The Ancestor of Body Repair

#1155 source (below)

Lu Kun held the animal skin handwritten, and endless anger rose in his heart.

Although Yiyuanzong's body refining line was not successful, it was a great inspiration to him. Without the evil energy of blood and magic, the disciples of the body refining pavilion could not break through to the bone transformation stage at all. Lu Kun felt very much towards the Hong brothers. Respect.

Seeing other people in the One Yuan Sect take the disciples of the body-refining line for experimentation is equivalent to bullying his body-training pavilion disciples.

"Han Ting is recorded in Hong Yuntian's handwritten notes. He has perfected the phantom demon child-mother technique, and also created a secret method, which can be practiced by soaking the devil's child in the water of the real devil."

"Hmph, I didn't expect this woman to be so vicious. She used her fellow disciples to study magic arts and refine the demons in the demon cave, all of which have the meaning of true demons. I'm afraid they have all been used by Han."

Lu Kun took a deep breath, suppressing the anger in his heart, the invisible fluctuation of the source power of the flesh gradually disappeared, and thoughts flashed in his heart.

"Calculate the time, the secret realm of one yuan will be opened for decades. Hong Yuntian has survived for so many thousands of years, and he should be alive now."

"Although he understood the source power of the physical body, he did not really enter the Nascent Soul stage. It is very likely that due to the special environment of the one yuan secret realm, he could not trigger the thunder tribulation of heaven and earth."

"Last time I was not strong enough to protect myself. This time I have to find a way to rescue him."

Lu Kun made a decision in his heart, calmed down, and continued to look at the animal skin in his hand.


"Fifty-eight years before the broken yuan: through the information disclosed by the spirits of the beasts, I roughly know the way Yuntong trains the body."

"It is based on the phantom demon child-mother art, which controls the child monsters, thereby running the blood and blood magic power in their bodies."

"There are nearly 1,000 qi and blood beasts in the Warcraft Garden. Even if I practice the Phantom Demon Child-Mother Art, it is impossible to refine such a large number of child bodies. Then there is only one solution, which is to create a special kind of mind. Instead of his soul, he will control his blood and magic power."


"Fifty years before the broken yuan: I just received a notification from the family that the day of the broken yuan has been postponed for ten years. The elder Taishang thought of a way to perfect the broken yuan formation, which can bring the disciples of the upper elixir stage."

"The elders have therefore strengthened the restraining power of the Stone of Oath. If the news is known to several other sects, I am afraid they will unite and threaten my Yuan sect."


"But even with the support of the great formation, facing the endless space storm, the cultivation of the Nascent Soul is also at risk. My current cultivation is still going backwards, and I must solve the hidden dangers of inner demons before the day of broken yuan."


"Twenty-four years before the broken yuan: huh, the cultivation base has dropped to the early stage of Yuanying, but fortunately I succeeded. With the help of Mingxin Art, Illusory Demon Child-Mother Art, Yuntong Body Refinement Art, and several secrets of the One Yuan Sect, I created a A secret technique."

"This technique condenses the essence of the flesh and blood of the beast and a trace of the power of the soul together, forming a kind of divine consciousness that fits with the body of the beast, and can control the blood and magic power.

"Every beast must be refined with a bloody mind. With my spiritual consciousness in the early days of Nascent Soul, I can control up to two at the same time. There are still thirty-four years, and there are nearly a thousand blood beasts here, so it should be too late."


"Three years before the broken yuan: God, what the hell is going on, why is this Demon Realm sealed up! What are the people guarding the formation doing!"

"We were abandoned by the sect! This is impossible. The day of the broken yuan is still thirteen years away. This is the sound transmission of the patriarch himself. There is no mistake."


"The First Year of Broken Yuan: We were really abandoned by the sect. Hehe, according to the guesses of several senior brothers, the broken Yuan great formation was not perfect at all, but a huge flaw was discovered, and the number of people taken away was extremely limited."

"The elders are too ruthless. Several major restrictions in the Stone of Oath have all dissipated, leaving only one confidentiality restriction, which is equivalent to expelling us from the sect."

"The secret realm is sealed by the double-element nine-turn formation, even the devil can't break it, he can only spend the rest of his life here..."


"Two years after the first year of Shattered: Lost the prohibition of the stone of oath, the brothers outside are all fighting for the land of the magic pond, and I don't know where the rumors came from, saying that they can be automatically sent out when they enter the transformation period."

"If it wasn't for the Han family, I wouldn't have come to the Warcraft Garden, and I wouldn't have been overwhelmed with demons, but as a result, I was abandoned here by the family and the sect!"

"I'm not reconciled! God Transformation! I want to enter the God Transformation stage!"


"Eight years after the broken Yuan: Ming Xin Jue seems to be affected by obsession, there are still 200 chaotic blood beasts, the inner demons have dissipated, and Ming Xin Jue directly enters the realm of great achievement, if there is a magic pool soaked , I definitely have the opportunity to become a God Transformation Demon Cultivator!"


"Eleven years after the broken Yuan: Damn, although the Ming Xin Jue is a magic art created by the elders of Taishang, but it focuses on the cultivation of spiritual sense, the spiritual sense of enlightenment and great success, and can even resist the power of will, but it is not enough to fight supernatural powers. I'm not a match for those guys."

"You must improve your combat effectiveness, yes, the blood and blood magic power, the more than 800 blood and blood monsters relieved the pain, the soul and the blood and blood magic power are separated, and the blood and blood magic pill is sealed by the blood Mingnian, if you can use this power... "


"Twenty years after the broken Yuan: Hahaha, blood and blood magic is really useful, this energy can actually activate the magic weapon!"

"There is a spiritual mind that protects the body, and the magic mind in the magic weapon can't affect me at all. Now you can let the magic pond land out."


"Twenty-two years after the broken yuan: the power of the magic weapon is really terrifying. In this space full of magic energy, the power is no less than that of the human race's heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure."

"Those guys are also amazing. If it wasn't for me who created the enchantment technique, integrating the blood and magic power into the body, turning it into a half-human and half-beast body, and the physical strength surged to the level of the seventh-level monster, I am afraid it would not be so easy to take over that. one move."


"Twenty-three years after the broken yuan: I didn't expect that the combination of the mind-brightening art and the enchantment technique would have an unimaginable resistance to the meaning of the true devil. Coupled with the pure water of the true devil in the hands of those people, the breakthrough was barely successful. "

"The rumors are also true. When I broke through into a god, I sent it directly. Unfortunately, what I refined was the devil energy in the demon domain. After I left, my strength was only at the level of a fake god."


"Twenty-four years after the broken yuan: hey, the yuan country has disappeared after all, and the major factions are looking for the secret of the disappearance of the yuan sect. I want to remain anonymous. If those old guys find me, I won't be their opponent."

"Although the world has changed drastically and the vitality is chaotic, if the cultivation base is tyrannical, it can also break through the limit of the interface."

"My understanding of qi and blood beasts is definitely better than cousin Han Ting. If I can find the point of convergence between the meaning of madness and the meaning of true demons from the body of qi and blood beasts, and fuse the two to transform the madness and magic, it may not be impossible. Go further."

"There are some blood monsters in the spirit beast bag, but the number is not enough. We need to establish a sect force to help me catch monsters."

"Yuanzong's exercises are restricted by the divine soul and cannot be passed on, but Xueming Nian is my own creation, and I can use this idea to create a new exercise..."


"Five hundred years after the broken Yuan: Hey, the space cracks in Yuan country have been greatly reduced, and you can enter."


"It turns out that the situation the elders are facing after breaking the Yuan is several times more tragic than the battle of the demons! They are not abandoning us, but saving us, leaving hope and inheritance for the people..."



"One thousand three hundred and forty years after the broken Yuan: The Heart Sutra of the Blood Beasts has been perfected, and I have also found a new way to cultivate the blood beasts, but I have tried countless times, but I still can't extract the meaning of madness."

"Forget it, my longevity is approaching. If the disciples of the blood beast sect can enter the realm of the gods, they will continue to try to search for the madness of the devil. Remember, even if the cultivation base has entered the middle stage of the gods, you can't try to ascend..."


"This manuscript is inherited by the great elders of this sect. The disciples of later generations should not forget that the source of the blood beast sect is the first sect of the human race, the One Yuan sect!"

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