The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1189 The Vision of Zhongzhou

After the disciples of the two major demon sects left, there were only those from the Body Refinement Pavilion near the entrance to the One Yuan Secret Realm.

They adjusted their positions. Lu Kun and Yue Longfei were separated by seven or eight miles. One north and one south were suspended in two directions of the pothole, while Fairy Fang Yuan and Huang Xiaoyun stayed in the cloud treading boat in the distance.

Everyone silently stared at the entrance pit, with a little excitement in their expressions.


Time passed quickly, and for a cultivator like Lu Kun, a month was just a snap of a finger.

On this day, the restrictions at the entrance to the secret realm flickered wildly, and along with the chaotic spirit winds, more than 30 white auras emerged, revealing many burly figures.

These are all disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion, and there are a lot of them. In addition, there is a huge monster with a height of nearly ten feet, surrounded by a thick layer of fuzzy air, exuding a terrifying wave.

Yue Longfei and the others felt the pressure, and their expressions changed. In their opinion, the pressure of this physical body seemed to be no less than that of Lu Kun.

Hong Yuntian also noticed something, turned his head to look at Lu Kun, and his eyes flashed with shock. Although he had some guesses, he still felt incredible after seeing the main body of Pavilion Master Lu.

The blood and magic power in his body is condensing in his body, and he seems to be a little afraid. This is almost impossible for the evil energy that covets powerful flesh and blood.


With the appearance of this group of people, a dull thunder suddenly exploded in the cloudless sky, and the deep pit of the secret realm began to tremble violently.

Lu Kun seemed to sense the situation in Hong Yuntian's body, and restrained the fluctuation of the source power. He looked up at the thick dark cloud that manifested, and said solemnly: "The non-Dacheng disciple is preparing to protect the law, and the transcendence disciple will follow the plan and surround the secret realm. !"

"Yes, Pavilion Master!"

Following Lu Kun's words, the bodies of these body-cultivation disciples all moved.

Xiao Jin flew to Lu Kun first and threw a flesh-and-blood spine, and then with Hong Yuntian, one east and one west, scattered on the edge of the cave in the secret realm, while the three of Li Qianfeng shot towards the other side of the cave. go.

These five tribulation cultivators formed a circle around the thousand-zhang pothole in the secret realm. Each person was four or five miles apart. The thick dark clouds in the sky were also separated into five parts with these people, suspended above them.

There are five wonderful auras surging between the heavens and the earth, and they can actually absorb the magic aura from the restriction of the secret realm. In addition, this wonderful fluctuation spreads farther in all directions.

Those demonic auras close to the Zhongzhou area seemed to be affected, and they all surged, rushing into the barren land of Zhongzhou, which is only a thousand miles away, and rolled up violent hurricanes.

The immortal cultivators who were close to Zhongzhou all discovered such amazing visions, and they could also feel the terrifying aura of destruction in the depths of Zhongzhou.

Huang Xiaoyun, Fairy Fang Yuan, and more than twenty disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion scattered in all directions at this time, expelling those immortal cultivators who were attracted by the vision of heaven and earth.


After a while, the spinal column in Lu Kun's hand returned to its original bone shape, and the spiritual thoughts inside were absorbed by him. He already knew everything that happened in the secret realm.

He looked at the high sky above Hong Yuntian's head, where the darkness was overwhelming, the thunderclouds were extremely thick, and one-third of the surrounding demonic energy gathered by the rules of heaven and earth poured into this place.

Although the thunder tribulation has not yet occurred, the aura exuded from it is more than double that of Huang Xiaoyun and the others...

Lu Kun's eyes narrowed.

"Such a heavy robbery cloud is very close to what I have crossed in the past. Nine times out of ten, it is a nine-layer thunder robbery, but the devil energy contained in it is not much, and its power should be weaker."

"Brother Hong has learned almost all physical training combat skills and body refining secret techniques. The combat power is more than double that of the previous flesh and blood clone. Even if it is a nine-layer thunder tribulation, there should be a good chance of passing through."

Thinking in his heart, he turned to look at Xiao Jin again.

The robbery cloud above the little monkey is not comparable to Hong Yuntian's, and the total amount of heaven and earth vitality is similar, the only difference is that there is a mixture of spiritual vitality and demonic vitality in it.

"Xiaojin and Hong Yuntian are not human beings, and they are both nine-star-level physical aptitudes. The scope of the source force field reaches three feet, and they are all nine-level thunder tribulations. If they cross the calamity elsewhere, the risk is not small."

"But here, although the power of thunder tribulation is astonishing, but the magic spirit energy is scarce and many people cross the tribulation at the same time, the landing speed of thunder tribulation is slow, and there is enough time to prepare."

"Xiaojin also used that trick, but his defense is weaker than mine, and the risk is not small..."

Finally, Lu Kun turned his attention to the three disciples in the distance.

Zhao Qiming used the Poison Wood Refinement as the foundation to achieve the five poisonous bodies. The resilience of the physical body is extremely amazing. As long as the blood essence is sufficient, it is even more exaggerated than the ordinary immortal body.

The power of the five poisons that he cultivated is a special high-level energy. In addition, he has spent more than half a year familiar with the combat skills, and the difficulty of crossing the calamity is much lower than that of Zhao Qingtian back then.

Not to mention Duan Yiyun on the other side, his physical aptitude is higher than Huang Xiaoyun, and his fist, heart and sword are even more proficient.

As for Li Qianfeng, Lu Kun looked at the disciple from a distance with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The disciple who practiced the body-refinement magic art brought him a lot of surprises.

In the previous battle in the secret realm, the blood and blood magic energy devoured a large amount of the flesh and blood essence of the zombie clone. After refining, this essence seemed to fit the body very well.

After Lu Kun's soul-splitting research, it was found that these essences were somewhat similar to Hong Yuntian's flesh-and-blood clone, and could temporarily strengthen the fleshly body, enhancing strength and defense.

Although it is only a one-time use of energy, transcending the calamity at this time is equivalent to an extra trump card.

Time passed quickly, even though Zhongzhou was barren, five people survived the calamity at the same time, but under the action of the rules of heaven and earth, a large amount of demonic aura and vitality of heaven and earth still poured into this place.

The five dark clouds became thicker and thicker, and within a thousand miles, the terrifying power of destruction could be felt, and the thunderous sounds kept muffled, as if it would crash down at any time.


At the junction of Zhongzhou and Beizhou, there is a looming figure lurking in the air. This is a middle-aged man wearing a pale silver robe with a face like a crown of jade.

This person looked at Zhongzhou from a distance, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

"Such a huge gathering of demonic auras, and that terrifying power of destruction, could it be that several monsters from the Body Refinement Pavilion are going through the calamity together?"

Thinking of this, he frowned again.

"That's not right. Monster Beast Transcends Tribulation. It has a huge demand for the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It is impossible to choose this barren land."

This middle-aged man, named Li Lanfeng, was a late Nascent Soul elder of the Wuling Temple. He was very skilled in the ventilation attribute, and was sent by the elders of the door to inquire about the reality of the Body Refinement Pavilion.

In the face of such terrifying existences as Lu Kun, which can compete with the Spirit Transformation Stage, Li Lanfeng was extremely cautious. He did not step into the Wei Kingdom, but inquired about the situation in the surrounding areas of cultivation.

He probed for several years and found that the Body Refinement Pavilion actually recruited mortals in the Jin state to the east of Wei State. He also studied the Holy Martial Order, but it contained the prohibitive power of the Stone of Oath, which could not be solved.

Li Lanfeng did not scare the snake, but lurked in Jin for a period of time. According to various clues, the Body Refinement Pavilion seemed to possess some kind of secret technique that could enable mortals to cultivate immortals.

After Li Lanfeng discovered this, his heart was utterly astonished, mortals were just ants-like existences towards them, and they never paid attention to them. Even if they recruited disciples, they were sent through the bottom-level cultivating families.

Unexpectedly, the Body Refinement Pavilion could allow mortals to cultivate immortals! The number of mortals is too terrifying, even if the chance of cultivating immortals is extremely low, it will become a terrifying force in the long run.

When he sent this discovery back to Wulingguan, the two Supreme Elders immediately issued an order to inquire about the strength of the sect of the Body Refinement Pavilion before the Shattered Kingdom opened.

After thinking about it, Li Lanfeng found the Yin-Yang Holy Sect, and asked Xu Junwen to help in exchange for a top secret technique in the door.

"This guy who is neither a man nor a woman can handle things neatly. I didn't expect that the strength of the Body Refinement Pavilion is only on the surface.

He thought that he had obtained the information not long ago, and his heart was filled with emotion.

"In this way, as long as the two uncles entangle the pervert, Wulingguan only needs to deploy half of its strength, I am afraid that this sect can be eradicated. After only a few hundred years of development, the foundation of the Refinement Pavilion is too weak."

Looking at the astronomical phenomenon in front of him, he had a certain feeling in his heart that what happened in Zhongzhou was probably related to a secret of the Body Refinement Pavilion, and he must investigate it.

"But the pavilion master Lu personally sits in the town. If the old man is not careful, he may explain it here..."

Li Lanfeng thought for a moment, and a white jade talisman appeared in his hand, with three strands of fresh air flowing in it, which seemed full of spirituality.

The color of flesh pain flashed in his eyes, he gritted his teeth, and the magic in his hand flashed. The jade talisman patted his body lightly, a cloud of mist surged, and Li Lanfeng's figure swayed, and it was divided into three.

Each avatar looks exactly the same, and even the fluctuations exuding are no different, and then three identical figures simultaneously pinch magic, turning into three wisps of breeze, disappearing in place...

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