The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1148 Domineering

The twenty-foot-long black sword was extremely solid, without the slightest leakage of demonic energy. It was like a physical weapon, mixed with violent airflow, and bombarded the azure wooden shield fiercely.

Gu Deming felt a suffocating power of vitality rushing towards his face. In addition to the vitality concentrated to the extreme, it also carried a terrifying brute force, as if it could crush everything.

The vitality on the defensive wooden shield was transformed into aura, and it only supported for a breath, then completely collapsed, and then the wooden shield flew out.

There was no blood on Gu Deming's face, and the remaining true essence poured into the vitality shield frantically, and a dazzling cyan halo burst out for a while, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and the Nascent Soul, which was a complete body, began to tremble slightly.

But at this moment, a layer of invisible ripples swayed on the surface of the huge black magic knife, and the incomparably condensed magic energy seemed to have lost some kind of restraint and collapsed around.

The chilling meaning contained in it rolled back with a little blood-red light.

Gu Deming's trembling Nascent Soul stopped, and there was a lot of cold sweat on his forehead. He felt that he had walked through the gate of hell. Only a thin layer of vitality shield was left on his body, and there was no spiritual vitality around him. The True Yuan Qi, which had just advanced to God Transformation, could not stop this shocking blow at all.

"Gu Deming, Lu does not want to forge a deadly vengeance with Da Zhou's spiritual cultivator, so I will spare your life today."

The incomparably thick voice came from the mouth of the magic ape. Under the tremor of the sound wave, it even caused a circle of air waves. It sounded full of energy and did not seem to consume much.

Gu Deming raised his head and looked into the distance, only to see that a dozen feet away, silver light flashed in the hands of the giant Moyuan, still holding a two-foot-long flesh-and-blood magic knife.

His spiritual sense swept across the five-zhang-high body, and only felt the majestic power of blood and energy. No soul or energy aura could be detected, and there was no sign of weakness at all.

Gu Deming's expression was stunned. He didn't expect that the other party would let him go. Pavilion Master Lu could completely destroy his body as long as he pressed down the magic knife a little more, and he could at most escape Yuan Ying.

Without the body that has been purified by vitality, his magical powers have been greatly reduced. Even if he takes away a suitable body, it will take two or three hundred years to recover.

Hearing Lu Kun's words, Gu Deming's lips moved slightly, but he didn't know what to say for a while.

The Demon Ape looked at his expression, held the knife in one hand, stretched out his left palm, raised two fingers and said, "Leave two top-quality spirit stones, you can go, the festival between Taixuanzong and Lianti Pavilion is here. So far."

Then he said in a cold tone: "But if you all covet the body training method again, Lu Mou will hand over the elders of this pavilion and slaughter your Taixuanzong disciples."

When Gu Deming heard this, he almost fainted. Taixuanzong only had the intention to seize the body training method, but it did not succeed.

There is no loss in the body refining pavilion, but the Taixuanzong has lost nearly half of the high-level monks, and the strength of the sect has been greatly reduced. He was an elder who was almost beheaded by the opponent, his majesty was completely damaged, and he had to pay for it. Two top-quality spirit stones.

This body refining pavilion is too overbearing.

"How do you feel?"

Gu Deming's face turned blue and then white. He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, this time Gu admits his failure, but I hope Pavilion Master Lu will keep his promise and stop attacking his disciples."

"Lu will never break his promise."

Gu Deming took a deep breath, flashed aura in his hand, and threw two jade stones that contained strong spiritual energy. Then, with one hand, he put the Primordial Sword and the other two magic weapons into his sleeves. A cyan escaping light quickly flew away into the distance.

The magic ape opened his mouth and inhaled the two top-quality spirit stones into his mouth. The lantern-like red eyes turned to stare at Wu Wenxuan.

A deafening voice came out of his mouth: "Old Demon Wu, the Holy Demon Sect covets the cultivation technique of the Body Refinement Pavilion, and this Dragon Slaying Saber is used as compensation. You have no opinion."

Wu Wenxuan was stunned when he heard these unrelated words, even a giant of the Dao of Demons like him.

According to the abbot of Zhiyuan, the Body Refinement Pavilion has already wiped out most of the cultivators of the Holy Demon Sect.

What is the loss of the Refining Body Pavilion?

The Nascent Soul elders who entered the southwest of the Holy Demon Sect were all dead, and the body training exercises were not lost at all.

Could it be that just because he provokes you, he will be exterminated by Tu Zong and presented as a treasure?

Wu Wenxuan twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "It turns out that the Holy Demon Sect offended Pavilion Master Lu. Since this is the case, Wu will not fight."

Like Gu Deming, he couldn't see the depth of this pavilion master at all. At the beginning of this man, he activated the magic weapon, and his strength was only equivalent to a great cultivator with a heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure.

Then he used the strange giant supernatural powers, which caused the power of the magic weapon to increase greatly. He already possessed the combat power of a pseudo-god, and now he has turned into a magic ape with a height of five feet.

The magic ape easily broke free from the Primordial Spirit's chains, and the magical power of spinning the wheel that he used before reversed the powerful attack of the two cultivators.

This kind of control over the devil's vitality shows that the other party possesses a kind of primordial spirit power that they can't detect.

This demon ape is filled with invisible force fields, and the scene of running in the void before is very similar to the supernatural power of the demon king.

The most important thing is that this person can actually display the greatest power of the magic dragon blade.

You must know that Qi Ruyan has consumed the chaotic magic power in the magic knife, and the energy injected by Tu Lingzi has also been released. What means did this person use to burst out such terrifying power of the magic knife.

If he and Gu Deming exchanged, the situation would not be much better.

These thoughts flashed in his mind, and the deep voice of the magic ape came from his ear: "Old Mo Wu, you just suddenly attacked, if it wasn't for Lu Mou who kept his hand, I'm afraid he would have said, don't you give it to me? An explanation?"

A flash of anger flashed in Wu Wenxuan's eyes. Before he could say anything, he thought of the fate of Taixuanzong and the Holy Demon Sect. He took a deep breath and said slowly, "I don't know what Pavilion Master Lu wants to explain."

Demon Ape's huge mouth grinned and said: "It's very simple, Lu Mou will take half of the accumulation of the Holy Demon Sect."

When Wu Wenxuan heard the words, he narrowed his eyes and said, "Pavillion Lu has asked the wrong person. Wu Mou has promised Abbot Zhiyuan and will no longer take action against the Holy Demon Sect. Pavilion Lord Lu wants its resources, so he should be asked."

Abbot Zhiyuan heard the conversation between the two and recovered from the terrorist attack just now. He put his hands together and said:

"It's good, it's good, the Holy Demon Sect doesn't have a big cultivator in charge, and it would be a disaster for the Demon Dragon Blade to stay here. Since Pavilion Master Lu can mobilize this magical treasure, if you take it, the old man has no opinion."

"However, Huatian Temple has a very close relationship with the Holy Demon Sect, and will support its continued development. I also ask Lu Pavilion Master to be merciful and let go of the Holy Demon Sect. I can guarantee that they will never trouble the Body Refinement Pavilion, let alone covet them. body exercises."

The magic ape heard this sentence and said silently: "The resources of the Holy Demon Sect are not necessary, but Lu Mou is bound to obtain the magic dragon blade and the refining method of imitating magic treasures."

Abbot Zhiyuan was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, glanced at the two-zhang sword in the hands of the magic ape, nodded and said, "This is no problem, but this magic treasure refined by the holy devil is very special, and the material is not something from the world of immortality. If Pavilion Master Lu wants to refine it, I am afraid it will be a waste of time."

"What does Lu use it for, the master doesn't need to worry about it."

While speaking, the magic dragon blade in the hands of the magic ape let out a roar of a beast, and the dark silver flesh and blood wrapped around it condensed inward. After a while, the magic blade turned into its original appearance.

At the same time, the huge body of the demon ape was twisted for a while, and the power of qi and blood gradually disappeared, and the body shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye. With a turn, it was randomly inserted in the back...

owe 6...

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