The Ancestor of Body Repair

#1176 monster (below)

With the penetration of flesh and blood, the magic hand that Lei Batian cast suddenly trembled violently, the incomparably deep magic inside seemed to be shaken layer by layer like waves, and the surrounding black magic mist rolled outwards.

At the same time, in the surrounding air, there appeared one after another colorful restraining power, and these restraining auras flashed wildly, as if they were under great pressure.

When the magic cultivators at the core of the formation saw this scene, their expressions changed greatly, and a few hurriedly input magic power into the forbidden tokens in their hands.


But the next moment, the huge Gorefiend's hand and the shaky Forbidden Light around it all shattered.

The surging air waves swept in all directions, and the ground shook violently as if it had been hit by some kind of terrifying brute force.

The surrounding circles are the fine products of the Blood Refinement Sect and the Yin-Yang Sacred Sect, which can resist the powerful prohibition of the cultivators of the Nascent Soul period, but they were directly broken.

Looking from a distance, in this vast array, a blank spherical area with a radius of ten feet appeared, and the broken forbidden aura and magic fog were squeezed out.

When the two disciples of the two demon sects saw this scene, they swallowed their spit involuntarily, and their eyes flashed with horror. According to their understanding of the battle method, even the cultivators in the early Nascent Souls could not be able to do this.

What is the humanoid flesh and blood just now?

How did these monsters come back to life?

Why can their corpses fuse and burst out with such terrifying power?

These questions flashed through everyone's mind, and for a while, the formation became silent.

"Dong dong dong..."

Suddenly there were several strong and powerful heartbeats in the air, like heavy drums, beating in the heart, and there was a terrible breath around, making people feel breathless.

Immediately afterwards, a force of qi and blood as deep as the sea rose into the sky, the broken spiritual light in the hollow area of ​​the formation was squeezed out, and a huge figure gradually emerged.

This is a monster that looks like a human race, and is covered with gray-black scales.

It is more than ten feet tall, and on its round head, except for pig ears, wolf nose, tiger teeth, and horns, the rest are human-like, and even have short black hair.

The waist is wider than the water tank, a bit like a hybrid of a bear and a lizard.

The front section of the thick, scaly limbs has five fingers, sharp claws resembling a human hand, and a thick lizard tail swaying slightly behind it.

Unlike the previous pig-headed monster, this humanoid monster's eyes are turbid, and the color of the pupils is constantly changing between blood red and black, and there are bloodthirsty, confusion, longing, pain and other complex eyes flowing inside.

At the moment when the monster appeared, the air within a range of ten feet distorted, as if a circular energy field was drawn back and squeezed three feet outside the skin, forming a vague energy layer.


Suddenly, the monster's thick tail was thrown into the void, and accompanied by a harsh sonic boom, this behemoth charged towards the location of the crowd with violent wind pressure.

The surrounding black magic fog fell three feet outside the monster, and was squeezed away, almost unable to hinder its sprint, and this invisible energy seemed to carry a terrifying attack power, and wherever it passed, there were hidden restrictions The aura was flickering incessantly, and it looked like it was being squeezed out at any time.

A few dozen meters away, before they could fully see the monster's appearance, they saw the other party rushing over, and they were all so frightened that they lost their minds.

This terrifying speed is several times faster than the previous Warcraft, and they even felt that the escape of the cultivators in the Nascent Soul period was not so fast, and the distance of a hundred meters was probably fleeting.


Lei Batian roared violently, and a nine-foot-tall figure appeared in front of him at some point. His body was covered with purple-black scales, and there were ferocious bone spurs growing at the joints of his bones.

It was Qian Jingshan's monster.

The chief disciple of the Blood Refining Sect bit the tip of his tongue, stimulated a mass of blood essence, formed a special blood mark, and penetrated into the head of the demon. The latter's closed eyes suddenly opened, exuding extreme brutality. eyes.

Then accompanied by the sound of air tearing, the demon rushed out at an alarming speed, while Lei Batian sat down with his knees crossed, chanting words in his mouth, and continued to move the magic in his hands, as if he was using some kind of spell to control the demon.

When the others saw this, they breathed a sigh of relief. The speed of the demon seemed to be comparable to that of the monster, and the body was extremely tough. soared.

Everyone took action one after another. The people of the Yin-Yang Holy Sect controlled the power of the formation, and the eight disciples of the Blood Refinement Sect formed a defensive square, and a blood-red shield containing the breath of the Nascent Soul emerged.

Deming, Yue Feiyan, and Zhou Yue did not care about saving the power of Nascent Soul. Two short knives and one long sword exuded powerful pressure and rushed out with the demon.


The two huge bodies collided directly, making a heavy clashing sound, and a turbulent air wave churned in all directions.

Unexpectedly, the humanoid monster just staggered and stopped its figure, but the demon froze upside down, like a cockroach shaking a tree, with no resistance at all.

After seeing this scene, all the demon cultivators whose morale was like a rainbow were all dumbfounded, especially Lei Batian, who was even more incredible.

This demonic jerk is the avatar of the great elder's phantom demon child-mother art. Although the cold and cold magic power in the body dissipates before entering the secret realm, it can also fight against the eighth-ninth-level monsters with its physical body alone.

Such a powerful existence was actually knocked out like this?

What terrifying power is contained within this strange creature!


After the humanoid monster was stopped, it did not continue to charge. It tilted its head, its wolf nose twitched, smelling the corpse stench in the air, and its eyes soon fell on the figure of the zombie, the red and black light in its eyes, I don't know why, it suddenly flashed.


The monster raised its thick hands and held its head, and the scales were filled with strong muscles, which seemed to be extremely painful.

After a while, the black light in its eyes burst out, suppressing the bloodthirsty red light, and a hoarse and painful voice spit out from the mouth full of fangs:

"Ah... it's you... you... all be damned!"

Immediately afterwards, a black light film flashed across the surface of his body, and his body suddenly shrank in a circle, from the original height of more than ten feet to seven feet.

It "thumped" and landed on the ground from mid-air, extending its right paw.

Seven or eight feet away, the Demon Zong, who just got up, suddenly stopped moving, his arms and legs were together, and he kept struggling. There seemed to be an invisible force in the air that bound him. This force surpassed its brute force. With the help of the cold magic power, it can't break free at all.

At this time, Zhou Yue and the others immediately reacted. Three dazzling magic weapons rushed towards the opponent's head. Deming remembered very clearly that the weakness of the monsters in the Warcraft Garden was the human-shaped head.

But who knew that this monster stretched out another claw, and the three magic weapons were directly fixed at a position of ten feet. They trembled violently in mid-air, as if they were bound by invisible forces like a demon.

Then, with a wave of the monster's thick arm, it was like throwing a piece of garbage, and the three magical treasures containing the power of the Nascent Soul blasted away in the direction of the demon cultivators at a faster speed.

Zhou Yue and the others were sweating profusely, their whole body's magic power and the power of Nascent Soul were agitated, trying their best to control the magic weapon, but the throwing power exceeded the limit of magic power control and could not stop the momentum at all.


The formation outside the core of the formation was directly smashed, hitting the blood-red shield behind, and the two Nascent Soul-level might stalemate each other, and the three of them barely controlled their magic weapons.

Everyone's expressions were sluggish, and they couldn't believe their eyes. The strength of this monster was far beyond their imagination, and it was definitely much more terrifying than Demon Zong.

"What the hell is this..."

"The power is at least equivalent to the ninth-level monster, not afraid of the power of the Nascent Soul, and there are all kinds of strange magical powers."

"Our strength is not a level at all..."


After the humanoid monster threw out the magic weapon, the invisible force forcibly restrained the monster in front of it, the thick claws pressed on its head, and a trace of dark black liquid flowed out of the fingertips, like small dexterous snakes, following the magic. Stiff mouth, nose and ears, drilled in.

"Senior Brother Lei, don't worry about the devil's stiffness, life is the most important thing, with this kind of strength, even if the Nascent Soul Stage elders in the door come over, they are not necessarily opponents..."

Lei Batian was a little hesitant in his heart, so he ran away like this. Not to mention the failure of the first elder's mission, he also lost his old man's avatar. If he went back, he would be severely punished.

But he immediately noticed that the demonic stiffness and its induction were rapidly weakening, and he couldn't help clenching his fists, gritted his teeth, and said, "Let's withdraw!"

As if receiving amnesty, everyone quickly formed a formation, and the disciples of the Yin-Yang Holy Sect smashed a restraining law, and the formation that covered a range of hundreds of meters suddenly burst open.

The two disciples turned into a blood-red light and fled to the sky in a huge roar...

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