The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1142 Demon Dragon Blade (2)


A nearby sub-peak was wiped by a blood-red sword shadow of dozens of meters, and the forbidden aura flashing on it was useless and easily shattered.

The hard rock on the mountain that has been infested with demonic energy all the year round was blasted out into an arc-shaped pit of dozens of meters just by rubbing against the light and shadow of the blade tip.

In this huge sword shadow that seems to be substantial, a group of purple-black shadows flickered violently, as if resisting, but in the face of dozens of times the size of the sword light of vitality, this struggle did not turn many waves, only a few breaths of effort , it stagnates inside, there is no movement.

The thick blood-red sword light seemed to sense the enemy's demise, and began to shrink inward, and the absorbed magic energy was also compressed.

At this time, the chilling meaning was not as strong as it was at the beginning, but there was an aura of evil and greed. The rich blood light wrapped the immobile purple-black shadow, squirming slightly, as if digesting some kind of food.

After a while, the group of purple shadows disappeared, and the blood-red sword light quickly became smaller and retracted into the magic dragon blade.

The tip of this magic knife is inclined downward, and the ten-zhang gully spreads all the way to the edge of the top of the mountain, and further out is the sub-peak that was blasted out of an arc-shaped hole.

The position of the knife handle is a pair of skinny palms. Qi Ruyan, who is holding it, has turned into a mummified corpse, as if all the flesh and blood has disappeared without a trace. There is a faint red glow in the eyes, and the spirit of the soul is very weak.

Abbot Zhiyuan, not far away, looked at this scene with disbelief in his eyes.

"How is this possible? Although the magic dragon blade has not been used for thousands of years, the chaotic magic power stored in it has not reached its peak. Why can such a terrifying attack be able to kill Wu Daoyou in one blow."

Just as he was thinking, the surface of the magic dragon blade suddenly flashed a black and red light halo, and a blood-red light lit up in Qi Ruyan's shriveled body at the same time, with a chilling meaning, shifted from the position of the head to the Hands, poured into the magic dragon blade.

Two beast-like roars came from the magic knife, exuding chills and brutality, as if two beasts were fighting.

After a few breaths, the magic dragon blade fell into peace again, and the two wills and even the black and red aura disappeared. In the magic energy around the body, several halos of vitality appeared, lingering around the blade, this heaven-penetrating magic treasure. , and returned to its original appearance.

A breeze blew, and Qi Ruyan's corpse-like body showed traces of cracks, cracked like a broken porcelain, fell to the ground, turned into a pile of dust, and dissipated between the sky and the earth.

Abbot Zhiyuan was shocked when he saw this.

"How could this be? With the chaotic magic body protection, it is impossible for the magic dragon blade to completely devour the user. Is it because of the absorption of Wu Daoyou's Yuanshen, which leads to a great sense of killing?"

Huatian Temple has a deep relationship with the Holy Demon Sect. Abbot Zhiyuan knows the Demon Dragon Blade very well. Even if the Holy Demon King of that year used it himself, it would inflict heavy damage on the monks at the God Transformation stage, and it would be impossible to kill them.

But the scene where the magic dragon blade killed the opponent and devoured the flesh and blood just now showed that Wu Wenxuan's body, soul, and Nascent Soul were all absorbed, and the dead could no longer die.

The phenomenon that the Demon Dragon Blade Backlash has users of chaotic magic power has never happened in the history of the Holy Demon Sect for so many years.

Abbot Zhiyuan looked at the magic dragon blade suspended in mid-air, his eyes flashed with heavy doubts. He couldn't understand why Wu Wenxuan was so arrogant, and he took the initiative to feed a ray of primordial energy to the magic dragon blade to kill it. Italy rose sharply, backlashed against Qi Ruyan, and had no choice but to vent his greatest power.

Looking back now, it seems that this god-turning demon cultivator did this on purpose.

"It's not right. Daoyou Wu is cautious. He hasn't attacked the Holy Demon Sect for so many years, just because he is afraid of the power of the Demon Dragon Blade. His behavior today is just the opposite."

Thinking of this, the abbot of Zhiyuan couldn't help but look up and look not far away. The magic pulp knife and the three conical magic weapons looked a little dim, but they were still suspended in the air, and there seemed to be magic power flowing inside. He couldn't help but shrink his pupils, thinking of some possibility.

But at this moment, a few hundred meters away, a black escaping light suddenly turned into an entity from nothingness, exuding the magic power fluctuations of the late Nascent Soul, rushing towards the mountain at an astonishing speed.

The old monk took a look at his spiritual sense and immediately saw the person coming.

This is a sturdy man with unknown runes engraved on his skin. He is holding a gray-black magic hammer in one hand, and a pale bone claw in the other hand, with greed flashing in his eyes.

Abbot Zhiyuan folded his hands together, and the meaning of peace and compassion flowed: "It's good, good, fellow Taoist Tu Lingzi, the magic dragon blade is different, it's better not to touch it."

His voice seemed to carry some kind of unique will and spread out into the distance. The willpower of this Huatian Temple abbot was different from other monks in the spiritual transformation period. The magnitude affects the seven emotions and six desires of the cultivator.

This sound wave with a strong will is to reduce the opponent's greed and make him give up his thoughts on the magic dragon blade. The situation just now was very strange. He didn't want anyone to continue to die because of the magic dragon blade.

Tu Lingzi's expression did not change, there was a layer of pale yellow aura in the escape light outside his body, and the meaning of compassion swept across his body, but the greed in his eyes did not change in the slightest.

"Soul defense magic weapon?"

The abbot of Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, then sighed softly. The two diamond circles radiated light and flew out with a dark golden halo. The terrifying power comparable to the transformation of vitality was surging.

When Tu Lingzi saw this, a cautious look flashed in his eyes. He opened his mouth slightly, and spit out two groups of magic lights at the weapons in his hands. These magic lights were very strange, like a real entity. Peak volatility.

Then the magic power of his late Nascent Soul surged, and the flesh and blood magic power was absorbed by the two weapons in a blink of an eye, and two frightening fluctuations suddenly emanated.

A large amount of demonic energy around them manifested, and even competed for nearly half of the demonic energy that flocked to the diamond circle. A densely covered with magic lines, like a substantial black light hammer, with a terrifying coercion, greeted the diamond. lock up.

On the other side of the bone claw magic weapon, a gray light claw shot out. Although this sharp claw is also a five-fingered hand bone, it is twice as large as a human hand bone, and there are several inches long on the fingertip joints. Bone spur.

The magic light bone claw continued to absorb the magic energy during the flight, and it appeared more and more dazzling, rushing towards the position of the magic dragon blade.

"Magic weapon! Vitality transforms into shape!"

Abbot Zhiyuan suddenly remembered the rumor that the Blood Beast Gate had some kind of secret technique to activate the magic weapon, and his face could not help but look solemn.


A loud noise came, and the two diamond circles and the deep black hammer shadow were intertwined, and a group of golden and black rays of light erupted.

But after all, the diamond circle is a magic weapon entity, and the black hammer shadow is just a transformation of vitality. When the two sides are staggered, the hammer shadow gradually dims, but it seems to be able to support for a while.

And the gray bone claws were firmly grasped on the golden light, rubbing out a vortex of vitality, and the golden light curtain showed a slight crack, but as a new energy poured out of the golden bowl, it condensed again. real.

At this moment, the previously quiet magic dragon blade below seemed to sense something, and it trembled slightly, the blood-red light flashed, and it flew up, and the bone-shaping claws collided inside and outside, shattering the golden light.

Both Tu Lingzi and Zhiyuan were startled by this change, and then the elder of the Blood Beast Sect showed surprise, and quickly manipulated the bone claws, grabbed the dragon blade and flew back.


A slight vibration suddenly resounded on the top of the mountain, and the bleak magic marrow knife, I don't know when the aura burst into a purple-black streamer, swept a large amount of magic energy halo, and the terrifying power spread.

Tu Lingzi looked at the magic marrow knife that suddenly rushed over, the joy on his face stopped abruptly, and he couldn't help but lose his voice: "Old Demon Wu is still alive!"

I still owe 6 shifts, at least 2 shifts tomorrow, and strive for 3 shifts...

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