The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1159 Arrangement

Wei State, Yunling Mountains.

In the main hall of the mountain gate of Lianti Pavilion, Lu Kun sat in the first seat, and there were many people sitting below, Yue Longfei, Fang Yuan, Huang Xiaoyun, and Pan Yan were all there.

There is also Qin Yushu, who has entered the early stage of Nascent Soul and became the deputy pavilion owner of the Refinement Pavilion, in charge of the Treasure Pavilion.

Lu Kun was talking about Da Zhou's experience, and finally he showed a bit of relief and said: "After I made such a fuss, Da Zhou should not have the idea of ​​​​trying to train the body."

Before returning to Wei State, he deliberately revealed some information about the Body Refinement Pavilion through the Shadow Pavilion, Xu Yao from the Blood Beast Gate, and the Old Demon Xingyun. His "terrifying strength" as the master of the Body Refinement Pavilion.

The following people listened to Lu Kun's remarks, and their expressions were extremely shocked. They only knew that their pavilion master's combat power was higher than that of the great cultivator, but they didn't expect to be able to confront the gods.

God Transformation Stage, that is the most powerful existence in this world. These people are even more shocked than Da Zhou's immortal cultivators. Others don't know, but they know that Lu Kun is only in the middle stage of bone transformation. How terrible would it be.

After a while, Yue Longfei came back to his senses and said:

"Although the name of the pavilion master stuns Xiaoxiao, in the face of such a strange and powerful sect, the top sect of Da Zhou will definitely send spies. Just like the Chu Kingdom, we have to be on guard."

Lu Kun pondered for a while and said, "The Body Refinement Pavilion is guarded by the Mountain of Oaths. It is difficult to detect the situation inside the door. Instead of guarding against it secretly, it is better to open the door to the southwest region."

"The Tongtian River is the boundary between the two countries. Due to the existence of space cracks and Xunfeng, it is difficult for immortal cultivators without strength to pass. Treasure Pavilion can try to build a large spirit boat specially transported to actively connect the Great Zhou."

He looked at Qin Yushu and said, "Yushu, I will trouble you next. Contact the two great demon gates of Qi to build a city of commerce and a ferry in Beizhou."

"The immortal cultivators in Dazhou use our spirit boat to cross the river. They not only have to pay for spirit stones, but also have to be registered."

Qin Yushu heard the words, his eyes lit up and said: "The pavilion master is brilliant, so, not only can you earn the spirit stone of Da Zhou, but also get the news of Da Zhou at the first time."

Lu Kun looked at Yue Longfei and said, "Brother Yue, please go to Qi with Yushu. With your support, the Blood Refinement Sect and the Yin-Yang Sect dare not play any tricks."

Yue Longfei responded, "Yes, pavilion master."

If it is other late Nascent Soul, I am afraid that they are unwilling to do this kind of protection work, but Yue Longfei is different, without Lu Kun's help, he will not be so easy to enter the realm of the great cultivator.

Moreover, the pavilion master also gave him Xuanqingchi. With such a powerful treasure, his strength has increased by a few chips. In addition, Lu Kun has the explosive power of a god, and Yue Longfei is in awe of him.

"Go get ready now."


When the two of them left, Lu Kun looked at Fairy Fang Yuan and asked, "How is the progress of Xiong Shan's half-demon technique?"

Fairy Fang Yuan said: "This son is in retreat, the specific situation is still unknown, but before he retreated, he seemed to be quite confident."

Lu Kun pondered for a while, a flash of light flashed in his hand, and a jade slip appeared and threw it away.

Fairy Fang Yuan grabbed it in her hand, swept away her consciousness, and murmured, "The technique of cultivating blood monsters?"

Lu Kun said: "This secret technique was created by the disciples of the ancient Yuan Dynasty. It has a deep research on all kinds of monsters, including blood vessels, internal organs, muscles, and monster bones."

"Our research on the half-demon body is to transfer the blood power of monsters by exchanging the bones of humans and monsters. This jade slip is of great reference value. You can make a copy and give it to Xiong Shan."

Fang Yuan hesitated and said, "Pavilion Master, it seems that there is a mention of blood and blood magic power. Is it the evil energy in the body-refining exercise? Xiong Shan is still in the bone-hardening stage, if he is in contact with blood and blood magic power now..."

Lu Kun waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, there is no cultivation method of qi, blood and magic power. It's no problem to leave it to him."

"Yes, Pavilion Master." Fang Yuan nodded when she heard the words, and put away the jade slip.

Lu Kun continued: "By the way, although the southwest immortal cultivation area has been released, you must be more careful in Wei State. From now on, you should arrange for the elders of the Yuan Ying period of Hualing Pavilion to patrol the territory in turn. If there are any infiltrating Wei State Unfamiliar cultivator, take it directly."

"If you encounter a major cultivator or above, or if the situation is special, then report to me."

Fairy Fang Yuan respectfully said: "Okay, I will arrange the concubine."

After she finished speaking, she bowed and exited the hall.


Lu Kun looked at the two remaining disciples in the hall, and said slowly, "There is an arduous task that I have to give you."

Huang Xiaoyun and Pan Yan looked positive.

"Let go of consciousness."

While speaking, Lu Kun's spiritual consciousness in the late Nascent Soul came out through his body, and two wonderful magic techniques were introduced into the minds of the two disciples.

After half an hour, the two body cultivators in the early stage of bone transformation opened their eyes, with a bit of excitement in their expressions.

Pan Yan couldn't help but said, "Master, this bloody mind can really suppress the magic power of qi and blood?"

Lu Kun affirmed: "In the late Nascent Soul, the devil's body is weak, and he can use this power to control the magic power of blood and blood, and bless it in the flesh and blood without being swallowed. Containment will only get stronger."

When he said this, he paused and asked, "Do you know the first difficulty in breaking through the bone transformation period?"

Huang Xiaoyun nodded and said: "Well, this difficulty is to refine oneself and generate physical source power. The biggest difficulty is how to resist the devouring of blood and magic power."

Lu Kun sighed softly: "The energy level of blood and blood magic power is extremely high, even higher than the magic power of alien attributes of immortal cultivators. Judging from the successful breakthrough of the three of us, there are two ways to resist its devouring."

"One is to use the magic power stronger than the blood magic power. Xiaoyun, your magic gold magic power with the property of breaking the magic, and my five elements chaotic magic power are all this kind of energy."

"Another method is to rely on the defense of the bones themselves. Pan Yan's bones are surprisingly strong, and the same is true for my bones that are fused with silver dragon meteorite, and the blood and magic power is difficult to swallow."

"But these two methods are not suitable for ordinary physical training. The first difficulty in breaking through the bone transformation stage stopped Qingtian and the three of them..."

Lu Kun thought of the three fallen disciples, the pain in his eyes flashed, and he murmured: "But with blood and mind, it will be different."

"The one I just passed on to you is the original Blood Beast Heart Sutra, and the other, on the way back, improved the blood-bright mind condensing technique suitable for physical cultivation."

"Bone Treasure Dacheng's body repair began to condense the embryo of blood Mingnian when cultivating the magic power of qi and blood. As the magic power of qi and blood gradually devoured the essence of the flesh, the embryo of blood Mingnian gradually increased."

"Finally, using the method of coagulation of the body to cultivate the imprint of the flesh, penetrate into the bones, so that the bone treasure has the attribute of blood and mind. With the help of this special attribute, this first difficulty reduces a lot of risks."

Lu Kun looked at the two disciples in the early stage of bone transformation, and said solemnly: "Although this secret method was modified by the master based on the experience of body refining, but the actual effect is unknown."

"Next, I will retreat and practice, and seize the time to improve my cultivation. The perfection of this secret technique will be handed over to you. When necessary, I can arrange for physical training disciples to practice and observe."

Huang Xiaoyun and Pan Yan reverberated with this secret technique in their minds, and their eyes flashed with excitement.

"Yes, Master."

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