The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1144 The tiger's mouth grabs food

Abbot Zhiyuan stood on the mountain peak, staring blankly at the scene in front of him.

Tu Lingzi didn't know what kind of secret technique he used. Not only could he control the magic dragon blade, but he could also deliver the strongest blow when the chaotic magic power of the magic blade was insufficient.

From these changes, Abbot Zhiyuan could see that Wu Wenxuan was able to control the Demon Dragon Blade to a certain extent, and he couldn't help recalling the entire battle process in his mind.

Wu Wenxuan first appeared as an incarnation outside his body, sacrificing a trace of his primordial spirit, causing the killing intent of the Demon Dragon Blade to counteract Qi Ruyan, who uncontrollably struck the strongest blow.

There is nothing weird here, but after the incarnation outside the body was swallowed by the sword glow of the magic dragon blade, there seemed to be more cruelty in the magic dragon blade. He originally thought that the magic dragon blade did not completely swallow it. The incarnated spirit.

Now that I think about it, Wu Wenxuan is relying on the power of the primordial spirit incarnate outside the body to control the magic dragon blade, first devouring Qi Ruyan's body and soul, and then actively throwing himself into the phantom of Tu Lingzi's bones and claws.

The magic power used by Tu Lingzi's secret technique is likely to be similar to the magic power of chaos. It controls the magic dragon blade by supplying energy, but Wu Wenxuan's primordial spirit can affect the chilling meaning inside and the energy that devours flesh and blood.

When the abbot Zhiyuan thought of this, he couldn't help asking: "Fellow Daoist Wu, did you influence the magic dragon blade through the sacrifice of your incarnation outside your body?"

Wu Wenxuan looked at the Tongtian Demon Treasure that swallowed the blood-red light into the blade in the distance, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Yes, with the help of an incarnation outside the body, a little of Wu's Yuanshen power successfully entered the magic dragon blade, barely Can control the demons inside."

Abbot Zhiyuan frowned: "With the magical power of the Demon Dragon Blade, even the primordial spirit of a cultivator in the spirit-transforming stage can be swallowed up. You don't have much power to distract your spirit, so how can you preserve it?"

Wu Wenxuan flashed the magic art in his hand, and the aura of three cone-shaped magic weapons rolled up the magic dragon blade, as well as the storage bracelet and black altar left by Tu Lingzi, floating towards its position.

Hearing Zhiyuan's doubts, he showed a bit of pride and said: "Because Wu's incarnation is made from the remains of the demon king five hundred years ago, after my years of research... …”

Halfway through speaking, Wu Wenxuan suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance. Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, and also found something, and also turned to look over.

I saw a group of dazzling cyan escaping light in the distant horizon. In addition to the amazing speed, the aura it radiated was even more terrifying. Wherever it passed, there was even a little bit of spiritual energy manifested.

Many Nascent Soul monks in the Wanren Mountains were also shocked by this light, and even if they were hundreds of miles away, they could feel the incomparable pressure.

"With such a terrifying aura, is he a God Transformation senior again?"

"The aura of the wood attribute is Senior Gu of Taixuanzong!"

"Isn't the magic dragon blade the magic treasure of the sky? How did it attract such an existence?"

"Old man leave first, fellow Daoists take care."

The fluctuations of the previous battle were already very terrifying, and now there is another god-transforming existence. If a more fierce battle breaks out, half of the Ten Thousand Blades Mountain Range will be destroyed.

Many demon cultivators have retreated, and there are a few daring ones who still stay in the mountains.


Wu Wenxuan and Zhiyuan naturally saw the person who came, and they were puzzled. What did Gu Deming do in the Wanren Mountains? The existence of the spiritual transformation of mana cultivation, it is impossible to activate the magic dragon blade, and other magic treasures, he also can't use it.

At this moment, Wu Wenxuan's face suddenly changed, and he looked at the position of the magic dragon blade: "Who is it!"

I saw a burly middle-aged man in a gray suit at some point beside the cone-shaped magic weapon. Vibration, about to be taken away.

Zhiyuan saw the face of the person who came, and blurted out: "Ge Master Lu!"

Wu Wenxuan didn't know any pavilion master Lu, and he said angrily, "Where is the guy who dares to take food from the tiger's mouth!"

During the speech, the real essence in his body surged, and the three cone-shaped magic weapons burst into purple-black light. The surrounding magic energy gathered and condensed into a circular black light curtain. The invisible force was blocked, and the magic dragon The blade was quiet again.

This burly man, naturally Lu Kun, has been quietly lurking on the mountainside. At this time, he not only appeared, but also revealed his true colors.

He looked at the thick light curtain exuding the fluctuation of vitality in front of him, a flash of fighting intent flashed in his eyes, a flash of aura flashed, and a five-foot-long purple gold appeared in his right hand, which was bigger than the magic dragon blade. Great Axe.

A blood crystal sealed in the body poured into the chest with the meaning of true devil, and collided with the blood in a special way, a strong blood force appeared and rushed to the right arm.

This strong arm swelled rapidly, and the hair on it stood up, turning into black hair, and the palm became the hand of a monkey.


A crisp metallic sound came, and a painful wolf howl was faintly mixed in it.

This purple-gold magic axe radiated a lot of light, and pieces of the devil's vitality glowed and gathered, forming a layer of purple-gold vitality axe blade on the outside of the axe, and the terrifying coercion spread out.

This series of changes was completed in almost an instant. On Lu Kun's other human arm, pieces of ferocious muscle pimples bulged like deformed pieces of meat. Facing the light curtain formed by the cone-shaped magic weapon, he slashed down fiercely.


An astonishing wave of air was mixed with the vitality vortex, and the vitality light curtain inspired by the three magic weapons was directly cut through a crack.

"Boom boom boom!"

His ferocious arms look bloated, but in fact they are extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he slashed out three swords. The terrifying brute force of about ten thousand pounds.

In this environment full of demonic energy, Lu Kun was finally able to take out this purple-gold magic axe. The power of the magic weapon in his hands was more than 50% stronger than that of Tu Lingzi. With only three swords, the strong vitality light in front of him The curtain was blasted to pieces.

Then Lu Kun held a void with his left hand, and the magic dragon blade and other storage bracelets inside fell into his thick palm under the traction of invisible force.

Wu Wenxuan was stunned by the change between the electric light and flint. He did not expect that the light curtain he activated would be shattered in just a moment. Although it was not a special defensive magic weapon, the scene in front of him all showed that the opponent's attack power had reached Deity level.

"Zhiyuan calls him Pavilion Master Lu, so he must be an immortal cultivator, but his arm is like a monster, and the giant axe is a magic weapon. He is holding a huge magic weapon to attack. Isn't this the way the devil fights?"

A large-scale magic weapon like the purple-gold axe is usually discarded by immortal cultivators. Because it is too heavy, even if it can be activated, it will not only consume astonishing magic power, but will also be eroded by the magic inside.

Like the small magic weapon used by Tu Lingzi, many magic cultivators will still take risks.

"Being able to wield a large magic weapon so fast, there is a crackling sound in the air, it can be seen that the power of his physical body is beyond imagination, how can a cultivator have such a powerful physical body."

These thoughts flashed in his mind, Wu Wenxuan saw the other party holding the magic dragon blade, and a ruthless look flashed in his eyes.

"No matter what kind of creature you are, the magic in the dragon blade has been controlled by me, this is courting death!"

His expression was icy cold, the power of the Primordial Spirit in his body circulated, and he moved a spell in his hand.

A dark red halo erupted from the magic dragon blade in the distance, and the meaning of cruelty and killing rose up, and with an evil thought, it rushed from the thick knife handle to the one full of muscle pimples. arm.

Feeling this greedy and evil idea, Lu Kun snorted coldly: "Even if there are such a large number of qi and blood magic power, what can I do!"

As if to confirm his words, the dark red halo was directly stuck at the junction of the knife handle and the palm. This energy only corroded the outer skin and could not penetrate deeply.

This group of energy that can easily devour the cultivator's body cannot even break through Lu Kun's palm.

Wu Wenxuan's eyes widened, unable to believe this scene. Another magic trick flashed in his hand. In the dark red halo, a sense of brutality and chilling suddenly emerged. The invisible force of will successfully entered the opponent's palm.

Lu Kun felt this. Not only did he not panic, but instead showed a look of surprise. The terrifying power of qi and blood was rolling in his body. The power of blood before reappeared, and his eyes turned pure gold.

The next moment, two dazzling golden lights shot out from their eyes, as if seeing nothing, and submerged into the thick blade of the Demon Dragon Blade, and a painful roar of a beast came out.

The blood-red light that was still at the position of the knife handle and the silver magic energy stalemate, swooped back, and the aura outside the magic dragon blade quickly dissipated, turning into an unremarkable black big knife.

Hey, there are still only two chapters, I currently owe five chapters, continue tomorrow...

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