The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1157 Prestige

With the end of the Wanren Mountain War, the Holy Demon Sect, whose strength has been greatly reduced, has already evacuated from this magical paradise.

For a while, some powerful demon sects and even loose cultivators in Yunlu State rushed to go there, wanting to divide and compete for the Wanren Mountains.

There were also more and more demon cultivators who saw the broken and collapsed Baizhang Mountain at the core of the mountain range. The terrifying aura of the Yuan Qi transformation made all the Yuan Ying demon cultivators feel terrified. They all inquired about what happened here. fighting.


In a square market in Yunlu Prefecture, a dozen or so well-known demon cultivators sat on a pavilion on the top of a mountain, drinking spirit tea and chatting.

These people have deep breaths, and they all have cultivation bases above the Nascent Soul Stage. Some of the most powerful magic cultivators are the Nascent Soul Loose Cultivators who participated in the Wanren Mountain War more than two months ago, the old demon Nebula and The leader, Mr. Xie, was standing there.

A young woman with a face like a peach blossom and a bumpy figure, covered her mouth and exclaimed: "I didn't expect so many spirits to exist, but fortunately the little girl is in retreat and didn't go, otherwise, if she was involved, the consequences would be unimaginable. ."

Sitting across from him was Old Monster Xie, and he said with a look of fear in his eyes: "It is also a blessing that this old man has a few life-saving supernatural powers, although he was hit by the aftermath of the transformation of the gods, but there was no danger, but Brother Ma happened to be with him. The elders of the Holy Demon Sect fought, and under their negligence, someone took the opportunity to destroy their physical body, and only Nascent Soul escaped, I don’t know if they have recovered now.”

Hearing this, the young woman said with a somewhat sad expression: "Little sister and Brother Ma have a good relationship, I know that he has already used the opportunity to seize the body, and if only Nascent Soul is left, I am afraid I can only find a safe place to spend the rest of my life. "

While she was speaking, there were faint tears in her bright eyes, and she seemed to be really sad for this loose cultivator.

At this time, a man who looked like a teenager and also had the cultivation base of the middle Nascent Soul said: "Xie old monster, even the great cultivator's spiritual sense can't observe the battle of the senior gods, how can you be so clear about the details of the battle? ."

The withered old man smiled slightly and said, "During the war, there were still some fellow Daoists who also cultivated spiritual powers, but most of the details of the battle came from the Blood Beast Gate."

The young man nodded lightly, and his eyes flashed a bit of weirdness and said: "However, when several seniors of the gods were fighting, it turned out that the ape and demon king was superior and took the magic dragon blade. This result is not surprising. When did the demon clan have such a terrifying existence."

"And as far as Fu knows, the land monsters have disappeared, and the outer seas are ruled by the sea clan. There are sea beasts with the blood of the real dragon. Where did this monkey king come from?"

The surrounding demonic cultivators also showed some doubts when they heard the words.

The land of Dazhou is dominated by human race cultivators. Only the Wulonghai west of Xihai Prefecture has a large number of monsters, almost all of them from the sea tribe. I have never heard of any tyrannical monster ape race.

Old Demon Nebula, who had been silent at this moment, raised his head to look at the expressions of the crowd, and suddenly said, "You are all wrong, that black monster ape is not a monster, but a senior from the human race."

"Human God?"

"No way, how can the human race change with a giant ape of five feet in size."

"Nebula, where did your news come from?"

Old Demon Nebula said slowly: "Not long ago, a friend of mine in the Shadow Pavilion revealed the origin of this alienated god. This news has already been sold in the Shadow Pavilion, so it should be true."

When everyone heard this sentence, they were all stunned, and the Shadow Pavilion was involved. The credibility of the news was extremely high, and the Ting Pavilion was quiet for a while.

After a while, Old Monster Xie said with a somewhat cautious expression: "Old Demon Xingyun, if it is a human race, which senior is he from?"

"Yeah, if there is an extra god in Da Zhou, there will be visions in the heavens and the earth. It's impossible not to know. Could it be from another immortal cultivation region?"

Old Demon Xingyun put away the jade pendant in his hand, took a sip of the spiritual tea in front of him, and said, "I don't know much. According to the information from Shadow Pavilion, that strange human race deity is from the Southwest Immortal Cultivation Realm."

"Southwest Immortal Cultivation World?"

"If you can control the devil's vitality, it must be a god-turning devil cultivator, the blood refining sect of Qi country?"

"Blood Refinement Sect! I know, this person is Pang Qitian!"

"Old Demon Pang!"

Hearing the Southwest Xiu Xianjie, the figure of a magician giant immediately appeared in the mind of the scattered cultivator of the magic way below, with a look of horror in his eyes, as if he was afraid of the name Pang Qitian.

Old Demon Xingyun also knew the name of Old Demon Pang of the Blood Refinement Sect. He shook his head and said, "You are wrong. Now there is a more powerful sect called the Refinement Pavilion in the Southwest Cultivation World."

"This human race deity is the master of the Body Refinement Pavilion, Lu Kun!"

Everyone was stunned.

"Physical Refinement Pavilion? What sect is this?"

"Never heard of it, body training? Could it be that the main training method is to cultivate the physical body?"

Many of these Demon Dao Loose Cultivators have traveled to the Qi Kingdom, but they have never heard of the name of the Body Refinement Pavilion.

The old demon Xingyun thought about the message in the jade pendant just now, and exclaimed in his eyes: "It is said that this body training pavilion is a hidden world sect, it was just born more than two hundred years ago, and the main practice is the cultivation world. It has never appeared in the world of immortality. The body-refining technique that I have experienced can cultivate the physical body to an incredible realm, even surpassing that of the monster beasts."

When everyone heard this, they all boiled.

"There is such a practice in this world."

"Flesh more than the demon clan?"

"Could it be that Pavilion Master Lu turned into a giant ape of five feet, is it a kind of body refining supernatural power?"

All present here are old monsters who have lived for hundreds of years. They have seen all kinds of bizarre secret techniques, and they may cultivate the magical exercises of the flesh. They have never heard of them, and some people even have a strange luster in their eyes.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Old Demon Xingyun showed a bit of mockery and said, "There is a sect with God Transformation in charge, but you are still greedy. Do you guys know why the Master of the Body Refinement Pavilion came to Qi State?"

Without waiting for the others to reply, he sneered: "Because the people from Taixuan Sect and the Holy Demon Sect coveted the exercises of the Body Refinement Pavilion, they went to the Elder Yuanying who went to the Southwest Cultivation Realm, and they were all killed by the Body Refinement Pavilion."

"A few months ago, it was rumored that there were many elders in Taixuanzong who fell, and even in Taixuanzong's territory, several resource points were destroyed by the Lu Pavilion master."

"Senior Gu of Taixuanzong came to the Wanren Mountains to follow Pavilion Master Lu, but it is a pity that even if he joins forces with Old Demon Wu of Yuanmozong, he still can't help this strong man."

"These two sects coveted the cultivation of the body, one is almost half-crippled, and the other relies on the monks of the god-transforming stage to sit in the town and barely keep their vitality, but it is impossible to restore their peak strength without hundreds of years. "

"If you guys are greedy for physique exercises, you should measure it yourself..."


When everyone heard Old Demon Nebula's words, they couldn't help but take a deep breath. The greed in their eyes disappeared, replaced by endless fear.

"It turns out that the Taixuan Sect and the Holy Demon Sect were brought down by the Body Refinement Pavilion, which is too ruthless."

"If this Pavilion Master Lu is capable of rivaling the two gods, doesn't it mean that the strength of the Body Refinement Pavilion is comparable to the Five Spirit Views..."

After Old Demon Nebula said this, he put down the teacup in his hand and said, "That's all I know. You can go to the Shadow Pavilion to buy detailed information. I want to prepare for the Shattered Nation in a hundred years, so I don't need to compete for the Wanren Mountains. Participated, farewell."

After speaking, the old demon Nebula turned into a streamer and flew out of the pavilion.

The rest of the Demon Dao Loose Cultivators, each with a different look, all left after chatting for a while.

There is no Shadow Pavilion in Fangshi here, and many people plan to buy information about this Pavilion Master Lu.

They naturally have no greed, coveting their practice, they will be destroyed by Tu Zong, such an arrogant sect, who dares to provoke, learn more information, is afraid of accidentally provoke the disciples of the body training pavilion in the future...

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