The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1139 Huayuan Great Array

Outside the Wanren Mountains, there appeared a triangular square array composed of dozens of Dharma disks.

Below each magic plate, there is an immortal cultivator, and they are holding similar magic in their hands.

All of these people are actually at the Nascent Soul level. Apart from them, there is also a late Nascent Soul Demon Cultivator standing on the three sharp corners of the square array.

Above these three powerhouses, there is no magic plate, but three identical conical magic treasures. They are six feet long, which is several times the size of ordinary magic treasures, exuding an incomparably heavy coercion.

With the casting of everyone's spells, the spiritual light of the array intertwined by dozens of magic disks gradually turned into purple-black, an inexplicable wave spread around, and the magical energy within a radius of five miles fluctuated violently.

One after another black halo manifested, forming a vast ray of light, converging here, and soon formed three huge funnel magic clouds, pure magic energy with a little ray of light, turned into three rays The air column poured into the cone-shaped magic weapon.

A circle of purple-black halo, with the shuddering power of demonic energy, emanated from these three giant magic weapons. Even with the power of the formation, many Nascent Soul demon cultivators felt heavy pressure.

And the five or six large warships circling behind the magic circle were forced to retreat for several miles by this coercion. In addition, many hidden immortal cultivators also revealed their figures, staying away from this terrifying array.


On a cloud ten miles away, a flying boat was suspended, and its surface was shrouded in a rather subtle blue aura, which was isolated from the pressure of the outside world, and there were two immortal cultivators standing inside.

One is the old demon Nebula from Falling Star Lake, and the other is Lu Kun, who goes by the pseudonym Zhang Tianbiao.

Old Demon Nebula looked at the huge cloud of demonic vitality in the distance, and said with a look of shock: "The Primordial Demon Sect is worthy of being the first Demon Sect of the Great Zhou Dynasty, but there is such a top secret technique, it seems that dozens of cultivators of the Yuan Ying period have been killed. The magic power of the scorpion is fused together, and the tyrannical magic power is used to absorb the magic energy."

Lu Kun's eyes faintly flickered with golden light, and the source field of his flesh permeated the outside, wrapping the flying boat and isolating others from exploration.

He nodded lightly and said, "Let's not talk about the three great cultivators, there are forty-five Nascent Soul Demon Cultivators who have motivated them. The ability of this Huayuan Great Array to mobilize the devil's vitality is more than ten times that of ordinary Nascent Soul's late stage, and even Stronger than the cultivator of the Spirit Transformation stage."

He glanced at Old Demon Nebula and said, "Such an exquisite formation will be of great help to a mid-Nascent Soul Demon Cultivator like you. If you can gain some insight, it will be easier to make breakthroughs in the future, so why not fight for a place. "

Old Demon Nebula said with a look of respect: "Thanks to the seniors, the juniors had some insight into the devil's vitality when they were in the Falling Star Lake. The help of this magic circle is very small, but it is thanks to the old people who blame them for not letting go of this kind of thing. Chance."

Their group of loose cultivators planned to sneak in after the battle broke out between the two sides. Who knew that the magic cultivators of Yuan Mozong took the initiative to come to the door, wanting to use their strength to motivate an ancient Huayuan formation.

This formation requires at least one strong cultivator, fifteen cultivators of the Nascent Soul stage, and an imitation spirit treasure to be displayed.

It condenses a large amount of Nascent Soul's power into energy similar to True Essence through the power of the formation method, so as to create a magical power of the level of Yuanqi Transformation.

For these loose cultivators of the magic path, how could they give up the opportunity to feel the magic energy at close range, and as long as a blow is activated, the magic power consumption is not large.

But to be on the safe side, this group of loose cultivators needed someone to respond outside, so Old Demon Nebula and Lu Kun stayed.

With the temptation of this ancient formation, Yuan Mozong persuaded many forces outside the Wanren Mountains to gather a luxurious lineup of nearly 50 Yuanying monks to launch an offensive against the Holy Devil Sect.

Lu Kun carefully observed the three conical magic treasures above the magic array, and said with a tsk tsk: "This kind of Huayuan formation, I am afraid that it will be able to hit three energy transformation attacks. It seems that it is right under the Yuan Demon Sect. The Holy Demon Sect is determined to win.”

"However, the ten thousand blade formation of the Holy Demon Sect is not simple, and it should not be so easy to break."

Hearing the words, Old Demon Xingyun couldn't help but widen his eyes and said, "Senior, the attack of the three cultivators cannot break the ban on the Wanren Mountains?"

Lu Kun said slowly: "In the great formation of ten thousand blades of the Holy Demon Sect, there is also an astonishing amount of demonic vitality, and there is also a lot of condensed vitality in it."

"I can't break the defense of this formation in a short period of time."

Old Demon Nebula couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of spit. He recalled the vitality punch that the senior beside him had punched at the Falling Star Lake. That monstrous power was still imprinted in his mind. Can't the ten thousand blade formation?

Unexpectedly, these sects that have appeared in the gods have such a terrible background, no wonder they can stand for many years in Dazhou.

"Huh? Yuan Huayuan's formation ended so quickly?"

Lu Kun suddenly sensed something, and looked over attentively.

I saw that outside the three conical magic weapons above the Huayuan Great Array, there was already a layer of thick black light and shadow, with delicate runes flashing on it, and it was also shaped like a cone. breath.

The three great cultivators choked a spell at the same time, a piercing cracking sound shot into the sky, and three huge cone-shaped magic weapons shot forward.

The surrounding magic energy glow was also attracted by them, dragging a long tail flame, followed by three splendid streamers in the air, blasting towards the black fog outside the Wanren Mountains.

The cultivators in the Yuan Ying stage in the Hua Yuan Great Array all showed relief, gathering the magic power of dozens of magic cultivators, and the consumption of each person was not large.

But the coercion of the energy transformation level has been pressing in my heart. If there is no protection from the power of the magic circle, I am afraid that these people will not be able to operate even the power of Nascent Soul.

The black fog-like ten thousand-blade great formation seemed to feel the crisis, the fog inside rolled up, and countless blood-red sword shadows surged inside.

After a while, three thick blood-red light knives came out, each with delicate lines, and at the end there was a large mouth of blood of an unknown beast.


Like the giant roar of some ancient beast, three blood-red light knives rushed out, facing the conical magic weapon that came from the lasing.


Over this mountain range, there seem to be three huge scorching suns, purple-black and blood-red halos intertwined with each other, and waves of demonic vitality surging around, the thick black mist becomes thinner with the waves of vitality Get up, and the Wanjian Mountains below are faintly visible.

The cultivators of the Nascent Soul stage who urged the formation were all pale, and they hurriedly displayed defensive measures to resist the permeating air waves. Several warships in the distance were even more restricted.

The three scorching suns only stalemate for a moment, and then completely dissipated, leaving only three slightly dim cone-shaped magic weapons stagnant in mid-air, they seem to have exhausted their power, and the blood-red light knife has also disappeared, as if it had never appeared. .

The sparse black mist surged again, trying to block the blurred Holy Demon Sect mountain gate again.

At this moment, a dazzling purple halo flashed in the air, and in the black mist, a white line appeared that pointed straight to the sky, as if it had been cut by some kind of sharp blade.

The black mist suddenly stopped rolling and dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye, revealing the Wan Blade Mountains below.

The black spiritual pillars at the top of the Blade's Edge Mountains have collapsed, leaving only the black spiritual pillars on the largest mountain in the middle, but they are also shrinking rapidly.

Countless cracks appeared on the forbidden light curtain at the core mountain gate of the Holy Demon Sect. A small knife several inches long, exuding a dark purple halo, was quietly inserted at the junction of the spiritual energy column and the forbidden spiritual light...

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