The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1146 join forces

"What kind of magical power is this, the flesh body has expanded five times."

Based on the cultivation of Zhiyuan Abbot and Gu Deming, it is natural to be able to tell that this three-zhang giant is not a magic illusion, but a real physical entity.

In their impression, this kind of magical power that changes in size can only be used by monsters. Looking at the pair of black ape-like arms, Zhiyuan has some doubts, whether this pavilion master Lu was transformed by some kind of monster.

"What kind of magical power is it? It seems that it has greatly improved the control of the devil's vitality. To such an extent, it is five or six times that of the great cultivator, and it is close to the effect of the primordial spirit."

Abbot Zhiyuan murmured, his eyes full of surprise.

"There is no breath of willpower in his body, how did he do it."

When Wu Wenxuan listened to Zhiyuan's words, he was also thinking about it in his heart.

"Gu Deming started to use the Primordial Sword from dozens of miles away. He mainly used the power of Primordial Spirit to control the sword, and he did not use too much Primordial Primordial Qi. In addition, the Spiritual Primordial Qi here was so thin that he could not exert the true power of the Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure. , he seems to have some spare energy left."

Wu Wenxuan's eyes narrowed. He was first eaten by the tiger's mouth, and then the primordial spirit attached to the magic dragon blade returned without success. The magic blade was also restrained by the opponent's strange means, which made him lose a few inches.

Now he quietly observes, but he has a lot of understanding of Lu Kun's magical powers. This person has not reached the realm of God Transformation, and his strength is not as powerful as he imagined. His biggest reliance is the purple gold giant axe in his hand.

Primordial Demon Sect also has the secret technique for the activation of the magic weapon, but even if he is a cultivator of the God Transformation stage, if he wants to activate the greatest power of the magic weapon, he must not only consume blood essence, but also separate some of his primordial spirits to defend against the devil. The devil in the device.

The magic weapon displayed is only the power of vitality to transform into shape, and the use of it by transforming gods and demons is more than worth the loss.

"This person has some kind of divine power, and even the primordial spirit can't return without success. Naturally, he can prevent the erosion of demons. With the power displayed by his fleshly body, such a huge magic weapon with a weight of more than 10,000 kilograms can almost exert its maximum power. ."

Wu Wenxuan looked at the magic dragon blade on the back of the giant, his eyes flashing slightly.

"Through the sacrifice of the incarnation outside the body, some of my primordial spirits have been matched with the magic dragon blade. As long as the sacrifice is performed, this treasure can be transformed into an existence similar to the avatar, and thus completely controlled."

"If the magic dragon blade is taken away, my years of hard work will be wasted..."

While thinking about it, Wu Wenxuan glanced at Abbot Zhiyuan who was murmuring beside him, and his lips moved a few times.


"Physical training is really amazing, and there is such a magical power to enhance the control of vitality."

Gu Deming looked at the man's 30-foot-tall body and the vibrating demonic energy around him. He was even more coveted, but his jealousy towards this person also increased a lot.

Gu Deming played against Lu Kun once in his own vitality field, knowing that the other party had an escape speed no less than that of a monk in the spirit transformation stage, and even with his flesh and blood, he took a sword of vitality transformation.

Now in this demonic realm with no vitality, Gu Deming's supernatural power has been greatly reduced. After finding that the opponent can resist the Hunyuan Sword, he is not sure to kill the opponent, let alone capture it alive.

But Lu Kun killed so many multi-infant elders of Taixuanzong, and he was extremely unwilling to let it go.

At this moment, Gu Deming's ears trembled, as if he heard something, then his eyes flashed slightly, and with one hand, the Primordial Sword in the distance turned back, but the blue jade ruler in his body trembled slightly.


Lu Kun held the Purple Gold Magic Axe with one hand and maintained the posture of flying the Primordial Sword. He stared at the magic weapon in his hand without moving, and whispered in his mouth, as if he had made an important discovery.

Suddenly, a small purple-black ball flew out of the magic dragon blade tied behind the waist, and a strong sense of brutality came out from it.

The surrounding magic energy radiance, which was attracted by Lu Kun's Faxiang Heaven and Earth, trembled violently all of a sudden, broke free from the force field of the physical source, and gathered into this small ball.

Accompanied by a dazzling halo, it turned into a thick purple-black rope with dense magic patterns on it, like a giant devil python, wrapped around Lu Kun's body of 30 feet, and all limbs were bound by a terrifying restraint. Force squeezed.

Lu Kun's expression was startled, his muscles trembled, and bursts of air flowed. With his strength of more than one million pounds, he couldn't break free at all.

Then, the surface of the body circulated with silver streamers, and the source field kept twisting, but the magic energy that was easily absorbed by him did not listen to his orders.

"What's the matter? This is not the domain of the spiritual monks. Why can't the Fa Xiangtiandi absorb vitality? What kind of supernatural power is this vitality rope?"

A look of surprise flashed in Lu Kun's eyes, his wrist was reversed, and the purple-gold magic axe slashed at the halo rope outside his body.

Unexpectedly, the surrounding demon energy only trembled slightly, and only a small part converged on the blade of the axe. The dark golden vitality blade dimmed a lot, a golden-black halo exploded, and the rope only dimmed a little.

"Wu Daoyou, you..."

Seeing this, the abbot of Zhiyuan in the distance turned to look at Wu Wenxuan beside him, only to see three cone-shaped magic weapons approaching, turning into a light curtain and pressing them over.

His face changed, a golden bowl appeared in his hand, emitting a lot of golden light, blocking the magic weapon in front of him, followed by the diamond circle in his hand, which sprang from behind, turned into two streamers, and flew in the direction of Lu Kun.


At this time, a blue jade ruler shot from a distance, blocking Zhiyuan Abbot's rescue.

Gu Deming didn't know when he used his magic weapon to intercept Zhiyuan Abbot. At the same time, he held the complicated seal in his hand, and hit the Hunyuan sword in front of him. It seemed that he was using some kind of powerful secret technique. .

Wu Wenxuan looked at Lu Kun, who was bound in place, and laughed: "Lord Lu, don't break free. Under the shroud of Wu's Primordial Spirit, only the power of Primordial Spirit of the same level can arouse the devil's Primordial Qi again."

"Even if there is a magic weapon, it is useless without the attachment of the magic energy."

As he spoke, the magic marrow knife resurfaced in his hand, the thick real essence circulated in the body, and the amazing cruelty rose to the sky, echoing the purple-black rope on Lu Kun's body.

At this time, Gu Deming also completed the spell, opened his mouth slightly, and spit out a ball of light cyan, which contained a rich and incomparable meaning of life and life, and his body was missing a section of true essence.

The terrifying coercion spread out, and six solid blue short swords suddenly rushed out of the Primordial Sword. Each sword light flashed with dazzling runes. The blue halo was extremely solid, and it was actually vitality. Shapeshifting Sword.

He and Wu Wenxuan seemed to have a heart-to-heart, and the magic sword in their hands turned at the same time, and the magic marrow knife brought a dazzling light, and the six sword lights of Primordial Primordial, with unparalleled power, blasted towards the three-foot giant in the distance.

These two cultivators in the spiritual transformation period seemed to have reached a joint agreement in an instant, and they would not hesitate to waste their real energy and use their top magical powers to kill Lu Kun in one fell swoop...

First post 2000 words, the next paragraph is not very easy to write, I will post it tomorrow, I still owe 5 chapters...

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