The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1168 Mysterious vision

The disciples of the Blood Refinement Sect were galloping on a hill full of weeds, and Lei Batian looked at the scenery below and murmured: "Fly another hundred miles, you will reach the Dream Demon Plain, and you will pass through the Chaos Valley. already."

Zhou Yue was beside him, rubbing a milky white jade bracelet in his hand, and the spiritual light on it flickered, he said: "The contact jade talisman of the Yin-Yang Holy Sect has responded, and the distance between us is getting closer and closer, said Maybe they will be sooner..."


At this moment, a thunderous roar suddenly sounded in everyone's ears, as if the whole world was in anger, and the escape of these Blood Refining Sect disciples could not help slowing down.

Immediately afterwards, the sky above the sky lit up with a silver light, showing a vast and boundless light of prohibition, illuminating all the earth on the second layer of the secret realm.

But this silver light, like lightning, was short-lived, disappeared after a breath or two, and the world fell into darkness again.

"What just happened!"

"Why is there thunder, the secret realm is different from the outside world, and it is impossible to form a natural thunderstorm?"

"The sky has changed, and someone is forcibly attacking the entrance to the secret realm outside?"

"Wait, have you noticed that the surrounding magic energy flows in one direction?"

"It seems so, hey, look there!"

Everyone followed the disciple's gesture and looked to the east. Through some broken restrictions, they could vaguely see an area emitting red light in the distance.

Countless strong demonic energy gathered in that direction, forming a black funnel cloud in the air.

"The vision of the secret realm! When Chaos Valley appeared in the world, I heard that there was a similar vision!" Zhou Yue's mind flashed, suddenly understood something, and said excitedly.

Lei Batian heard the words, the magic light surged in his hand, and a jade slip appeared, he penetrated into his consciousness, and compared the scene in the distance, he muttered: "According to the records in the door, there should be a lava cave, a real devil. One of the purification places of the water, but there are nearly twenty high-level monsters living in the magic cave, and in the lava environment, these monsters have amazing magical powers, and everyone is reluctant to provoke them."

Then he remembered something, and frowned slightly: "Strange, this situation is a bit like the vision of a magic cultivator breaking through the Nascent Soul."

Zhou Yue was stunned and said, "Breakthrough? Could it be that a Molten crocodile has broken through to the eighth level of Warcraft?"

"But I've never heard of this level of monsters appearing in the secret realm."

Lei Batian hesitated and gritted his teeth: "It's impossible to turn a blind eye to this kind of opportunity, go take a look, go!"

After he finished speaking, he waved one hand, the magic power surged in his body, and with everyone's escape light, he drew an arc in the air and flew to the east.


The distance of dozens of miles is fleeting for these cultivators of the pill formation stage, but due to the incomplete restrictions around them, everyone's spiritual consciousness cannot be probed from a long distance.

When they arrived near the red light area, the scene of the lava cave came into their field of vision.

Beneath the huge black magic cloud was a narrow and long valley. From a distance, it looked like a crack in the ground cracked open. There was lava pool water flowing in it, and there were many gray rocks in the middle.

In the middle of the small valley, there is a pitch-black hole. There are no Molten crocodiles around. There are only four thin figures. They are suspended above the hole with their knees crossed. grey small sword.

"Sword Cultivator of the Body Refinement Pavilion?"

Everyone in the Blood Refinement Sect was stunned when they saw this scene.

At the same time, the middle-aged man with the deepest breath at the head seemed to sense something, opened his eyes, saw these people outside the small valley, and uttered a word from his mouth extremely cold.


As he spoke, he moved the sword in his hand, his index finger pointed to the sky, and a dark golden three-footed sword energy shot out from the small sword in front of him. Blazing towards the Blood Refining Sect people.

Lei Batian and Zhou Yue had expressions of shock and anger on their faces. They were astonished at how Jian Xiu from the Body Refinement Pavilion could be here. They were angry at Dugu Yiming's words and ignored them at all.

In the face of this terrifying sword energy that was attacking rapidly, the two did not dare to neglect, the magic power surged in their bodies, and a short-handled axe and a long sword suddenly appeared, turned into two magic lights, and greeted them.

Who knows, the two magic treasures motivated by the magic cultivator of the peak of the core, just as soon as they came into contact with the sword qi, the magic light on them spontaneously collapsed, and they were shot and flew out without any resistance, and the light of the sword qi just dimmed. a bit.

Zhou Yue's pupils shrank suddenly, and he clearly sensed that the magic power in the magic sword was rapidly shrinking, as if he had encountered some kind of natural enemy, Lei Batian felt the same way, he lost his voice:

"No, it's the sharp power of Jianxiu! It's invincible, a few brothers, hurry up and use the secret technique!"

Hearing Lei Batian's words, the expressions of the remaining eight disciples of the Blood Refining Sect froze, and the magic power in their bodies surged rapidly. A thick blood-red shield enveloped them, and the unique coercion of Nascent Soul's power permeated.


The blood red and dark golden rays of light are intertwined with each other. Fortunately, the magic power contained in this sword qi is not much. After only a few breaths, it gradually dimmed and dissipated.

Zhou Yue wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "Dugu Yiming has actually cultivated a sharp power, which is equivalent to stepping into the Nascent Soul Stage with half a foot. It is no wonder that the Body Refinement Pavilion only sent four sword cultivators."

Lei Batian looked at the entrance of the lava magic cave guarded by Jianxiu. For some reason, he smelled a dangerous breath and said decisively: "The task of the first elder is very important, it is not appropriate to have a revenge with the body refining pavilion, withdraw!"

The rest of the people nodded hurriedly, keeping the blood-red shield and escaping to the original path.

Lei Batian had heard the reputation of Dugu Yiming, and even if he stepped into it with half a foot, its attack power was probably not much different from that of the real Nascent Soul.

Although Demon Zombies and Seed Demon Orbs are both powers against the Nascent Soul level, they are expensive to mobilize and cannot be used easily.

This is a lava burrow, where did the dozen or so lava crocodiles go? Whether they were all killed by these four sword cultivators, or were they trapped in the cave, what was going on with this vision, and why did the sword cultivators in the Refinement Pavilion guard here.

All of this made Lei Batian feel unusual and did not dare to test it out easily.


Not long after the people of the Blood Refinement Sect left, in this small lava valley, apart from the four sword cultivators, twenty-nine figures appeared out of thin air. They were scattered all over the valley, and there was no aura on their bodies. It was the body refining pavilion. Bone treasure period disciple.

The people closest to the entrance of the cave were two men and one woman, Li Qianfeng, Zhao Qiming and Duan Yiyun. They ignored the people from the Blood Refinement Sect, and looked at the sky quietly.

Excitement flashed in Li Qianfeng's eyes: "With such a magical vision, it is clear that Uncle Jin has refined his own bone treasure and generated the source power of the flesh!"

Duan Yiyun said with a smile on his face: "The pavilion master's judgment is right, in the secret realm of one yuan, the catastrophe will not come, such a place is simply prepared for the cultivation of bone treasures, as long as the source power of the flesh is generated, there is enough. Time to practice combat skills."

Zhao Qiming shook his head and said with a cautious expression: "It's not that simple, without the nourishment of the calamity energy, the source power of the flesh can only use half of the magical power, otherwise, under the explosion of the semi-fused magical energy, the bone treasure will be terrifyingly destroyed. Destroyed by force, there is no place for burial in death.”

"Practicing combat skills in this state, I have to be more careful."

Li Qianfeng took a deep breath and said, "You guys are thinking too far. The most urgent task is to complete the first step. Now that Master Jin has succeeded, it's up to us!"

"Although the Body Refinement Pavilion is supported by the prestige of the pavilion owner, if there is not enough bone transformation stage body repair, it cannot be regarded as a real rise."

"We must not fail!"

The eyes of these three bone treasures were full of determination.

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