Good Fortune Pill to trigger the connection between the spiritual sense and the spinal cord, thus developing the method of spiritual consciousness cultivation in the Bone Treasure Period.

In the body-quenching stage, the sense-sensing technique is based on the connection between the consciousness and the peripheral nervous system, while the Gubao period involves the spinal cord in the central nervous system. Flesh consciousness.

According to Lu Kun's inference, in the bone transformation stage, the cultivation of spiritual consciousness should be related to the brain in the central nervous system, but he has no clue.

Unexpectedly, through this strong shock wave of consciousness, it is possible to discover that there is some connection between the spiritual will, the central nervous system, the internal organs, and the three. If the mystery can be found, then his spiritual consciousness can continue to practice.

"When the big week trip is over, try a few more consciousness shock waves."

Lu Kun took a deep breath and put this thought away for a while, the blood in his body was tumbling, and he spat out a cloud of silvery blood crystals, with a faint hint of blue aura inside.

"When I was clearing the meaning of the evil spirit and the meaning of the real devil, I also had residual consciousness, which was condensed into Yin evil silk by me. I didn't expect that there were impurities in the will of Gu Deming, a monk in the spiritual transformation period."

Lu Kun spilled a ball of broken dragon stone powder, wrapped it into a small gray ball, put it aside, and continued to sense the situation in his body.

Under its control, the blood-like internal organs reconstituted organs and hung in the blood vessels. They looked dull, lost their original moist luster, and were obviously severely damaged by the shock wave of consciousness.

Seeing this, Lu Kun looked a little excited. In addition to the central nervous system, his second discovery was that the strength of the internal organs can be greatly improved after being baptized by shock waves.

It is also fortunate that he has healed several times, and his internal organs have improved to a certain extent. Otherwise, the current powerful shock wave of consciousness would simply be unbearable for the internal organs.

The last time he healed his wounds by eliminating the true meaning of the evil spirit and the true meaning of the devil, and then through the rapid recovery of the vitality in the top-quality spirit stone, the life force contained in the internal organs reached as much as 50%.

After this internal organ recovery, it will continue to strengthen.

Thinking of this, Lu Kun's attention turned to the internal organs, those parts of the life force that also contained the breath of spiritual energy.


When Shi Yin'er heard Lu Kun's call, she had already prepared a mass of blood in front of her and punched it into Lu Kun's mouth.

Then, with Lu Kun's blood essence, in a unique way, it blended in the capillaries of the internal organs, and it gradually exuded a dead silence.

The spiritual power attached to the life force was separated again and merged into the blood, and then the blood wrapped in the spiritual power was spit out and floated towards Shi Yin'er.

The latter showed excitement, swallowed it in one gulp, then sat cross-legged and practiced quietly.

Before, it was an accident that she absorbed the spiritual power in the crystal of Mingling, but now she is using the secret technique of Zhongmingshan and Lu Kun's blood essence to directly refine this special energy.

With the compatibility of the spirit energy and her blood, Shi Yin'er's affinity for various energies has been greatly improved, and her aptitude has been improved in disguise.

After doing all this, Lu Kun's expression relaxed, and the meaning of endless life was extinguished. Gu Deming couldn't track it. He looked at the crystals of blood essence wrapped in Dragon Broken Stone powder beside him.

"Although it is a remnant of will, that guy might be able to track him, so why not leave him in Ziyun City."

Then a light flashed in Lu Kun's hand, and a top-quality spiritual stone appeared.

The vitality in the top-quality spirit stone can quickly restore the internal organs, and he also has a way to eliminate the will of the internal organs.

Therefore, the top-quality spirit stone was regarded as a must-have item by him, and he specially used the blood essence to exchange for a piece from the hands of the corpse king of Zhongmingshan.

Although those tenth-level silver armored corpses were very hungry for their blood essence, the top-quality spirit stones were equally important, and they were necessary for the combination of magical powers. Lu Kun also only bought one.

If it wasn't for his intention to form an alliance with him, I'm afraid he would have already made a black hand on the severely injured corpse kings.

"The news has been spread out, Gu Deming will not leave the sect at least, the shock is enough, and then he can go to the Holy Demon Sect."

With these thoughts flashing in his mind, Lu Kun held the top-quality spirit stone and entered a state of cultivation.

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